Dropbox 0.6.557 & 0.7.30 Beta - Free online storrage and Sync 2.25 GB
Dropbox works seamlessly with your operating system and automatically makes sure your files are up-to-date. Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux with bonus space up to a limit of 3 GB!
online storage, free storage, file sharing, share files, cloud storage, online backup, cross platform, sync, sharing, mac, windows, os x, linux, backup, restore
* Never e-mail yourself a file again
* Automatically backup your files online
* Keep files synced between computers
* Share files easily with others
* NEW: Sync files with your iPhone
Change logs
- Performance/CPU improvements to LAN sync (let us know if it's faster)
- Added preference to enable/disable LAN sync
- Fix to Recently Changed Files explorer selection with non-ascii characters on windows
- Another attempt to fix lingering Office 2007/sharing violation bug
- Windows/OS X binaries are now properly signed (this should prevent the OS X popup re. LAN sync)
- Minor stability fixes
Sync your files and share online and across computers with Dropbox. 2,25 GB free account sign up now
online storage, free storage, file sharing, share files, cloud storage, online backup, cross platform, sync, sharing, mac, windows, os x, linux, backup, restore
* Never e-mail yourself a file again
* Automatically backup your files online
* Keep files synced between computers
* Share files easily with others
* NEW: Sync files with your iPhone
Change logs
- Performance/CPU improvements to LAN sync (let us know if it's faster)
- Added preference to enable/disable LAN sync
- Fix to Recently Changed Files explorer selection with non-ascii characters on windows
- Another attempt to fix lingering Office 2007/sharing violation bug
- Windows/OS X binaries are now properly signed (this should prevent the OS X popup re. LAN sync)
- Minor stability fixes
Sync your files and share online and across computers with Dropbox. 2,25 GB free account sign up now