06 November 2009

eMule 0.49c ZZ-R V3.1

ZZ-R V3.1



ZZ-R V3.1

+ Multi Server Connect [thx sarutobi]
+ Fixed Slotfocus switch
+ Fixed HideOS/SOTN
+ Friendslot icons in friendlist
+ Some fixes in Commlist
+ Remaining column in uploadlist
+ Changed log color (now date and time are shown in default color)
+ Fixed a bug at sending modstring
+ Friendslot icons in friendlist
+ Updated Automatic Shared Files Updater

...and some other little changes/updates

ZZ-R is developed by morph4u Support and Info: http://board.seven2up.net



Grüsse an alle, bin in DE. Hab vorübergehend nur 128 kb/s drahtlos an speed. Leitung mit 2 mb kommt irgendwann. Nicht gerade umwerfend denn 765 kb waren es um das Jahr 2000 schon, mehr ist in der Umgebung hier nicht drin. Etwas erschrecken da ich dachte das wir in Thailand in nem kleinem Dorf ganz im Süden kein gutes Internet haben was manchmal bei einer erst 3 dann 5 dann 10 mb leitung nach DE weniger als 2 mb machte jedoch nach Hongkong, Indonesien, MS servern... gingen dort 10 mb mit Kabelsalat auf den alten Holzmasten immer. Hab scheinbar keine (High)Tech Gegend erwischt die in den vergangenen Jahren ausgebaut wurde hier in Süd Deutschland :))
Die guten news: üöäß sind wieder auf den Tasten vorhanden und der Strom fällt nicht (so oft) aus auch der Trinkwasserkauf erüüüüübrigt sich nun. :))

Der Internet DSL Ausbau in Deutschland insbesondere Süd/Ost Bayern ist erschreckend rückständig auf dem niveau von 2004 verglichen mit Nord Europa (Schweden, Norwegen,...) sowie dem Mittleren Osten wie auch Süd und Ost Asien heute im Jahr 2009 über die letzten 6 bis 7 Jahre in kleineren Städten und Gemeinden.

Some Firefox Minefield custom Builds with Element Properties + Combine Stop/Reload features merge


Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de-DE; rv:1.9.3a1pre) Gecko/20091105 Firefox/3.7 - Build ID: 20091105172411

: Feature 'Element Properties' see:

diff see attachments: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=513147

Merge: Combine Stop/Reload Button see:

Removed: Shopping search, added ftp search + bing

Aero Default skin (build in) on XP

src taken from latest bugfixed server builds:
whith the Configure arguments
--enable-application=browser --enable-optimize --disable-debug --enable-jemalloc --disable-updater --disable-crashrep

Built from http://hg.mozilla.org/try/rev/c8f7e2946d62

suggest config:

change in about:config following values to true/enable:



general.useragent.extra.firefox to Firefox/3.7



Download extract http://people.mozilla.com/~vladimir/webgl/webgl...

set path to location of OSMESA32.dll in ie: webgl.osmesalib;C:\Program Files\Minefield\OSMESA32.dll


English: try-c8f7e2946d62-win32.installer.exe 7.22 MB

English: try-9fb49a51d007-win32.installer.exe 7.23 MB
From 13.11.2009

26 October 2009

eMule 0.49c Xtreme 7.2 -LPE- Build 25.10.09

eMule0.49c Xtreme 7.2 -LPE-


+ Update -LPE- to newest eMule0.49c-Lite codebase

--> THX @ dolphinx for the great update to Lite <-- ========================================== Download
1.25 MB




Ich moechte mich bei allen Leser meines Blogs bedanken welchen ich seit 2007 so gut es ging taeglich updatete.

Dies ist mein letzter Blog Eintrag bis auf unbestimmte Zeit.

Ich bitte die Leser das Kommentar system zu verwenden da es mir in absehbarer Zeit nicht moeglich ist auf das Internet zuzugreifen.

Nach fast 7 Jahren in Asien ziehe ich nach Europa zurueck. Ich bin einst ausgewandert und habe dort bei Ankunft nichts mehr als die Hoffnung meine Lebensgefaehrtin nach zu bekommen um Heiraten zu koennen damit sie bleiberecht bekommt was damals fehlschlug und letztlich der ausschlaggebende Grund war auszuwandern um nicht getrennt zu werden.

Besonderen Dank an morph4u und Dinka wie auch alle anderen.

Gruss Chris

24 October 2009

TuneUp Utilities 2010 RC 2 V9.0.1001.1006 Preview Download

Änderungen im Release Candidate 2

Changes From 9.0.1000.55 To 9.0.1001.1006

Die TuneUp Utilities-Minianwendung stürzt nun nicht mehr während der Systemwartung ab.

Es wurde ein neues Design bei der TuneUp Live-Optimierung umgesetzt.

