13 October 2009

DVDFab 6.0 - - Free Giveaway


DVDFab Beta (October 1, 2009)


Happy Chinese National Day! The new China is 60 years old now.
New: Updated language files.

> "DVD to DVD" option:
Fix: Region Code changes cannot be saved in "Settings" window.

> "Blu-ray to Blu-ray" option:
New: Bitrate control is more accurate now, which means the output size is more accurate.
Note: If you encouter freeze problem when copying Blu-ray, please disable "GPU acceleration" in "Settings" window to see the result. We are working on it, and it should be fixed soon.

DVDFab Beta (September 26, 2009)


New: Updated VSO burning engine.

> "Blu-ray to Blu-ray" option:
New: Added "BD9 1080P" output size for "Main Movie" mode.
New: Improved source size display.
New: Improved error reporting in internal log.
New: Force "remove HD audio" for "BD5 720P" output size.
Fix: Video reencode bitrate may be wrong in certain cases.

DVDFab Beta (September 25, 2009)


Fix: A "Visual C++ Runtime Library" error for floating point support.

> "DVD to DVD" option:
Fix: Playable content may be removed in very special case when PathPlayer is enabled. Hopefully it's been fixed permanently now.

> "Blu-ray to Blu-ray" option:
New: Added world's first all-in-one Blu-ray compression feature.
New: Added "compress BD-50 to single BD-25, BD-9 or BD-5" feature. For now only "Main Movie" mode is supported, "Full Disc" mode will be supported later.
New: Added "Remove HD Audio" to convert Dolby TrueHD to Dolby AC3 and DTS-HD Master Audio to DTS, to save space for video when compression is needed.
New: Improved speed for copying "BD-50" with no compression in "Main Movie" mode.
New: CUDA and DXVA GPU acceleration are supported to speed up compression.
Fix: Failed to enable DXVA at second time.


* The process is extremely CPU intensive. Make sure you have adequate cooling and powering.
* Don't multitask while compressing for best performance.
* If you select BD5 or BD9, a "scanning" progress bar will be shown, wait until it finishes for an accurate size estimate, or DVDFab will finish the scan while copying.
* The process can be time consuming, especially with a slower CPU or limited RAM.
* The video quality of the compressed output is impressive, superior to an uncompressed standard DVD.
* This feature does not turn a BD disc into standard DVD format, it compresses the BD content so that it can fit on standard DVD blank media, supported by many Blu-ray players. The output files can be played on a PC as well with a suitable software player.

> "File to Mobile" option:
Fix: Failed to enable DXVA at second time.

older changelogs:

ImageBanana - Unbenannt.pngImageBanana - Unbenannt2.png
Valid from DVDFab, upgrades up to DVDFab
To later Versions are not updatable

Homepage: http://www.dvdfab.com/download.htm

Give Away site: http://dvdfab6.com/dvdfab6_dltyp.html

News source: http://dvdfab6.com/

bbs: http://nsaneforums.com/?showtopic=32341



(***Copy and paste all above code starting with "0" ending with "=" into the dvdfab reg box**)


Paint.NET v3.5 Beta 3 Build 3572


1. Preferred: Use the built-in updater from within Paint.NET. If you are using version 3.36, go to the Help menu and then Check for Updates. You will need to click on the Options button, and then make sure that ""Also check for pre-release (beta) versions" is enabled. For v3.5 alpha/beta, go to the Utilities menu instead of the Help menu.

2. Download directly: http://www.getpaint.net/files/zip/preview/Paint.NET.3.5.Beta.3572.Install.zip . There is no need to uninstall the old version; that will be taken care of automatically.

Changes/fixes since version 3.5 Beta 2:
* Fixed a performance glitch with some tools, where the action and subsequent undo/redo would be slow.
* Improved temporary memory usage of commands in the Image menu.
* Reduced disk space use by about 12MB by using NTFS compression on installation files used for staging (.MSI) and diagnostics (.PDB).
* Fixed many tools' clipping, with respect to an active selection.
* Improved compression for PDN files.
* Fixed many small miscellaneous crashes and glitches.

Paint.NET v3.5 Preview Center

Homepage: http://paintdotnet.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=31964


Paint.NET OptiPNG Plugin

* Integrates OptiPNG into Paint.NET as a file type plugin.
* Allows customization of optimization options in a user-friendly dialog window.
* Author: [ I Like Pi ]
* Download link: Paint.NET forum.

