11 October 2009

RDesc 2.22

RDesc 2.22 by Bllua

RDesc es un programa freeware que tiene como utilidad la descarga automatizada de archivos desde varios host de descarga directa en la versión free. Para ello automatiza todo el proceso de espera y descarga de archivos desde estos hosts para usuarios sin cuenta premium. De esta forma posibilita la descarga de una lista de enlaces sin mas intervención por parte del usuario que la de añadir dicha lista al programa.

Host soportados:
- Rapidshare.com
- Megaupload
- Mediafire
- 4Shared
- Easy-Share
- Gigasize
- HotFile
- DepositFiles
- zShare
- NetLoad
- uploading.com
- FileFactory
- Storage.to
- SendSpace^
- Uploaded.to

Mejoras de la versión 2.22

- Añadida la posibilidad de seleccionar el tipo de vista entre Con carpetas o clasica
- Añadida posibilidad de añadir enlaces de lix.in
- Añadida posibilidad de añadir enlaces a carpetas ya existentes en la lista de enlaces
- Ahora al añadir enlaces de rapidshare y megaupload se obtiene el nombre del archivo y el tamaño
- Ahora se añaden las carpetas expandidas
- Ahora se pueden expandir y contraer las carpetas seleccionadas desde el teclado pulsando espacio
- Añadida en opciones la posibilidad de resetear los valores de la opciones a su valor por defecto
- Ahora admite enlaces del tipo http://www.megaupload.com/?(lo que sea)&d=XXXXXXX
- Iniciar seleccionados y parar seleccionados ahora funciona tambien sobre carpetas
- Compatible de nuevo con megaupload, sendspace, depositfiles, uploading.com, storage.to.
- Solucionado error al borrar todos los enlaces
- Solucionado error que aparecia algunas veces al terminar una descarga
- Solucionado error al pulsar Expandir todo sin items en la lista

Para más información sobre el programa o nuevas versiones visite:

Disponible en la web versión instalable y versión portable.
Gracias por utilizar RDesc.

RDesc is a freeware utility that is the automated download of files from multiple hosts directly download the free version. This automates the entire process of waiting and downloading files from these hosts to users without premium account. This allows the download of a list of links without further intervention by the user that you add that list to the program.

Host supported:
- Rapidshare.com
- Megaupload
- Mediafire
- 4Shared
- Easy-Share
- Gigasize
- HotFile
- DepositFiles
- ZShare
- NetLoad
- Uploading.com
- FileFactory
- Storage.to
- SendSpace ^
- Uploaded.to

Improvements in version 2.22

- Added the ability to select the type of view between folders or with classical
- Added ability to add links lix.in
- Added ability to add links to existing folders in the list of links
- Now to add links from rapidshare and megaupload gets the file name and size
- Now add the folders expanded
- You can now expand and collapse the selected folders from the keyboard by pressing space
- Added in options can reset the values of the options to their default
- Now supports the type link http://www.megaupload.com/? (Whatever) & d = XXXXXXX
- Start and stop selected now also works on selected folders
- Compatible again with megaupload, sendspace, depositfiles, uploading.com, storage.to.
- Fixed error when deleting all links
- Fixed bug that sometimes appeared at the end of a discharge
- Fixed error when pressing Expand all items on the list without

For more information about the program or new versions please visit:

Available on the web and portable version installable version.

required: Microsoft .NET Framework v2.0 or later

Program is Multilanguage
ImageBanana - Unbenannt.jpg


| Mirror

older Version 28-09-2009: RDesc_2.21_portable.zip

10 October 2009

Merge test on Firefox 3.7a1pre Minefield 3.7 core


Built from http://hg.mozilla.org/try/rev/68c67f454d44

Merge changeset [diff] - 40266:b4f1185c3278 http://hg.mozilla.org/try/rev/b4f1185c3278
Combined Stop Reload Feature
(back out diff merge for 11b21449d195 2009-10-10 20:42 -0500 Merge tracemonkey to mozilla-central)

Merge Changeset [diff] from Namoroka: https://build.mozilla.org/tryserver-builds/jnightingale@mozilla.com-personas-with-undo/
personas with undo button on theme change //since today in all trunks by default

into latest svr firefox-3.7a1pre Minefield trunk build.