Das TuneUp-Symbol im Infobereich der Taskleiste wird nicht mehr doppelt angezeigt.

Die Kategorie „Leistung steigern“ im TuneUp Performance-Advisor wertet nun die Grafikkarte korrekt aus.

Während des Updates wird der TuneUp Utilities Service automatisch geschlossen.
ImageBanana - Unbenannt.png

Bei der Deinstallation von TuneUp Utilities wird nun keine Fehlermeldung angezeigt.

Die Hintergrundfarbe innerhalb der 1-Klick-Wartung wurde korrigiert.

Ein erneuter Download ist nicht notwendig wenn bereits der Release Candidate 1 installiert ist. Release Candidate 2 kann von der Vorgänger Version RC 1 online upgedated werden!

Via UpdateWizard (online update)

- TuneUp Utilities 2010 9.0.1001.1006 Deutsche Shareware Preview Test Version -

File: TUU2010DE_RC2_1006.exe
Size: 19,9 MB (20.887.368 bytes)
CRC-32: 10617612
MD4: 3badc64a09dee43827123f0dc86d0968
MD5: 780a0e10142fbb4ffe640debce9914bc
SHA-1: b49db62348a30a44196f8d9b9749f5b0f36e3695
ImageBanana - sig.png

Changelog older Betas

Pre-order now: TuneUp Utilities – Version 2010 for only USD 19.95!
Pre-order site TuneUp Utilities 2010 Final Version end of October at discount price 60% off for 19,95 USD only - 3 PC's

(Bestellt jetzt in USD und sparrt weitere runde 7 Euro, direkt vom Hersteller aus dem Newsletter oben!!! Einiges billiger im Kurs als in Euro Währung siehe http://de.finance.yahoo.com/waehrungen/waehrungsrechner/#from=USD;to=EUR;amt=19.95 Wechselkurs von 0,6663 am 24. Oktober 2009)
19,95 $ USDollar (USD) = 13,29 € Euro (EUR)

22 October 2009

Firefox 3.7 Minefield readded missing Element Properties in Menu | Firefox 3.7 a1pre MoD

A quick 10 minutes merge using 7zip + Notepad2 to share a full feature equipped Minefield Build.

Element Eigenschaften Bug

Merge Element Properties back into latest Minefield:

ImageBanana - properties.png

ImageBanana - fullscreen.png

diff see attachments: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=513147

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de-DE; rv:1.9.3a1pre) Gecko/20091022 Firefox/3.7 - Build ID: 20091022034347

Minefield Tracemonkey http://hg.mozilla.org/tracemonkey/rev/bd1b27a9da16

7.53 MB
firefox-3.7a1pre.en-US.win32.installer.exe [20091022034347] - Mirror

German Language Pack updated for latest Minefield:

As Addon: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/14228

Lets do something more:

- remove shopping search engines such as ebay/amazon and add more useful ftp search engines + Bing search
- Merged diff parts from changeset - 40870:294b0f7b12bc
Combined Stop Reload Button feature
- remove/hide 'For internet explorer users' under help menu
- add a drop down search history box in search field
ImageBanana - Unbenannt.png

Download English: firefox-3.7a1pre.en-US.win32.installer.exe 7.55 MB | Mirror

ImageBanana - Unbenannt.png

Download Deutsch (add German Dictionary, Language Files, other localized files, use Aero Skin - Blue on XP): DE of firefox-3.7a1pre.en-US.win32.install.exe 7.98 MB

Test merge changeset - 34111:9617b5335022 http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/9617b5335022 2seeall2

ImageBanana - Unbenannt.pngImageBanana - Unbenannt2.pngImageBanana - Unbenannt1.png

Download test a:
DE of firefox-3.7a1pre.en-US.win32.install.exe 7.98 MB
Download test b:
DE of firefox-3.7a1pre.en-US.win32.install.exe | Mirror 7.98 MB

"Updating extensions for Firefox 3.6"
User interface changes

"Right-clicking on elements (including links and images) no longer offers a "Properties" menu item. The properties dialog box was not useful for (...a selected user group!?) and has been removed because of its size of 48 kb...."

