25 September 2009

Opera 10.10 Unite Build 1799


star Highlights in this build:

* Many Unicode fixes for Unite
* Unite local (IP-address) connections to Mac should work now. If you have more than one machine on your network, you can see others running Unite by clicking the Unite icon, or right-clicking the Unite panel
* Text-shadows in Opera Widgets on Windows aren't magenta anymore
* Switch to use PNG instead of XPM for the application icon on UNIX. Should improve the icon in most Desktop Environments, it is also a bit buggy at the moment.

Homepage/Changelog/read more: http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/2009/09/25/its-a-new-day


Opera Unite application repository

HashTab 3.0 - The easiest way to verify file authenticity and integrity

HashTab v3.0.0 is now available for Windows and Mac.

HashTab by Beeblebrox.org provides OS extensions to calculate file hashes. HashTab supports many hash algorithms such as MD5, SHA1, SHA2, RipeMD, HAVAL and Whirlpool. Hashtab is supported as a Windows shell extension and a Mac Finder plugin. HashTab provides an easy way to verify file integrity and authenticity.

Once you have installed HashTab, just right click on any file. On Windows, select properties and you will see a new "File Hashes" tab. On Mac select More -> File Hashes this will start Hashtab providing more or less the same view that you see on Windows. This File Hashes window displays all the hashes for the file. You can customize which hashes are calculated and displayed. You can hash other files for comparison. You can also paste in hash text so you don't go cross-eyed trying to compare MD5 hashes. See below for more ways to use Hashtab.

- Freeware -

Homepage: http://beeblebrox.org/hashtab/

Download / MD5 hashes:

HashTab Setup.exe: 5845F52D425C75E232B1AD5EE3B189A8 (windows)
hashtab_10.4_universal_1.1.0.dmg: 272E609CCB1DC80B8EC9C1A0BC2850EE (mac)

HashTab Setup.exe 780.87 KB
hashtab_10.4_universal_1.1.0.dmg.gz 1.81 MB

Related: HashCheck Shell Extension
- open source -

TuneUp Utilities 2010 Beta 2

TuneUp Utilities 2010 Beta 2 Testversion
TuneUp Utilities 2010 Beta
Tuneup Utilities 2010 Release Press Report
TuneUp Utilities 2010 wird ab Ende Oktober in einer neuen
Version verfügbar sein. Der Windows-Optimierer wird dann
Windows 7 unterstützen. Daneben erwarten Sie noch eine
ganze Reihe neuer Funktionen zur Pflege und Leistungssteigerung
Ihres Rechners.

Neu ist eine Mini-Anwendung für Windows Vista und 7, die den
Zustand Ihres Rechners auf dem Desktop anzeigt und Ihnen
direkten Zugriff auf die Optimierungs-Funktionen bietet.

Turbo-Modus und Live-Optimierung
Ein weiteres Highlight von TuneUp Utilities 2010 ist der
Turbo-Modus. Mit ihm können Sie bei Bedarf überflüssige
Hintergrund-Funktionen abschalten und Ihrem Rechner so
einen Leistungs-Schub verpassen.

Die Live-Optimierung verkürzt Reaktionszeiten und beschleunigt
Programmstarts, auch wenn Ihr Rechner gerade durch eine
Vielzahl von laufenden Programmen belastet wird.

Einfach und intuitiv bedienbar
Auch die Oberfläche des Optimierungs-Klassikers wird
überarbeitet: Sie wird Ihnen zukünftig direkt nach dem
öffnen des Programms anzeigen, ob und welche
Optimierungs-Maßnahmen nötig sind.

TuneUp Utilities 2010 support Windows 7. In addition a whole new set of functions for maintaining and increasing performance. Another new feature is the mini-application for Windows Vista and 7 the Status displays on the desktop and direct access to the optimization functions.
A highlight is the Turbo mode. With it you can, if necessary switch unnecessary Background features off and boost the computer performance.

Änderungen in der Beta 2:

TuneUp Leistung steigern
* Die Übersichtsseite unter Leistung steigern wurde überarbeitet und beschleunigt.
* Innerhalb von TuneUp Leistung steigern. Visuelle Effekte können nun die Empfehlungen übernommen werden.

TuneUp Optimierungsbericht
* Der Optimierungsbericht zeigt nun Werte an.

TuneUp Utilities-Minianwendung
* Leistungssteigerung innerhalb der Mini-Anwendung funktioniert nun.

TuneUp System Control
* Beim Aufruf des Menüpunkts Sicherheit unter Verwaltung erscheint keine Fehlermeldung mehr.