Idea: Port RIOT 0.3.4 Radical Image Optimization Tool IrfanView plugin DLL version to Paint.NET support!

other plugin packs: http://www.isimonbrown.co.uk/plugin-pack.htm

All Plugins (list): http://paintdotnet.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=30570

OperaTor - Opera 10 + Tor - Surf anonymously

OperaTor is a portable software bundle which allows you to browse the web anonymously. It combines the power of the Opera Browser, Tor and Polipo.

With OperaTor no data will be stored at the computer you plugged your portable memory into.

Changes in the current release

* Opera 10
* Tor
* Dance 'n' Shout skin replaced by the standard Opera skin


The only protocols which OperaTor anonymizes are HTTP and HTTPS, thus if you want to stay anonymous you should avoid using other Opera features (e.g. Java, JavaScript, Bittorrent, integrated e-mail and IRC clients).

Homepage and Download: http://archetwist.com/en/opera/operator/


updated to OperaTor version 3.5

OperaTor weights 7 MB and is for Windows only. After the download is finished:

* extract the archive to the location of your choice
* launch the OperaTor.exe file to start all the necessary applications

12 October 2009

TuneUp Utilities 2010 - Beta 5 Update

TuneUp Utilities 2010 Beta 5 Build
Date 12.10.2009 From To

Wird Leistung steigern über die Minianwendung gestartet, kann nun das Profil erstellt werden.

"Systemstart und Herunterfahren optimieren" wird nun korrekt in der 1-Klick-Wartung ausgeführt.

Die Defragmentierung der Registrierung erzeugt nun keine Fehlermeldung nach dem Neustart.

Die gründliche Defragmentierung stürzt nicht mehr ab, auch unter der Benutzung von Kaspersky Internet Security.

Intel Core 2 Duo wird nun korrekt unter TuneUp System Information angezeigt.

Wenn man das Icon zu Windows Update austauscht, erscheint nun keine Fehlermeldung bzgl. der wucltux.dll.

Download beta 4 and run update in program

ImageBanana - Unbenannt.png

update patch diffs:

Program installer download - Testversion - Preview Beta - Deutsch:
TuneUp Utilities 2010 V9.0.7.17 Beta 5

Filesize: 20,2 MB (21.225.800 bytes)
File: TUU2010DE_Beta5_0017.exe
CRC-32: c03aab71
MD4: 8ef44f1019936f21fdb57b0c942572b3
MD5: 7e280b2f1178bbd9457321a8540b9785
SHA-1: 0104ee91e86f7f1ed0097520d0a61ede0d9c6ed2
ImageBanana - Unbenannt.png

Pre-order: TuneUp Utilities Upgrade – Version 2010License for up to 3 PCs!Pre-order now: TuneUp Utilities – Version 2010 for only USD 19.95!
Pre-order site TuneUp Utilities 2010 Final Version end of October at discount price 60% off for 19,95 USD only - 3 PC's

(Bestellt jetzt in USD und sparrt weitere runde 7 Euro, direkt vom Hersteller aus dem Newsletter oben!!! Einiges billiger im Kurs als in Euro Währung siehe http://de.finance.yahoo.com/waehrungen/waehrungsrechner/#from=USD;to=EUR;amt=19.95 Wechselkurs von 0,6765 am 12. Oktober 2009)
19,95 $ USDollar (USD) = 13,49 € Euro (EUR)

Torenkey v1.0.0.33


Torenkey v1.0.0.33
combines eMule and Bittorrent (eMule 0.48 official base with BitTornado) into one multilanguage Program. Torrentkey comes with an English and Korean Skin, different skins are supported.

A great online search portal with ability to upload own torrents enhance the resources on emule and bt networks.

Torenkey program displays top search items real time, enabling users to identify most recent search trend at a single glance. Turbo function of the program provides quick download.

Torenkey is written in C++ 7.1 and Python

Changes since v1.0.0.32


+ Mount the spam file Filter


ImageBanana - Unbenannt0.png ImageBanana - Unbenannt2.png
BBS: http://www.torenkey.com/zbxe113/freeboard_ko
(size: 12,1 MB)

Non installer: Torenkey-v1.0.0.33-noinstaller.7z | Mirror | Mirror (size 8,83 MB)

older versions: TorenkeySetup.rar

We have modded a special emule.exe or Torenkey-RatioFree.exe without ratio restriction for users without fast broadband access such as wireless mobile connections. It can be alternative placed next to Torenkey.exe in same folder and start ratio free Torenkey v1.0.0.33 edition for analogue and ISDN 44 - 64 kbps modem users.

