17 April 2010

eMule v0.49c UltiMatiX v4.5 Build 14.04.10


Changelog for eMule v.49c [UltiMatiX v4.5 (old name UltiMatic)] based on Magic Angel 3.5

MERGED: to MorphXT v11.3
Changes 14.04.10 - [engo3k] for ultimativ-board.org

+faster uploadtime display calculation
+remove block ratio(BR:)clients - THX [morph4u] for help

ADDED: Shutdown PC or eMule when Downloads are complete
ADDED: Shutdown PC or eMule with a date/time
ADDED: Shutdown PC or eMule when a file have x complete sources or x complete virtual sources
ADDED: Total UpDown column with pos./neg. colors - green/red
+CHANGED: Color for Friend (blue) & Leecher (orange) from back to txtcolor
+CHANGED: Colored Uploadfeedback with Uploadspeed & uploaded clients - THX Myth
from DownloadList + DownloadTime - D:H:M:S Format
+Ultimativ-MoD Uploadfeedback

+ADDED: Average Queue Ranking [Xman] - Stulle
+ADDED: Unban Leecher in all lists
+ADDED: PowerShare via Webinterface
+ADDED: More Creditsystems(SIVKA/XTREME/SWAT/TK4/ZZUL) [Stulle]
+ADDED: Show sources on title - [Stulle]
+ADDED: show overhead on title - [Stulle]
+ADDED: High resolution speedmeter on toolbar [Stulle]
+ADDED: Advanced Transfer Window Layout [Stulle]
+ADDED: Active Share Permission - Hide/Community/Friend=remove clients from Upload & Waiting queue after Permission change
+ADDED: Unlimited Slot *Adjust max client upload time
+ADDED: Adjust max client upload time (for blocked clients 5-300 Minutes Standard 60')
+ADDED: Clear Banlist [pP] - in UploadList/QueueList/DownloadClient
+ADDED: Unban Leecher
+ADDED: Don't Ban Friends [KTS]
+ADDED: Manual Ask SRV & XS for new Sources [LSD]
+ADDED: Maximum Segment Size (MSS 1300-1480) [KTS]
+ADDED: Multiple Chunks Transfer (1-10) [mL]
+CHANGED: AntiCommunityName from [256] to [512]
+ADDED: AntiPunish for QueueFull Clients (faktor 1=aus, 2=50%, 3 1/3 reduze score, 100=0 Score+waitingtime), Upload Bann
+CHANGED: Disable PS for Anticom/Mod /QR-Full is Score=0 for this enabled
+ADDED: Upload kick for anti-mod, anti-comm, qr-full, ist score 0 for this enabled
+CHANGED: If permision hide and pbf enabled upload only for this clients
+CHANGED: Color lightgrey for Anticom/Mod qr-full Clients & Disable PS for Anticom/Mod/Leecher
+ADDED: Auto Unban when Friend to add is a banned client
+ADDED: Show IP (ClientDetailDialog) [kts]
+CHANGED: don't remove spare trickle slots in UploadList
+ADDED: Limit PowerShare by amount of data uploaded - per File/Global [Stulle]
+ADDED: Anti-Mod Punish
+ADDED: Anti-Comm Punish
+ADDED: 0 Score for Anti-Community Clients + Auto Kick + No PS
+ADDED: 0 Score for Anti-Mod Clients + Auto Kick + No PS
+ADDED: 0 Score for QR-Full Clients + Auto Kick + No PS
+ADDED: 0 Score for non SUI Clients
+ADDED: Clients Share Visibility (Pink)
+CHANGED: Add+Kick to Temporary Morph IpFilte
+CHANGED: Client Ban-Time [0-24H]
+ADDED: Emulate Nick Addon
+ADDED: Colored Clients LowID=yellow, Community=Green, Friend=Blue, Anticom/Mod/Leecher/QR-Full=lightgrey
+CHANGE: New eMule icons
+ADDED: Sivka File Settings - Source limit/drop adjustable per File [Sivka/Stulle]
+ADDED: Customized source dropping with auto drop immunity [Sivka/Stulle]
+ADDED: Show of dropped sources per file in DownloadList [Stulle]
+ADDED: Automatic shared files updater (ASFU v3.2) - [MoNKi]
+UPDATED:German language file
+ADDED: TBH Mini-Mule with SendModname on Title
+CHANGED: PBF for partfiles
+CHANGED: PowerShare restrictions for partfile or finished files to 800 src.
+ADDED: More Infos in Copy stats (Avarage Cpu Usage/Compression/OS-Vista recognition...)
+ADDED: Copy Stats - extended
+ADDED: Switchable Releaseboost ->(2-40)
+ADDED: Custom Prioritys
+CHANGED: Push Rare Files ->(4-40)
+CHANGED: Push by Radio Files ->(2-40)
+ADDED: Push part files [Spe64]
+ADDED: Push finished files [Spe64]
+ADDED: Switchable Friendboost ->(1-500)
+ADDED: Switchable Community-boost ->(1-500)
+CHANGED: Reask Time ->(20-57)
+ADDED: Show CUR-AVG CPU/MEM usage in Stats
+ADDED: Switchable CPU/Ram Infos (eMule/Global) [Stulle/Sicks]
+ADDED: Choosable modstring with ModaddOnNick [Spe64] + feedback with SendModname
+ADDED: Send modname on Title/Systray&prefs/MyniMule&prefs/WebServer
+ADDED: Upload priority from Transfer Windows
+ADDED: Upload only to eMule Clients
+ADDED: Reask single Clients in Transfer Windows
+ADDED: Push to Upload from downloadClientList & queuelist
+ADDED: Drop Client in Transfer Windows (to another File)
+ADDED: Whois-Client Provider Info all Lists
+ADDED: GeoIP-IP Location Finder-Karte all Lists
+ADDED: Kick All Upload Slots
+ADDED: Kick from Upload
+ADDED: Kick and add to Morph Temporary IP-Filter
+ADDED: Client-BAN All List
+CHANGED: Slot Limiter ->(1-255)
+ADDED: See onuploadqueue & feedback
+ADDED: New Feedback format (DE)
+CHANGED: English feedback format Changed to Ultimativ-Mod Format
+CHANGED: Remove PoweShare restrictions
+CHANGED: Remove Friends restrictions
+CHANGED: New Leecher icon
+ADDED: Old AppleJuice Community Detection [Xman]
+CHANGED: Xman & MA DLPs added more Applejuice Based Mods, removed some Release/Bad Mods

