04 April 2010

SimpleCD Desktop 0.1.2b

SimpleCD Desktop -- Seize the emule!
SimpleCD Desktop feature overview:

* Massive covered VeryCD emule resource index, by online safeguard, always updated
* Contains VeryCD not delete or review by the resources, * anti * harmony, a more comprehensive
* Simplify the browsing page, faster browsing, better experience
* More than 250,000 entries, covering film, music, games, software and other aspects
* Full offline database on their computers without Internet access can search
* The powerful online update feature, so your data and the latest time data synchronization
* Open Source! Completely open source, ease to use, you can make changes to Oh

...read more

0.1.2b [2010-04-05]

* Fixed a path name bug
0.1.2 [2010-04-05]

+ Added function to update data from a file

* Fixed character encoding errors can not succeed error
* Change the default database update and the database updated some of the details
0.1.1b [2010-02-18]

* Fixed issue of the Chinese path can not be used, this really solve the
0.1.1 [2010-02-17]

+ Add online updating the database functionality, and offers two updated engines
+ Add a profile and profile settings features

* The path can not be used to solve the problem of Chinese
* Modify the compilation method and therefore makes the document more concise
0.1.0 [2010-02-12]

+ The first version, comes with basic search function

Homepage: http://desktop.simplecd.org/ | BBS

rel: http://foofind.com/en

02 April 2010

Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3 Final - Namoroka 3.6.4pre Ayakawa build


Firefox 3.6 Release Notes: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/3.6.3/releasenotes/

Firefox 3.6.3 fixes a critical security issue that could potentially allow remote code execution (see bug 555109).

Namoroka 3.6.4pre/VC9 SP1 - changeset 33785:d5c0d2bcb518 (Thu Apr 01 15:39:40 2010 -0400)

VS 2008 Pro SP1/SSE2+PGU build 7z ver.
size 8,096,936 byte
SHA256 0ace9e132d832fcbd3dc6b6c562c938f72f1d295a4a5f1de60336401ec275790
VS 2008 Pro SP1/SSE2+PGU build installer ver.
size 8,169,989 byte
SHA256 7d52209b9ca3474cea789d9e0b50cc38d6c4e273209c3dce39158a3021186800


Namoroka 3.6.4pre (2010/04/02)

* profiling with getting source from changeset 33785:d5c0d2bcb518 (Thu Apr 01 15:39:40 2010 -0400)
* make with VC++9 SP1
* add compatibility for windows 7 on manifest. see MSDN-Application Manifest. But, if you use some plugins (e.g. Flash), Fx run under VISTA compatibility mode.
* make mozlibpixman.dll patch - pixmandll20091115.zip
* IJG's JPEG library with x86 SIMD extension & Namoroka Patches
* bug 509956

Homepage: http://marilab.hp.infoseek.co.jp/buildfx/index_en.html

Tete's Builds: http://www1.plala.or.jp/tete009/en-US/software.html http://www1.plala.or.jp/tete009/software/mozilla/firefox/release/

with Opera Theme:

Homepage: http://f22.aaa.livedoor.jp/~ptdb/firefox/theme.html

eMule 0.49c FlowerPower v2.0 Beta 8


Changelog FlowerPower v2.0 Beta8:

* Neuer Splash und Sidebanner by Mr. FrEEzEr :)
* Auth für das neue Forum geändert
* Uploadverbesserung der 0.50a eingebaut
* Win7 Tweaks der 0.50a eingebaut
* alle sonstigen URLs und Verweise zu DarkMule.de geändert
* "GTD Board" ist jetzt einfach "Forum"

Changelog v2.0 Beta7:

* diverse interne Änderungen und Fixes
* URLs zu DarkMule.de geändert

Changelog v2.0 Beta6:

* Mod-Start (stark) beschleunigt
* Neuer Splashscreen (erscheint früher & mit Text)
* GTD Icon verfeinert (sieht besser aus)
* leechers.dll wird erst geladen nachdem der Muli ganz gestartet ist
* Meldung bei jedem Start dass eine neue leechers.dll vorhanden ist behoben

