28 September 2009

UPX 3.04 - Best eXecutable Packer!


the Ultimate Packer for eXecutables

Version 3.04
27 Sep 2009

Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer, László Molnár & John F. Reiser

UPX 3.04 has been released. Please report all problems and bugs in our bug tracker.
The main news in version 3 are:

* optional LZMA compression
* support for BSD systems

Also have a look at the more detailed ChangeLog.

Changes in 3.04 (27 Sep 2009):
* new format Mach/AMD64 supports 64-bit programs on Apple Macintosh.
* new formats Dylib/i386 and Dylib/ppc32 support shared libraries
[such as browser plugins] on Darwin (Apple Macintosh). An existing
-init function (LC_ROUTINES command) is required.
* new format vmlinuz/armel for Debian NSLU2 (etc.) linux kernel
* bvmlinuz boot protocol 2.08 for 386 Linux kernel
* Extended ABI version 4 for armel-eabi ARM Linux ELF
* bug fixes

Homepage: http://upx.sourceforge.net/

File Description
upx304w.zip Win32 console version
upx-3.04-i386_linux.tar.bz2 precompiled i386-linux version
upx-3.04-amd64_linux.tar.bz2 precompiled amd64-linux version
upx-3.04-armeb_linux.tar.bz2 precompiled armeb-linux version
upx-3.04-mipsel_linux.tar.bz2 precompiled mipsel-linux version
upx-3.04-powerpc_linux.tar.bz2 precompiled powerpc-linux version
upx304d.zip 32-bit DOS version
upx304a.zip Atari TOS/MiNT version
upx-3.04-src.tar.bz2 source code
(you also need UCL)

Power Twitter 1.34 - Firefox extension


Version 1.34 — September 22, 2009 — 38 KB
Works with:

* Firefox: 1.5 – 3.5.*

-Added *Moods* Feature!
-several bug fixes to account for changes on twitter.com

Power Twitter was designed to make the twitter experience more full-bodied. The folks at twitter are building a core competency in storing and delivering messages and understandably have been reluctant to get too bogged down in product design. This has allowed 3rd parties to build a great set of twitter clients. PT is a little bit different because it interacts directly with the twitter.com website. And because it is embedded in the browser (Firefox, we're working on Safari and Chrome) we are able to do some pretty slick things!

The main features of this release include:

1) inline embedded media from Flickr, YouTube, TwitPic and others
2) expanded URLs so you can see where links might take you
3) twitter search and search results right on the page
4) peek - an avatar mouseover that lets you see recent tweets from that person
5) status updates that are happening with your friends on Facebook
6) when possible additional web updates (Flickr, blogs, etc.) for certain users

Homepage: http://83degrees.com/projects
Addon Homepage: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addons/versions/9591
Download | Mirror

older versions

RunWithParameters 1.2


by Jan T. Sott

Tiny tool, which allows running any application with
a parameter. Instead of going to the Command Prompt,
users can simply right-click an application and enter
the parameters in the pop-up window.

Unless you are using the setup version, you can install
RunWithParameters using a commandline switch.


This will associate all exe, bat, cmd and com files
with the location the program is run from. You can
undo this with the following commandline switch.


Naturally, the last step can be performed by using
RunWithParameters itself.

Uninstallation using the commandline switch will not
delete the history file. It can be deleted at any
time using the /FLUSH switch.

All versions before 1.0 and all betas do not properly
save parameters containing the |-character.

In version 1.0, a combination of // and /| in a parameter
will lead to errors. This issue depends on a plugin
used and will be fixed at a later time.

Basque by Aitor Gomez Goiri
Bulgarian by Anton Sarov
Chinese (Simplified) by Allen Chue
Czech by Marian Schubert
Danish by Aslak Grinsted
Dutch by Steven Wittens
English by Jan T. Sott
Finnish by K. Salonen
French by Raphael Porcheron
German by Jan T. Sott
Greek by Nemo
Hebrew by Amir Szekely
Hungarian by Charles Berczi
Icelandic by Gretar Orri Kristinsson
Italian by Marco Muraca
Japanese by Daisuke Osada
Norwegian by Saivert
Polish by queze
Portuguese by Antonio Alves
Russian by Takhir Bedertdinov
Slovenian by fsk
Spanish by Gonzalo Muñoz Ferrer
Swedish by Eric Wahlforss
Thai by SoKoOLz
Turkish by Kerimcan Zeytin

Instructor for his text manipulation functions
Deguix for his IOEx Plugin
KiCHiK for being the nicest guy around the NSIS forum

Official Website

SourceForge Project

BerliOS Project

• integrates into Explorer
• remembers last parameters per application
• supports custom filetypes

v1.2 (2009-09-23)
* added support for PimpBot installers
* modified execution level for Vista/Windows 7
* fixed minor bug with drag&drop

v1.1.2 (2007-06-07)
* full vista compatibility

v1.1.1 (2006-12-01)
* improved installer for silent installation

v1.1.0 (2006-11-30)
* support for custom filetypes
* improved uninstaller

v1.0.4 (2006-08-06)
* added version resource
* added tango icon to public source
* improved installer (setup only)
* modified ui

v1.0.3 (2006-07-16)
* stripped down translations
* added upack compression

v1.0.2 (2006-05-03)
* added icelandic translation
* modified basque translation (native)

v1.0.1 (2005-10-24)
* added upx compression
* fixed bugs in history:
-first item in the dropdown was always empty
-empty parameters were added to history
* modified gui