Code Parts from MA v3.8 Alpha2
ADDED: Don't accept too short filters - unfair![WiZaRd]
ADDED: First Start Maximized[WiZaRd]
ADDED: Faster Upload Timer[WiZaRd]
IMPROVED: Moved some Functions inline[netfinity]
IMPROVED: Some Optimations and Fixes[WiZaRd]
IMPROVED: Code (CPU load)[Maella]
IMPROVED: Optimized speedBarShader[netfinity]
IMPROVED: FillSolidRect[Xray]
IMPROVED: banncheck[sivka]
IMPROVED: quick fix/possible crashfix[XMan]
IMPROVED: Save converting dwIP from uint32 to a CStringT to ASCII then back to uint32[bluesonicboy]
IMPROVED: save some cycles with an empty Queue[pP]
IMPROVED: Optimizations ,Fixes[WiZaRd/Xman/JvA
FIXED: ReAskSourcesAfterIpChange: if we receive a LowID we do a recheck[XMan]



DownloadeMule-0.49c-UltiMatiX-V4.5-14.04.10.rar 3.83 MB


older versions:

eMule 0.50a RapCom 1.0 beta by ksa2000

eMule 0.50a RapCom 1.0 beta

Homepage: http://rapcom.1a.to



RapCom Mod is a very fast eMule mod.
I'm very happy to announce RapCom v1.0 in eMule Version 0.50a.

Thank you very much for the update!

16 April 2010

eMule v0.49c StulleMule Plus (14.04.2010)

Engo3K +Features 14.04.10 v0.49c StulleMule Plus

eMule 0.49c StulleMule 6.2 Plus is StulleMule extended and reloaded with many improvements, features and enhancements.

+total Up/Down column upload/queue/downloadList with pos./neg.colors - green/red
+feedback with upspeed
+faster uploadtime display calculation
+remove block ratio clients

+Compatibility adjustments for latest Windows 7 OS (no compatibility mode urgently)
+FIX: Download-Limit

added: Variable Friend boost factor (1-500)
added: Variable Nick boost factor (1-500)
added: GeoIp (karte)
added: Whois (client provider info)
changed: Max. usernick length from 50 on 70

added: disable PS for Anti-Nick/Mod
added: autoKick Anti-Nick/Mod from the Uploadqueue (if Score 0 for this Clients enabled)

added: auto unban when friend to add is a banned client
added: faster upload timer
added: winsock 2.2
added: cpu/mem-optimizer
added: show cur-/avg cpu-mem usage in statistics
added: copy stats - extended
improved: datarate per client
improved: slotfocus
improved: save some cycles with an empty queue
fixed: (GetScore) - it may be possible that clients get a negative score
changed: if parfile Is permission = HIDE & PBF Is enabled ->upload only for this clients (PBF=PS Status in %)