Changed Aero Skin default for win xp
Added bing to browser search engines next to google and yahoo

Build platform win32 no debug

suggest config:

change in about:config following values to true/enable:



general.useragent.extra.firefox to Firefox/3.7


geo.enabled to false

test with a fresh profile or backup profile first

you get a good 97 on acid3 test with addons and greasemonkey enabled.
ImageBanana - Unbenannt.jpg
Failed 3 tests.
Test 26 passed, but took 2654ms (less than 30fps)
Test 71 passed, but took 51ms (less than 30fps)
Test 77 failed: expected '4776' but got '5560' - getComputedTextLength failed.
Test 78 failed: expected '90' but got '0' - getRotationOfChar(0) failed.
Test 79 failed: expected '34' but got '33' - SVGSVGTextElement.getNumberOfChars() incorrect
Total elapsed time: 5.84s

ImageBanana - Unbenannt.jpg
68c67f454d44 merged in to feb65e871aba - 1.9.3a1pre Build ID: 20091011052430

merge for changeset feb65e871aba - browser.js

b4f1185c3278 merged in to 68c67f454d44 - 1.9.3a1pre Build ID: 20091011073449

merge for changeset 68c67f454d44 - browser.js

b4f1185c3278 merged in to 7e1252d6e71e - 1.9.3a1pre Build ID: 20091012095652 (recent - latest)

merge for changeset 7e1252d6e71e - browser.js

default  tip Why Dão's
Combined Stop Reload Button Feature is not default in upcoming builds, as once shown (it's much better than with addons or css). will merge it in updated Namoroka + Minefield trunks include final 3.6 + 3.7 FF or even move it in the location bar!


"reload page without browser cache:

* either: Hold down both the Ctrl and Shift keys and then press R. (Alternatively, hold down the Ctrl key and then press F5.) On a Mac, use the Command key instead of Ctrl.
* or: Hold down the Shift key and click the Reload button on the navigation toolbar."

09 October 2009

eMule 0.49c ZZ-R V3.0 Final


ZZ-R V3.0 Final




ZZ-R V3.0


+ Emulate Others hardcoded (log in Verbose)

+ LowID to HighID Automatic Callback

+ Don't continue sending after banning

+ Save CPU

+ Changed SysInfo/Up/Down label wide

+ Some minor fixes

+ Community in Permission only shown if its enabled

+ Filter LowID Clients

+ Fixed score column in queue-per-file (sharedfileswindow)


ZZ-R is developed by morph4u Support and Info: http://board.seven2up.net


And many THX to all my tester !!!



Mozilla-Central Build Minefield 3.7a1pre Ayakawa build

These builds are 'community build', 'private build'.
Mozilla-Central Build


* changeset 33624:4d5760a4f96f(Wed Oct 07 04:22:12 2009 -0500)
* VC++9 SP1でコンパイル。オプションは-O1 -Ot -GLT -arch:SSE2。PGU build
* pixmanをdll化 - pixmandll20090819.zip

Homepage: http://marilab.hp.infoseek.co.jp/buildfx/elephant.html

News source: http://a.hatena.ne.jp/n2s/
Mozilla Central Build 2009/10/07
8,257,698 byte/SHA1 5d960c3250a00674825f55a0c6cd7d1a00c38a22



ImageBanana - acid3.jpg ImageBanana - greasmonkeydisbaledbyacid3tests.jpg ImageBanana - aboutmemory.jpg ImageBanana - acid3withgreasemonkey.jpg
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de-DE; rv:1.9.3a1pre) Gecko/20091009 Firefox/3.7.0 - Build ID: 20091009043834

Tip: Combined Stop Reload Feature patch (extracted)
StopReload combined patch diff taken from: https://build.mozilla.org/tryserver-builds/dgottwald@mozilla.com-try-b4f1185c3278/

place diff to:

| Mirror: browser.js

Namoroka + Minefield to hack later builds with this great feature (easy to do), better than addon alternatives:

Englisch - US: Mozilla/5.0 rv:1.9.3a1pre Gecko/20091010 Firefox/3.7.1 - Build ID: 200910101045021
German - Deutsch: Mozilla/5.0 rv:1.9.3a1pre Gecko/20091010 Firefox/3.7.1 - Build ID: 20091010003142

Minefield37a1pre-try-5f53afb0f3d2-win32.installer.exe (09. Oct. 2009)Mozilla/5.0 rv:1.9.3a1pre Gecko/20091009 - Build ID: 20091009000243

Gecko/20091008 Minefield37a1pre-en-de-try-b7d1895bc2da-win32.installer.exe (08. Oct. 2009)

Screenshot maintenance sqlite databases vacuum and integrity inside firefox 3.7a1 after builds from Mon, 05 Oct 2009 12:12:55 +0200 - rev 33460:

1. open the error console

2. past the full command in the error console:

Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/PlacesDBUtils.jsm"); PlacesDBUtils.checkAndFixDatabase();

2009-10-09 20:25 +0200 Dão Gottwald - Bug 516013 - Store the header and footer images of the selected lightweight theme in the profile folder.