Sonstige Änderungen
* Unter XP reagiert nun das TuneUp Icon innerhalb des Infobereichs wieder korrekt.

nfo: http://www.binsearch.info/viewNFO.php?oid=40307243&server=
news source: http://www.portalzine.tv/index?/Articles/1/read/aWQtMTY5NC0%3D/

- Beta Test Version German - Shareware

HP: http://www.chip.de/news/TuneUp-Utilities-2010-kommt-mit-Turbo-Modus_38038817.html
TuneUp Utilities 2010 Beta 2 build (beta)
TuneUp_2010-Beta2.rar | DDL1 | DDL2 |
Size: 19.34 MiB (rar)
File: TUU2010DE_Beta2_904.exe
CRC-32: e3c51b85
MD4: 9484a92903854e8a32f740c5a0c3e281
MD5: 1d2ac9fd7753f576f7750c86e23c31c6
SHA-1: ea9041cf0ff1574ecaae495adef6c0b898942d71
ImageBanana - signature.png

TuneUp Utilities 2010 Beta 1 build (beta)
TuneUp_2010-Beta1.rar | DDL1 | DDL2 |
Size: 19.30 MiB (rar)
File: TUU2010DE_Beta1_0075.exe
CRC-32: e43dd90f
MD4: 8cf3be3433e21b832e33bcefc3c9ac2f
MD5: df3006fbfd31ce0cc4f4a7886cd63886
SHA-1: 035d9d5710c95c6e82c277af7b07df667e8f4f62
ImageBanana - sig2.png


"Die Beta-Version von TuneUp Utilities 2010 können Sie in Kürze bei CHIP Online herunterladen."

Pre-order site with discount price 60% off for 19,95 USD - 3 PC's:

UPDATE 30. Sep. 2009 - TuneUp Utilities 2010 Build (Beta 3)
- Download and Changelog visit

24 September 2009

SpeedFox 1.2 - Vacuum Tool to optimize sqlite databses in Mozilla Web browsers

Cool Vacuum Tool for SQLITE Database file optimization.
Mozilla Web Browser Firefox, SeaMonkey, Flock, Thunderbird, Songbird

Firefox Profile detect automatically, all others required to browse to the profile folder.

Speed up Browser start by optimizing all sqlite databases in a Mozilla Web Browser Profile folder.

Read more: http://crystalidea.com/more-about-speedyfox
Homepage: http://crystalidea.com/


speedyfox.exe 877.50 KB

Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro 2009 6.7.1 (2983.450.0714) | Outpost Free 6.5.1 (2725.381.0687)

Agnitum released Outpost Firewall Pro 2009 6.7.1 Build 2983.450.0714

Outpost Firewall Pro 2009 (6.7.1 2983.450.0714)
Release date: 24 September 2009
What's new:

* Anti-spyware engine updated
* Enabled Action Center support on Windows 7, Vista SP2

The following issues are resolved (only significant ones are listed):

* Attachments could not be downloaded through POP3 in Microsoft Outlook 2000 and Microsoft Outlook 2007
* System Restore did not work under Windows Vista
* Quick Tune plug-in was absent in Internet Explorer (x86) on x64 systems
* Several issues with real-time protection monitor
* Possible crashes on full-screen application launch on Windows 7 x64

News source: http://www.agnitum.com/products/outpost/history.php

32 bit: http://dl2.agnitum.com/OutpostProInstall.exe
64 bit: http://dl2.agnitum.com/OutpostProInstall64.exe

Free (reduced Version 32 bit): http://dl2.agnitum.com/OutpostFreeInstall.exe

Google Chrome RoboForm for Chromium - Siber Systems AI RoboForm 6.9.97


An alpha release of RoboForm for Chromium is now available.

"RoboForm For Chrome / Chromium Alpha

Updated Sep. 23, 2009
Starting with version 6.9.97, RoboForm works with Chromium browser. Chromium is virtually identical to Google Chrome, but has a slightly different logo*. We released a stable alpha version of Roboform for Chrome (some companies would call it beta).

Development Context
Google Chrome does not yet have a stable and public add-on framework in the same way that Firefox does. Their add-on framework in in development. There are very few add-ons publicly available from any software provider, including us. However, our developers have been in constant communication with Google for the past few months and have done most of the leg work. When Google finalizes their public extensions framework, you can rest assured that RoboForm will work for Google Chrome within a very short time.

How Does It Work, How Will It Work
* Just like with Firefox, we developed Adapter that integrates installed Roboform into Chromium.
* This RoboForm Adapter is currently compiled into Chromium.
* So what you install is a custom version of Chromium with RoboForm Adapter embedded into it.
* Once Google/Apple add certain events that RoboForm needs (they promised to), Adapter will be separated.
* By default RoboForm toolbar appears below Chromium window.

Installation instructions.

1. Install the latest version of RoboForm AiRoboForm-6-9-97.exe 2.79 MB
( http://www.roboform.com/dist/AiRoboForm-6-9-97.exe )
2. Uninstall previous versions of Chromium.
( http://www.roboform.com/dist/RoboFormForChromium.exe )
3. Install the Chromium + RoboForm Adapter build RoboFormForChromium.exe.
4. Run Chromium from the Desktop or Start Menu icon."

News Source: Homepage: http://www.roboform.com/browsers.html
DownloadRoboFormForChromium.exe 9.57 MB

Mozilla SeaMonkey 2.x (2.1,...):
Add the RoboForm Bookmarklet

Add this link to your favorites to use the RoboForm Bookmarklet

All JavaScript Browsers using RoboForm Online

Get the RoboForm Bookmarklet. The RoboForm Bookmarklet allows RoboForm Online users to login to websites automatically using their existing RoboForm logins, even where RoboForm is not installed. The RoboForm Bookmarklet also works on browsers where RoboForm is not currently supported such as Opera, and Safari giving users much greater flexibility.
