04 May 2010

eMule 0.49c Xtreme v7.2 HUV 0.28b by IQx

eMule 0.49c Xtreme v7.2 High Upload Version 0.28b

„Although we are in an era when the upload bandwidth is considerably larger than it was a few years ago. I still see some clients uploads at around 3KB/s... so I decided to change the version 7.2 of the Xtreme Mod so you can use almost the entire width of upload speed to connected clients.

Another situations that did not like was the credit system that uses and replace them with one that had already established for some time (Justice CS). This credit system identified exponential claims over who uploaded it to me.

Way of calculation:
(MB sent - received MB) > 1, then the factor is = (MB sent - received MB)
(MB sent - received MB) < 1, then the factor is = 1 / (MB received - sent MB)

If the difference between sent MB - MB received is less than 1, the factor is 1. If the client has identified the factor 0 is invalid! You will be always on standby.

After verifying that there were users who came to serve no more than 250MB send 1MB it was, I decided to create a drastic measure anti-leeching, who baptized as "Standby" what does is when client take out more than x in the forward pass be in "Standby" on the waiting list, thus decreasing the difference returning to his position and taking into account the waiting time until then.

These needs have to be deploying these features in the Xtreme mod, which entitulei of HUV (High Upload Version) greatly expanded over the limit of KB per user. This limit is configurable and allows a maximum of: (maximum upload - 10KB).


- Changed the way of identifying the MOD because it was considered to be MOD-ID Faker.

- Removed the Push Small Files option and replaced by connecting and configuring system standby, configurable from 100MB-2GB for releasers.
- Added nick TAG "@ HUV 0.xxb. HUV mean High Upload Version. :)
- Replacement of the initial system of credits (Justice CS), since the new version is in practice very similar to the original operation.

- Fix: Set aside some optimizations for newer processors to maintain compatibility with older cpus.
- Changed the Credit System is considering 9Mb instead of 1Mb in the calculation. (Making it a less aggressive)


Apesar de estarmos numa era em que a largura de upload é considerávelmente maior do que era à uns anos atrás, continuo a ver uploads por cliente na ordem dos 3KB/s... assim resolvi alterar a versão do Xtreme 7.2 de forma a que possa utilizar quase toda a largura de upload para um cliente. Outra das situações que não gostava, era do sistema de créditos que usa e substituí-os por um que já tinha criado à algum tempo (Justice CS). Este sistema de créditos exponencia os créditos a quem mais upload faz para mim.

Forma de cálculo: Se ( MB enviados - MB recebidos ) > 1, então o factor é = ( MB enviados - MB recebidos )
Se ( MB enviados - MB recebidos ) < 1, então o factor é = 1 / ( MB recebidos - MB enviados) Se a diferença entre MB enviados - MB recebidos fôr menos que 1, o factor será 1. Se o cliente tiver identificação inválida o factor será 0! Ficará sempre em standby.

Após verificar que existiam utilizadores que chegavam a sacar mais de 250MB sem enviar 1MB que fosse, resolvi criar uma medida drástica anti-leecher, que baptizei como "Standby" que o que faz é quando os clientes sacam mais x do que nos enviam passam a estar em "Standby" na lista de espera, assim que diminuem essa diferença retomam a sua posição sendo levando em conta o tempo de espera até à altura.

Estas necessidades fizeram que fosse implantando estas características, no MOD do Xtreme, o qual entitulei de HUV (High Upload Version) face ao limite muito expandido de KB por utilizador. Este limite é configurável e no máximo permite: (upload máximo - 10KB).“


- Alterado a forma de identificação do MOD pois estava a ser considerado MOD-ID Faker.

- Retirado o Push Small Files e substituido por opção de ligação e configuração do sistema "standby", configurável de 100MB-2GB para releasers.
- Adicionado ao nick a TAG "@ HUV 0.xxb". HUV quer dizer High Upload Version. :)
- Reposição do sistema de créditos inicial (Justice CS), visto que a nova versão fica na prática muito semelhante ao funcionamento do original.