Beginning from Firefox 3.6 - Mozilla reduce Web Browser standard features and add unimportant stuff in size of about 200 kb+ into the Firefox core such as Personas which will as optional extension/addon do the job as it always was! A while ago I thought the missing Element Properties is a bug and will be fixed sooner or later: firefox-36-namoroka-personas-support.html



Test1: 8 Bits pro Pixel

opera properties

ImageBanana - Unbenannt.png
70.25 KB APNG is simply to much from 44,5 KB GIF

Good news there is a new combined stop reload button test build out:
changeset - 41685:e38b8ca5a579
+ properties try-e38b8ca5a579-win32.installer.exe 7.53 MB

An idea to figure out, overwrite os version and switch to the included aero skin on win xp os (ff like vista look)

without replacing the files from \chrome\browser.jar\skin\classic\aero *.* to \chrome\browser.jar\skin\classic\ {the above folder)

by an installed fx its for example in C:\Program Files\Minefield\chrome\


skin browser classic/1.0 jar:browser.jar!/skin/classic/browser/ os!=WINNT
overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://browser/content/safebrowsing/report-phishing-overlay.xul
overlay chrome://global/content/viewPartialSource.xul chrome://browser/content/viewSourceOverlay.xul
skin browser classic/1.0 jar:browser.jar!/skin/classic/browser/ os=WINNT osversion<6
overlay chrome://global/content/viewSource.xul chrome://browser/content/viewSourceOverlay.xul
style chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul chrome://browser/content/browser.css
skin communicator classic/1.0 jar:browser.jar!/skin/classic/communicator/
override chrome://global/content/license.html chrome://browser/content/license.html
content browser jar:browser.jar!/content/browser/ xpcnativewrappers=yes contentaccessible=yes
style chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul chrome://browser/skin/
skin browser classic/1.0 jar:browser.jar!/skin/classic/aero/browser/ os=WINNT osversion>=6
content branding jar:browser.jar!/content/branding/ xpcnativewrappers=yes

skin browser classic/1.0 jar:browser.jar!/skin/classic/aero/browser/ os=WINNT osversion<6

skin browser classic/1.0 jar:browser.jar!/skin/classic/aero/browser/ os=WINNT osversion>=6

skin browser classic/1.0 jar:browser.jar!/skin/classic/browser/ os!=WINNT
overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://browser/content/safebrowsing/report-phishing-overlay.xul
overlay chrome://global/content/viewPartialSource.xul chrome://browser/content/viewSourceOverlay.xul
overlay chrome://global/content/viewSource.xul chrome://browser/content/viewSourceOverlay.xul
style chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul chrome://browser/content/browser.css
skin communicator classic/1.0 jar:browser.jar!/skin/classic/communicator/
override chrome://global/content/license.html chrome://browser/content/license.html
content browser jar:browser.jar!/content/browser/ xpcnativewrappers=yes contentaccessible=yes
style chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul chrome://browser/skin/
skin browser classic/1.0 jar:browser.jar!/skin/classic/aero/browser/
content branding jar:browser.jar!/content/branding/ xpcnativewrappers=yes

change all >=6 by removing from this entries: os=WINNT osversion>=6
remove all with <6 on a XP machine

same thing in

content global-region jar:toolkit.jar!/content/global-region/ xpcnativewrappers=yes
overlay chrome://navigator/content/navigator.xul chrome://reporter/content/reporterOverlay.xul
content cookie jar:toolkit.jar!/content/cookie/ xpcnativewrappers=yes
skin reporter classic/1.0 jar:toolkit.jar!/skin/classic/reporter/
content mozapps jar:toolkit.jar!/content/mozapps/ xpcnativewrappers=yes
skin global classic/1.0 jar:toolkit.jar!/skin/classic/aero/global/ os=WINNT osversion>=6
content global-platform jar:toolkit.jar!/content/global-platform/ platform xpcnativewrappers=yes
overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://reporter/content/reporterOverlay.xul
skin mozapps classic/1.0 jar:toolkit.jar!/skin/classic/mozapps/ os!=WINNT
skin mozapps classic/1.0 jar:toolkit.jar!/skin/classic/aero/mozapps/ os=WINNT osversion>=6
overlay chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul chrome://reporter/content/reporterOverlay.xul
skin mozapps classic/1.0 jar:toolkit.jar!/skin/classic/mozapps/ os=WINNT osversion<6
skin global classic/1.0 jar:toolkit.jar!/skin/classic/global/ os!=WINNT
override chrome://global/content/nsTransferable.js chrome://global/content/nsDragAndDrop.js
content passwordmgr jar:toolkit.jar!/content/passwordmgr/ xpcnativewrappers=yes
content global jar:toolkit.jar!/content/global/ xpcnativewrappers=yes contentaccessible=yes
content xbl-marquee jar:toolkit.jar!/content/xbl-marquee/ xpcnativewrappers=yes
content reporter jar:toolkit.jar!/content/reporter/ xpcnativewrappers=yes
skin global classic/1.0 jar:toolkit.jar!/skin/classic/global/ os=WINNT osversion<6