Changelog v2.0 Beta5:

* Servermessage Spamfilter zugefügt (Werbung der Server wird automatisch entfernt)
* re-added and fixed "Faster Uploadtimer" :)
* IPFilter Cleanup für temporäre Einträge hinzugefügt

Changelog v2.0 Beta4:

* Sessionratio hinzugefügt um es Crackern (etwas) schwieriger zu machen
* Option hinzugefügt um Downloads in FETT anzuzeigen
* "Faster Uploadtimer" entfernt - sorgte für Probleme bei der Quellenfindung
* Neuer Versionscheck für Release- vs. Betaversionen (andere URL)

Changelog v2.0 Beta3:

* FP-Icon (Rainbow Peace) wiederhergestellt
* Neues FP-Icon für Windows Vista (Desktop)
* Möglichen Crash bei einigen Freundesaktionen gefixt

Changelog v2.0 Beta2:

* Darstellungsprobleme wg. 0.49c Basis in Upload/Queue/Download/Server/etc. gefixt

Changelog v2.0 Beta1:

* Update auf v0.49c
* Kleinere Feinheiten in einigen Kontextmenüs gemacht (z.B. dass sie ausgegraut sind wenn keine gültigen Items gewählt sind)

Beachtet dazu:
Das ist wohl die "finale" Version... heisst nur nicht so, weil er noch nicht getestet ist |tock|
Vielen Dank an FrEEzEr für die neuen Grafiken!

Ihr könnt den Mod so benutzen und er funktioniert einwandfrei, ABER: wenn ihr die Releaser-Funktionen benutzen wollt, dann müsst ihr euch bei der FlowerPower-Mod Gruppe bewerben und ihr werdet dann freigeschalten - oder auch nicht. Die Freischaltung erfolgt nur für Releaser und nur, wenn man sich auch etwas am Forum beteiligt bzw. beteiligen möchte (z.B. Posten der Releases, o.Ä.).

BBS: http://www.darkmule.de/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=24728
Homepage: http://www.darkmule.de/



eMule v0.49c Tombstone v2.0 by WiZaRd

Tombstone is now based upon eMule v0.49c including all important updates/fixes that version offers
This version includes the ClientAnalyzer 1.5, VQB fullchunk system and modstring support ONLY - NOTHING MORE!
That's the perfect version to check out or to base your mod upon if you want to use the CA.
The code is also much cleaner and easier to port/integrate to your own language/mod.
I want to thank all testers and as always eMuleFuture.eu for its support.
Below is the changelog for your reference.

Changelog FiNaL:
Compiled with the latest lib sources (from v0.50) and Win7 SDK
Added some sample code for necessary v0.50 changes

Changelog Beta15:
Eased the restrictions for clients to be considered "empty" to reduce memory usage

Changelog Beta14:
Separate function for modfaker checks (and cleaning which was missing up to now)

Changelog Beta13:
Additional cleanup and polishing

Changelog Beta12:
Some cleanup and fixes
Remaining up is now updated if you (de-)assign a friendslot which should also fix "neverending" upload slots for friends
Added additional security checks for source exchange and AICH requests

Changelog Beta11:
Due to a fix I made, you could not send messages to friends that were not already connected
Added additional modthief checks (parts taken from Xtreme DLP by zz_fly)

Changelog Beta10:
Removed option to en-/disable secure identification - this should always be used and I never understood why that option is there at all!
Added new temporary CA data list to ensure that we attach the CA data to the correct client
Fixed too high fast reask counter
Cleaned up the code a bit

Changelog Beta9:
Added various small fixes (Proper log colours, Don't answer OP_HELLO of banned clients, and others...)
Added ECR stat fixes by Stulle

Changelog Beta8:
Added "Enhanced Client Recognition" (Spike2) and adapted CA source to use the clients' reasktimes instead of the default one
ReaskTime of clients is now adjusted to the clients' reasktimes