v1.0 (2005-10-09)
* added basque, chinese (simplified) ,czech, danish, dutch,
finnish, french, german, greek, hebrew, hungarian, italian,
japanese, norwegian, polish, portuguese, russian, slovenian,
swedish, thai and turkish translation
* added filter for duplicate entries in history.ini
* added support for custom history items
* added support for .ahk, .bat, .btm, .cmd, .com and .scr files
* added support for multiple users (setup only)
* added support for parameters with |-character
* added error-message for missing input
* added uninstaller (setup only)
* added language-selection (setup only)
* added /help commandline switch ("rwparam.exe /?")
* added website button to help dialog ("rwparam.exe /?")
* modified error-message for missing input
* modified ui
* modified behaviour of parameter field
* fixed windows 9x/me compatibility

v0.5 (2005-07-02)
* added history

v0.25 (2005-06-29)
* added commandline switches for (un)installation

v0.125 (2005-06-29)
* first release

Application is Multilanguage

useful for Chrome.exe, upx.exe, firefox.exe, various AntiVirus Software, 7zip, rar, optipnp.exe, ResHacker.exe... etc. etc... every application that can run with parameters.

sample: *.exe -? or -h shows mostly the available parameters:

SF Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/rwparam

Google Code Project HP: http://code.google.com/p/runwithparameters/

Homepage: http://rwparam.whyeye.org/

src: http://sourceforge.net/projects/rwparam/files/RunWithParameters/1.2/rwparam-1.2-src.7z/download

CCleaner v2.24.1010 - Slim


CCleaner v2.24.1010



28. September 2009
- Added support for Firefox 3.6.
- Added file search history cleaning for Windows 7.
- Improved Opera 10 cleaning.
- Reduced temp folder cleaning delay to 24 hours.
- Several bugs fixed to better support Windows 7.
- Added winapp2.ini filter support to detailed results view.
- Improved 64-bit support for Registry Cleaner.
- Fixed minor bug in Uninstall Tool.
- Fixed minor bug in System Restore Tool.
- Minor interface bugs fixed.
- Minor display bugs fixed.

- No Toolbar reduced installer filesize of more than 1 MB.

Homepage: http://www.ccleaner.de/download-crap-cleaner/


http://www.ccleaner.com/download/builds/downloadbinslim size: 1,01 MB (1.066.456 bytes)

other builds (Portable):

SQLite Manager 0.5.3a2 - Firefox Addon


SQLiteManager 0.5.3 Alpha 2

sqlite-manager by by Mrinal Kant (मृणाल कान्त)
Extension for Mozilla Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, Songbird, Komodo and other apps to manage any sqlite database.

Manage all your sqlite databases using this lightweight extension for firefox, thunderbird, sunbird, seamonkey, songbird, komodo, flock etc. (See the complete list of supported applications) This extension will be useful to developers who want to create and play with sqlite databases.

SQLite Manager is available as a XULRunner application too. The file with XR in its name is the zip of the XULRunner application.


* dialogs for creation, deletion of tables, indexes, views and triggers
* ability to rename, copy, reindex tables
* ability to add and drop columns
* create new db, open any existing db, copy an existing db
* supports writing your own queries (single or multiple)
* supports saving the queries with a name
* a tab for database settings (no need to write the pragma statements) where you can view and change the sqlite library settings
* export tables/views as csv, sql or xml files
* import tables from csv, sql or xml files
* a dropdown menu showing all profile db (.sqlite)
* an intuitive heirarchical tree showing all tables, indexes, views and triggers
* ability to see the master tables
* ability to see the temporary tables, indexes, views and triggers
* ability to browse data from any table/view
* dialogs to allow searching in a table/view
* allows editing and deleting selected record while browsing a table's data
* allows adding, saving and changing blob data
* an extensive menu that helps with writing sql by hand and then executing it
* remembers the last used db, table and the tab (structure, browse & search, etc.) across sessions

More and more developers will start using SQLite. To help them manage their databases through a Mozilla extension is the motivation behind this add-on extension.

SQLite is a small C library that implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine. An SQLite database is a single ordinary disk file that can be located anywhere in the directory hierarchy.

News Source and Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/sqlite-manager/

FAQ: http://code.google.com/p/sqlite-manager/wiki/FAQ

DL Site: http://code.google.com/p/sqlite-manager/downloads/list

List of Supported Applications (as of version 0.5.0b1)

BugTracer and Changelog

| Mirror

SQLiteManager_XR_0.5.3a2.zip | Mirror SQLiteManager as XULRunner App 0.5.3a2

"When a thing has been said and well, have no scruple. Take it and copy it. - Anatole France (1844 - 1924)"

PacketViewer 1.3.3557


PacketViewer v1.3.3557

Easy program to sniff and view IP packets (TCP, UDP, ICMP). PacketViewer allows you to view IP packet messages and IP packet informations in real time. You can easily listen on Windows system ports (Eg. Ports 135, 445, 1026-1028). An IP Converter tool allows you to convert IP Addresses to Host Names. The button "Options..." opens the PacketViewer options: Protocol Filter, TCP packets Filter, Addresses IP and Ports Filter, packets Message Filter, Resolve IP Addresses , TCP Test, UDP Test, Ping Test...
The "Auto-Save" option will allow you to save thousands of lines of IP packets information.
This program requires the Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 or higher.

Homepage and other Freeware by Patrice Zwenger: http://patrice-zwenger.co.cc/my_programs.html
Download here the last version of PacketViewer
(v1.3.3557) (26.7 KB)