content global-region jar:toolkit.jar!/content/global-region/ xpcnativewrappers=yes
overlay chrome://navigator/content/navigator.xul chrome://reporter/content/reporterOverlay.xul
content cookie jar:toolkit.jar!/content/cookie/ xpcnativewrappers=yes
skin reporter classic/1.0 jar:toolkit.jar!/skin/classic/reporter/
content mozapps jar:toolkit.jar!/content/mozapps/ xpcnativewrappers=yes
content global-platform jar:toolkit.jar!/content/global-platform/ platform xpcnativewrappers=yes
overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://reporter/content/reporterOverlay.xul
overlay chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul chrome://reporter/content/reporterOverlay.xul
skin mozapps classic/1.0 jar:toolkit.jar!/skin/classic/aero/mozapps/
skin global classic/1.0 jar:toolkit.jar!/skin/classic/aero/global/
override chrome://global/content/nsTransferable.js chrome://global/content/nsDragAndDrop.js
content passwordmgr jar:toolkit.jar!/content/passwordmgr/ xpcnativewrappers=yes
content global jar:toolkit.jar!/content/global/ xpcnativewrappers=yes contentaccessible=yes
content xbl-marquee jar:toolkit.jar!/content/xbl-marquee/ xpcnativewrappers=yes
content reporter jar:toolkit.jar!/content/reporter/ xpcnativewrappers=yes

when done the xp skin files becomes unused and can be removed in chrome\browser.jar and chrome\toolkit.jar

see folder tree screenshots:
ImageBanana - Unbenannt.png ImageBanana - Unbenannt1.png
On the other hand you can copy/overwrite all subfolders and files in folder /Aero and subfolders, one folder up in the two Jar archives: browser.jar and toolkit.jar (move them if you don't use vista. If u use vista the xp theme skin files can be erased)
About 800 kb code saving or more than 16 times the size of Element Properties which have been removed in eXtreme stuppiness calling this as a bug patch from some Gui Devs :))

Result on XP:

It's the same as https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/7390 Aero skin is since a while in Firefox 3.5x, 3.6x, 3.7x... builds include.

21 October 2009

eMule 0.49c StulleMule 6.2 Plus Version 18.10.09

eMule 0.49c StulleMule 6.2 Plus is StulleMule extended and reloaded with many improvements and enhancements. Useless restrictions has been removed and useful features added. The mod is suitable for Releasers and for all eMule users!

eMule 0.49c StulleMule 6.2 Plus Version

Engo3K +Features 18.10.09
Windows 7 Compatibility
added: Variable Friend boost factor (1-500)
added: Variable Nick boost factor (1-500)
added: GeoIp (karte)
added: Whois (client provider info)
changed: Max. usernick length from 50 on 70
added: disable PS for Anti-Nick/Mod
added: autoKick Anti-Nick/Mod from the Uploadqueue (if Score 0 for this Clients enabled)
added: Auto Unban when Friend to add is a banned client
added: Faster Upload Timer
added: Winsock 2.2
added: CPU/MEM-Optimizer
added: Show CUR/AVG CPU-MEM Usage in Statistics
added: Copy Stats - extended
improved: Datarate per Client
improved: SlotFocus
improved: Save some cycles with an empty Queue
fixed: (GetScore) - it may be possible that clients get a negative score
changed: if Parfile Is Prmission = HIDE & PBF Is enbled ->Upload only for this! Clients (PBF=PS Status in %)
added: clients share visibility
added: unlimited search results
added: clients colors to design settings
added: ipfilter_static.dat
changed: reduce score for leechers to "0", 10-100%->(100%=No Punish), Ban
fixed: language dll "geschwindigkeitsanzeige in der toolbar" ;-)
added: clientupload time for blocked clients
changed: filereasktime
changed: englisch feedback to Ultimativ-mod format -de
changed: language de_DE.dll
added: choosable modstring
added: customable priority
added: upload priority in downloadlist
added: push part files
removed: friends resrtictions
removed: powershare resrtictions
removed: Release Boost resrtictions for partfile
removed: PBF resrtictions
changed: SlotLimiter from min.60 to 1-255
changed: datarate pro client now
changed: leecher standard reduce score from 33% to 10%
added: don't remove spare trickle slot in uploadList (for use client datarate)
added: reasksingle client (downloadList)
added: Drop/Swap Client in Transfer Windows/to another File
added: Kick sngle client from upload
added: Kick all upload slots
added: ban client (all list)
added: clear banlist
added: push client to upload (queuelist)
added: unlimited slot
added: friend boost *200
added: Nick boost *200
added: multichunk transfer
added: antinick punish
added: antimod punish
added: queuerang full punish
added: Up2Mule
added: Show IP (ClientDetailDialog) ,IP ,UserNick ,UserHash ,Clienversion all copyable
added: active permission
added: see OnUploadqueue and feedback
added: colors for antinick/antimod/QR-full/Nick boost/unlimited slot

removed: Ultimativ as bad Nick/UltiMatic as bad mod
remowed: other release bad Mod/Nick's

Homepage: http://www.ultimativ-board.org/

DDL | Mirror | Mirror

Herzlichen Dank fuer das Update!