Java für Windows – Firefox/Mozilla
Recommended Version 6 Update 16 (Dateigröße: ~ 10 MB)
Windows Vista, XP, 2000, 2003 und 2008 Server

32bit - Offline Installer:


Latest Adobe 'Shockwave for Director' Player Version





Firefox Shiretoko 3.5.5pre - Ayakawa build

These builds are 'community build', 'private build'.


Shiretoko 3.5.5pre (2009/10/08)

* profiling with getting source from changeset 26461:bcfccb9bfd02 (Sat Sep 05 21:31:17 2009 +0200)
* add compatibility for windows 7 on manifest. see MSDN-Application Manifest. But, if you use some plugins (e.g. Flash), Fx run under VISTA compatibility mode.
* in some cases, Fx cause error on V8 Benchmark REGEXP randomly
* make with VC9 SP1
* use mozcrt (MOZCRT19.DLL patch for VC9 SP1 rev.1)
* make mozlibpixman.dll patch - pixmandll.zip
* make multithreading for image scaling (referred to patch of Mr. tete, NEED OpenMP.DLL)
* profiling with jit.chrome=true

Homepage: http://marilab.hp.infoseek.co.jp/buildfx/index_en.html
Shiretoko 3.5.5pre/VC9 SP1 - 26461:bcfccb9bfd02 (Sat Sep 05 21:31:17 2009 +0200)

Fx 3.5.x builds need Redistributable Package.
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package

Shiretoko 3.5.5pre

VS 2008 Pro SP1/SSE2+PGU build 7z ver.
size 7,953,872 byte
SHA1 5c573929b3c15350a2f85404fdd4aa93868c0997
VS 2008 Pro SP1/SSE2+PGU build installer ver.
size 8,029,763 byte
SHA1 0c7a25b67c199aa01f14e94d1092ea99f611da79

08 October 2009

Beta 1 version of NirLauncher NirSoft Utilities Portable package


# Start using NirLauncher: In order to start using NirLauncher, simply create a new folder in your USB flash drive or in any other drive, and then extract all files of the package into the new folder.
You should not extract the files into the root directory of your USB flash drive, because the package contains too much files.
After you extracted the package, simply run the NirLauncher.exe executable.
# After running NirLauncher, here's some tips for using it:

* You can use F7 and F8 keys to move to the next and previous software group.
* When you select a single item, the 'Description' and 'Web Page URL' become a link that you can click. Clicking the 'Description' opens the help file, and clicking the 'Web Page URL' opens the right utility Web page. If you are not pleased from this feature, you can disable it from Options->Advanced Options (set all click options to none)
* If you want to view a longer description of each utility that you select, check the 'Show Description Text' under the options menu. However, be aware that these description texts were taken from the pad files of my utilities, and they are not always updated to the latest features of each utility.
* If you want to run a utility with command-line parameters, change the current directory, and so on, the 'Advanced Run' is the right option that you need.
* There is also a generic 'Advanced Run' window that affects all utilities that you execute with the standard 'run' option: Options -> Default Run Settings. For example, if you open the 'Default Run Settings' window and select the 'Run in full screen mode' option, all console application that you run will be opened in full screen.
* If you use the x64 version of Windows, and you click on a utility that have a separated x64 version, NirLauncher automatically run the x64 executable of the utility. The x64 executable filenames in the package are in UtilityName-x64.exe format.

Homepage and read more:


About many False Positive reports in several Antivirus Programs:

Nirsoft package beta 100
Download NirLauncher package with more than 100 utilities | DDL Mirror

http://download.nirsoft.net/nirsoft_package_beta_100.zip (by 'You cannot download this file.' set in download manager, send referrer url: http://nirsoft.net/ to access download)

Zip File Information: (to verify that the downloaded file is Ok)
MD5: b18f2706b2737128a9f7fd01648f5e38
SHA1: 353bd70b747dc73f58daec120df25a23330d0545
Size: 6,685,806 bytes
Number of files in the Zip: 241

nirsoft package with sysinternals beta int
updated to latest versions October 8, 2009 + Sysinternals Suite Updated: October 7, 2009 added

nirsoft_package_beta_08102009.7z | DDL Mirror

7-Zip File Information: (to verify that the downloaded file is Ok)
MD5: caf6e6f7555c90419fdc1c4b47af0ea2
SHA-1: 6884c10deff635704a539a8a826b3b1285cf28b2
Size: 9,83 MB (10.316.339 bytes)
Number of files with Sysinternals in the 7z-zip: 335

Latest version nfo: http://feeds.feedburner.com/nirsoft/voiG