added: clients share visibility
added: unlimited search results
added: Plus clients colors to design settings
added: ipfilter_static.dat
added: ipfilter_white.dat
changed: reduce score for leechers to "0=0 Score", 10-100%->(100%=No Punish), Ban
fix: language dll "geschwindigkeitsanzeige in der toolbar" ;-)

added: clientupload time for blocked clients [5-360] mins
changed: filereasktime [21-55] mins
changed: englisch feedback to Ultimativ-mod format (de)
changed: language de_DE.dll

added: choosable modstring
added: customable priority
added: upload priority in downloadlist
added: push part files

removed: friends restrictions
removed: powershare restrictions
removed: Release Bonus restrictions for partfile
removed: PBF restrictions for partfile
changed: SlotLimiter from min.60 to 1-255
changed: datarate pro client now
changed: leecher standard reduce score from 33% to 10%
added: active permission - Friend/Community/Hide
added: auto kick AntiNick (AntiComm) upload bann (0 Score) clients from upload
added: don't remove spare trickle slot in uploadList (for use client datarate)
added: reasksingle client (downloadList)
added: Drop/Swap Client in Transfer Windows/to another File
added: Kick sngle client from upload
added: Kick all upload slots (uploadlist)
added: ban client (all list)
added: clear banlist (uploadlist/queuelist)
added: push client to upload (queuelist)
added: unlimited slot
added: friend boost *200
added: Nick boost *200
added: multichunk transfer
added: antinick punish
added: antimod punish
added: queue rank full punish
added: Up2Mule
added: Show IP (ClientDetailDialog), IP, UserNick, UserHash, Clientversion all copyable
added: see OnUploadqueue and feedback
added: colors for antinick/antimod/QR-full/Nick boost/unlimited slot

removed: Ultimativ as bad Nick/UltiMatic as bad mod
removed: other release bad Mod/Nick's


Homepage: www.ultimativ-board.org
DownloadeMule0.49c.StulleMule.v6.2.Plus.14.04.10 7.65 MB


Firefox Lorentz 3.6.4pre Custom Build Ayakawa

Firefox Lorentz PGU Build

08. April: Fx 3.6.4pre

* changeset 34014:c71e0fe28e2a (Sun Apr 04 14:46:15 2010 -0700)
* Compiled with VC++9 SP1. Options-O2-GLT-arch: SSE2. PGU build
* IJG's JPEG library with x86 SIMD extension & Namoroka Patches
* bug 509956

Mozilla Central Build 2010/04/08
8,278,912 byte
SHA256 6e08146c2d856e4eb165d647717e1f215cc257bf87b09b794e46c721caa1a52e

Configure arguments
--enable-application=browser --disable-debug --disable-tests --enable-installer --with-branding=browser/branding/unofficial --enable-extensions=default --enable-strip '--enable-optimize=-O2 -GLT -arch:SSE2' --disable-updater --disable-update-channel --disable-crashreporter --enable-jemalloc --enable-debugger-info-modules=yes

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100408 Firefox/3.7 - Build ID: 20100408080137

Homepage: http://marilab.hp.infoseek.co.jp/

BBS: http://pc12.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/software/1260124274/

Downloadlorentz-ce-3.6.4pre-ayakawa-100408-PGU.7z 7.90 MB

others: Pale Moon 3.6.3 - All builds + Portable

7-Zip 9.13 beta

7-Zip 9.13 beta was released.

HISTORY of the 7-Zip

9.13 beta 2010-04-15:

- 7-Zip now stores NTFS file timestamps to ZIP archives.
- New additional "Open archive >" item in context menu allows to select
archive type for some files.
- Some bugs were fixed.
- New localization: Uyghur.
- Some code in 32-bit version was compiled by new VS 2010 C++ compiler. So it can be slightly faster for some CPUs.
- ZIP format support was improved (including support for WinZip's SFXs).
- There are some minor internal changes

"Open Archive > *" opens only one top level. For example, if you have EXE installer, it opens only PE (EXE) level.
- CAB's "Unsupported method" problem was fixed.

BBS: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sevenzip/forums/forum/45797/topic/3677256

older changes
7-Zip for 32-bit Windows:

7-Zip for 64-bit Windows x64:


15 April 2010

BleachBit 0.7.4 released

BleachBit 0.7.4 Clean junk to free disk space and to maintain privacy. News: adds a self-cleaning privacy feature, cleans WordPad, fixes many bugs, adds a Low German translation, updates 25 other translations, and more.