Perhaps the program Torenkey can not fluent communicate with standard default eMule as well as eMule mods. Bug in ClientSoft (Client software) eMule recognition by connected eMule and eMule mods clients (see connected client list software version)

11 October 2009

RIOT 0.3.4 Radical Image Optimization Tool


RIOT - Radical Image Optimization Tool by Lucian Sabo is a free program designed to efficiently optimize images for the Web and applications.

Reduce image file size of your pictures.
Saving images for web/email/other media with the best compression
ratio and quality.

Choosing the right format then choosing the right parameters are the key factors of smaller files.

Previewing the resulting image and the projected filesize will help the user choose the best settings. This kind of image optimization software is often called “Save for web”.

RIOT key features:

* open multiple graphic file formats by looking first at the magic number (it does not need file extension to recognize format)including support for uncommon images types (up to 128 BPP, integer and floating point. EX: hdr images, 16 bit grayscale, etc). Adaptive logarithmic tone mapping algorithm (Drago) used for HDR images
* save and optimize JPEG, GIF and PNG with a simple, clean user interface
* works in dual view: (original – optimized image) or single view (optimized image). Automatic preview of resulting image
* in-place compare function (alternativelly display the original image over the optimized image to notice small pixel changes)
* compress files to desired filesize threshold
* fast processing (all is done in memory); see instant results including resulting filesize
* decide if you want to keep metadata (comments, IPTC, Adobe XMP, EXIF profiles, ICC profiles). Unsupported metadata is removed
* transfer metadata between image formats (destination format must support them)
* common tools: pan and zoom, rotate, flip
* resize image by using well known resample filters (ex: Lanczos3, Catmull Rom, Bicubic, and others)
* the compression and the results are comparable to those of commercial products.

v.0.3.4 - 10.10.2009
- DLL version: fixed comdlg32 access violation when using the save button in Vista 32bit SP2 (not tested on Vista 64).
- new fullscreen view
-added support for all Photoshop supported color modes to PSD loading (with the exception of 32-bit float RGB)
- improved speed for jpeg encoding & decoding by 17% (using SIMD optimized code)
- improved speed of zlib compression (used for PNG) by 30% (using ASM optimized code)
- Bugfix: Riot.ini is in the Riot folder with write permissions, but Riot
creates and uses Application Data folder. Fixed !
- The Save button is now context sensitive - meaning it is automatically disabled and enabled when needed (ex: disabled after Save to see the operation completed succesfully, disabled if the autoamtic preview is not active, etc)
- added option to show the "Save As" Dialog on the "Save" action. Default false, requests only replace confirmation if file exists or shows the dialog if the file does not exist.
- the last used save folder is now stored and used each time the user presses "Save as"
- DLL version: the image resolution (dpi) is now imported directly from the DIB. Benefit: When used as irfanView plugin RIOT can keep now the resolution without the need to activate import ancillary info.
- improved exception handling when saving a file
- flicker reduced or eliminated on most controls
- fixed some minor issues and potential access violations
- updated libraries libtiff (3.9.1), libpng (1.2.40), FreeImage (3.13.0 and from official CVS)
- moved shortcuts from menu to global actions to make them usable in fullscreen
- added new hidden configuration variable for use within Riot.ini: UseLatestCommonDialogs (0 disabled [default], 1 enabled). When enabled Riot shows the new Vista dialogs. When disabled the old XP style dialogs are shown in Vista.
Note that the IrfanView plugin gives access violations when using the new dialogs.
- DLL version: fixed black background for icons in some rare cases (no manifest in calling app)
- other minor improvements
older changelog: http://luci.criosweb.ro/riot/changelog.txt

Homepage: http://luci.criosweb.ro/riot/
bbs: http://luci.criosweb.ro/riot/bbpress/



Program: Mirror Ireland | Mirror Czech Rep. | Mirror Ukraine | Mirror Japan | Mirror USA

DLL: | Mirror Ireland | Mirror USA | Mirror Czech Rep. | Mirror Ukraine | Mirror Japan

rel.: http://luci.criosweb.ro/riot/category/optimization-tips/


testings -- a light weight resample personas theme in size of 15,04 KB
2,74 KB (2.812 bytes) + 12,3 KB (12.680 bytes):
lightweightThemes.usedThemes;[{"id":"dummy","name":"3rd Party","headerURL":"http://img5.imagebanana.com/img/dq4zuwsn/stbarfirefox_b.jpg","footerURL":"http://img5.imagebanana.com/img/hcoq2k3/tboxfirefox_b.jpg","textcolor":"black","accentcolor":"#f7fcff"}]