Changelog Beta7:
Added even more optimizations, also cleaned up the CA code a bit and further implemented the UL/DL session stuff
Added an additional check/fix against possible file fakers (which also prevents that we add sources to the deadsource list of a wrong file)

Changelog Beta6:
Added a workaround for the official "bug" around "IsSourceRequestAllowed"
Added some fixes that are necessary for the modstring feature to work correctly
Added some fixes (Stulles WebServer FiX, SetStyle FiX for searchlistctrl, Friends FiX)
Added "no needed requeue" [SlugFiller]
Added bad ul/dl session handling as discussed on eMF:
* 3 CONSECUTIVE failed ul sessions will result in us allowing uploads ONLY if we are already connected
* 3..5 CONSECUTIVE failed dl sessions will result in a score reduce of 1 chunk per dl session
* 6 CONSECUTIVE failed dl sessions will result in a (2-way!) BAN

Changelog Beta5:
Fixed missing ModFaker entry in stats [reported by SS1900]
Fixed exception in ProcessSourceRequest [reported by jerryBG]
Move some CA functions to CA member functions, also cleaned up some codeparts

Changelog Beta4:
Fixed a possible bug in new ProcessSourceRequest function, also cleaned it up
Modthieves won't get the Tombstone icon, now [requested by jerryBG]

Changelog Beta3:
We don't ask servers for their serverlist if we do not actually need it (WiZaRd)
Added a basic workaround for the following issue: there are some clients out there that punish nickchanges and a
CA client might run into trouble during chat sessions (that is: getting banned/punished due to the antinickthief feature) [reported by jerryBG]

Changelog Beta2:
Clientanalyzer now includes "ModFaker" detection (zz_fly - thanks to taz for the diff and the suggestion)
"Misc GPLEvilDoer" checks are now included to punish the AJ default nick/mod users (WiZaRd)

Changelog Beta1:
Tombstone is now based upon eMule v0.49c including all important updates/fixes that version offers
This version includes the ClientAnalyzer 1.5, VQB fullchunk system and modstring support ONLY - NOTHING MORE!
That's the perfect version to check out or to base your mod upon if you want to use the CA.

Homepage: http://www.darkmule.de
BBS: http://www.darkmule.de/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=24738
http://www.darkmule.de/wiz/eMule.v0.49c-Tombstone.v2.0_SRC.7z - Mirror


Direct Links:

eMule 0.49c R-Mod v.3.2

[eMule 0.49c] R-Mod v.3.2 [van Releases4U]
Onze eigen Releases4u eMule mod genaamd R-Mod (our mod) is geupdate naar R-Mod versie 3.2 Gebaseerd op eMule 0.49c en Modded by pP voor Releases4U.net

R-mod features:

* Standaard nickname: [Releases4U.net] Dare to Share [R-Mod].
* Standaard Server lijst van Releases4U van de meest betrouwbare servers.
* Standaard in het Nederlands dus voor iedereen makkelijk te gebruiken.
* Server updates staan uit zodat je serverlijst niet vervuild.
* Het eMulepawcio IP-filter van de officiele eMule site wordt elke dag ververst zodat je altijd de laatste versie gebruikt.
* |Brein|Zambor|FX|DI-Emule|Disrael|Ketamine zijn opgenomen in je berichten filter zodat je daar geen lastige berichten van ontvangt.

R-Mod 3.2 changelog:

based on: OfFixed 1.0 by Spike2

Added: Various fixes by dolphinX [pP/dolphinX]
Added: Grey out dead/unreliable servers [bluesonicboy]
Added: show current server in blue & bold [xman1]
Added: Variable compression [ [NetFinity]
Changed: Added active Betatesters to credits [pP]
Extern: updated ModIconDll (check forum!) [pP]
Changed: Download ModIconDll from eMulesector [pP]
Changed: Moved all Icons to ModIconDLL [pP]
Added: Overlays for LowIDs in all lists [pP]
Removed: ClientSoftIcons code [pP]
Removed: ClientSoft and OwnMod icons [pP]
Removed: SoftIcon for VeryCD/easyMule [pP]
Fixed: AHL, DynADP and Updates stopped working after some time [pP]
Added: Show real- and funnynick in clientdetails[pP]
Added: eMuleate other [WiZaRd/Spike/shadow2004]
Added: File Feedback [IceCream/MorphXT]
Added: Session Feedback (Export Stats) [pP]
Added: SoftIcon for VeryCD/easyMule [pP]
Added: Fincan detection [JvA/Wizard]
Added: Session and Global PS stats [pP]
Added: Switch for SlotFocus (q-list/up-list) [pP/evl]
Added: Switch for Flood Prevention (q-list) [pP/evl]
Added: Flood Prevention [Wizard]
Added: SourceSaver [?]
Changed: Added ActiveRatio, removed offi one [pP/Netfinity]
Changed: Adopted ANT to usage of FunnyNicks [pP]
Added: Client Anylyzer 1.5 [Wizard]
Added: Icon for GPLEvildoer [pP, Icon from Argos]
øChanged: Added some Mods to GPLEvildoer list [pP]
Updated: Rewritten ClientSoft icon code [pP]
Added: ClientSoft and OwnMod icons [pP]
Added: Slot control, fix amnesia after restarts [pP]
Added: Dynamic AutoDownPriorities (v1 & 2.1) [pP]
Added: IPFilter update [evl/DarkMatter]
Added: Reask sources after IP changes [Stulle/X-Ray]
Added: Colored/Bold downloads [pP]
Added: Winsock v2 support [?/X-Ray]
Added: ConChecker [eWombat/X-Ray]
Added: Powershare, incl. statistics [zz/pP]
Added: Own Ratio [VQB/Alias]
Added: Recalc scores only after Up/dn changes [pP/idea by Wizard]
Added: ChunkDots [Slugfiller/CB]
Added: ICS [EnkyDev/X-Ray]
Added: DynamicBLockRequests [Netfinity/X-Ray]
Added: Delayed NNP [Netfinity/X-Ray]
Added: ClientPercentages [?/X-Ray]
Added: NodeDatUpdate [pP/Alias]
Added: Download countryflag dlls if missing [pP]
Added: Ip 2 Country, full implementation again [from X-Ray]
Changed: Modstring

I want to thank my friend pP for making this great mod and for the effort and time he has put in to this.

Homepage: http://www.releases4u.net/index.php/..eMule_0.49c%5D_R-Mod_v.3.2_%5Bvan_Releases..
BBS: http://www.releases4u.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=28462

Download r-mod_3.2_bin.rar 2.59 MB
R-Mod v3.2
source code

eMule 0.49c StulleMule SDC Special Beta V0.2.1

V0.2.1 Changelog:
- 2.27.2010 -
添加:对于eMule-GIFC 的检测。

V0.2 Changelog:
– 2.20.2010 -
添 加:对于miniMule的检测
更新:将VC客户端检测,移入减分组,将BAD MOD 及 BAD USERNAME检测移入无理由屏蔽组[feathia](感谢liumailong,Silbermond的建议)

– 17.12.2009 -
基于eMule 0.49c StulleMule 6.2

添加:VC MOD 检测 [Feathia]
添加:EasyMule Check [chengr28]

更新: Anti-Leecher-Lists (DLP v39) [zz_fly/more]
注意: 此版本仅用作测试使用,本人并不承担由此带来的任何后果!!
based on eMule 0.49c StulleMule 6.2

Added: VeryCD Client Check [Feathia]
Added: EasyMule Check [chengr28]

Update: Anti-Leecher-Lists (DLP v39) [zz_fly/more]

NOTE: This version only for testing use, I do not bear any consequences arising therefrom!!

BBS: http://www.ied2k.com/forum/lofiversion/?t19975.html

StulleMule SDC 的 SF页:https://sourceforge.net/projects/specialdlp/files/
Google Code: http://code.google.com/p/emule-edit/downloads/list