- Fix: Retiradas algumas optimizações para processadores mais recentes para manter compatibilidade com cpus antigos.
- Alterado o Sistema de Créditos passa a considerar 9Mb em vez de 1Mb no cálculo. (tornando-o um menos agressivo)

Homepage: http://dvd-ed2k.com/forum/viewtopic.php?style=3&f=82...
Xtreme 7.2 IQx vs Xtreme 7.2 | http://www.scarymule.com/...

DownloadXtreme.7.2.HUV.028b.rar 1.98 MB


Here's a version without the "standby" to 100Mb: / Aqui vai uma versão sem o "standby" aos 100Mb:
Xtreme.7.2.024.by.IQx.sem.ban.rar 1.96 MB

older Version:

Xtreme.7.2.024.by.IQx.source.rar 8.80 MB

eMule v0.49a BlackMule V.0.1+

An older eMule Mod in a nice black design

eMule v0.49a [BlackMule V.0.1+]

Rilasciata la versione 0.1 Di BlackMule
Dopo Grandissime richieste ci siamo riusciti a darvi una versione di emule in `Black Style`

BlackMule è una nuova mod di emule basata su sorgenti MorphXT realizzata per le numerose richieste di poter avere un emule completamente (o quasi) nero.

Per qualsiasi necessità o richiesta potete cliccare su "IRC" nel menu di BlackMule e sarete a diretto contatto con un nostro operatore.

Released version 0.1 of BlackMule
After enormous demands we were able to give a version of emule in `Black` Style

BlackMule is a new mod of emule-based sources for MorphXT made numerous requests to have an eMule Mod (almost) in black.

For any need or request please click on "IRC" menu BlackMule and be in direct contact with an operator.

ImageBanana - blackmulescreenshot.png

meanwhile in dlp banned: http://code.google.com/p/specialdlp/downloads/list - http://code.google.com/p/emule-edit/downloads/list

Homepage: http://www.starserv.org/BlackMule/ - http://www.starserv.org/

Bin: eMule 0.49a Blackmule 0.1.rar 2.62 MB

Installer: http://www.starserv.org/download/BlackMule.exe

SRC Diff: http://www.starserv.org/BlackMule/srchybrid.rar | Mirror

03 May 2010

eMule 0.50a SaintAngel 1.0 — Magic Angel MOD and MagicDLP


This is MagicAngel enhanced and merged into latest eMule 0.50a. eMule SaintAngel is an excellent GPL/GNU conform (official) eMule Mod!

ImageBanana - screensh.png

eMule v0.50a SaintAngel v1.0

Changelog for eMule v0.50a [SaintAngel v1.0]
Based on Magic Angel v3.7
Update to eMule 0.50a
Fixed: localization bug in shared files window [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS/angvil]
Fixed: official bugs in indexed.cpp [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS/angvil]
Removed: AJ Userhash Detection [angvil]
Added: Quick Upload [gomez82/angvil]

Changelog for eMule v0.49c [SaintAngel v0.2]
FIXED:Some BUGs [angvil]

Changelog for eMule v0.49c [SaintAngel v0.1]
Based on Magic Angel v3.8
IMPROVED :Optimations [angvil/eyerb]
CHANGED:Add some argos options [angvil]
REMOVED:speedBarShader [angvil]
ADDED: Userhash Detection [angvil]
FIXED:Some BUGs [angvil]

忘記說了,從morphxt12.0開始就必須安裝VC2008 Runtime Library才能運行emule,完全不需要安裝完整的.net
提供一個32位元的連接 下載
提供一個我提取的64位元的打包 下載

Homepage: m-team.cc
BBS: http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=83054&view=findpost&p=1046113

SourceForge Project Site: http://sourceforge.net/projects/angvil/
Blog: http://hi.baidu.com/az13ds2/blog/item/cb8d4edd198b26385882ddef.html



ed2k://|file|eMule_0.50a_SaintAngel_1.0_bin.zip|5356871|46BB537EE3314CBA266E4AA840B08D06|/ Stats


older MA Mod:


DLP and other Versions:

01 May 2010

eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.0 Private Edition by Engo3k


eMule v0.50a - [MorphXT v12.0] Private Edition [Engo3k]
Changelog - 01.05.10
ADDED: remove block ratio (BR:) clients
ADDED: Total UpDown column with pos./neg. colors - green/red
ADDED: Aktive Share Permission - Hide/Community/Friend=remove clients from Upload & Waiting queue after Permission change
ADDED: Unlimited Slot
ADDED: Clear Banlist
ADDED: Don't Ban Friends
ADDED: 0 Score for QR-Full Clients
ADDED: Client-BAN All List
ADDED: Coloring for LowID/Friend/PowerShare/PBF/Community/Unlimited Slot
ADDED: Reask single Clients in Transfer Windows
ADDED: Push to Upload from downloadClientList & queuelist
ADDED: Drop Client in Transfer Windows (to another File)
ADDED: Whois-Client Provider Info all Lists
ADDED: GeoIP-IP Location Finder-Karte all Lists
CHANGE: PBF for partfiles
CHANGE: PowerShare restrictions for partfile or finished files to 800 src.
CHANGE: Slot Limiter ->(1-255)
REMOVE: Friends restrictions (zzRatio 3KB/s to ->0KB/s = Unlimited)
ADDED: Show IP (ClientDetailDialog)
ADDED: Kick All Upload Slots
ADDED: Kick single Upload Slot
ADDED: Clients Share Visiblity (Pink)
ADDED: Friend Boost*200
ADDED: Community Boost*200
ADDED: Antileech v41 Bad USERNAME Ban
REMOVED: My Mod's Ban
ADDED: Don't remove spare trickle slot in UploadList
to disable Slotfocus Use Client datarate (KB/s) & d'rst-slot off
getestet auf Win7 x64 Enterprise
wer Fehler in hinzugefügten Features findet darf sie behalten ;-)

Screenshot: splash

Download Engo3K «MorphXT 12.0»eMulev0.50a.-MorphXT-v12.0-Private.rar 7.11 MB
eMulev0.50a.-MorphXT-v12.0-Private-VS-08.rar 2.31 MB

eMulev0.50a.-MorphXT-v12.0-Private.rar Stats
eMulev0.50a.-MorphXT-v12.0-Private-VS-08.rar Stats

eMule 0.50a ZZ-R V3.4 RC2 by morph4u

ZZ-R V3.4 RC2
eMule ZZ-R Mod

A fast update to RC2 because a possible display bug at some user ;-)

Removed preferences_zzr.ini (now all settings in preferences.ini)

Removed Design Settings

--- Please make a CLEANINSTALL to have no trouble with old settings! ---

+ Fixed lost icon in filestatistics
+ Fixed possible display bug in downloadlist
+ Added overlay icon for ViewSharedFilesSupport
+ Added colors for friend/friendslot/powershare/pbf/lowid
+ Added show active downloads bold
+ Added show active downloads colored
+ Added show ViewSharedFilesSupport colored
- Removed "Update server list when connecting to a server"
- Removed "Update server list when a client connects"

--- Please make a CLEANINSTALL to have no trouble with old settings! ---

DownloadeMule.v0.50a.ZZ-R.v3.4.RC2.rar 3.69 MB


30 April 2010

EXEForger (SignsImitator)

exefogger, fake exe, fake sign, sign, SignsImitator, free, Unpacking, download
The utility replaces the signature and ident issue for any sign from the list.

EXEForger (SignsImitator)
Release date: April 2010.
Type: RCE Tool.

False positive:
Check MD5 and SHA1 at www.delphi4arab.com or www.at4re.com
Version [04/2010] BETA 01 (Test release)

- EXEForger - New name.
- Add Anti fake signature detector
- Add Fake linker
- Add Fake subsystem
- Add Random section name
- Windows Vista / Seven support

Version [01/2008]
- Bug fixed: Crash if no padding after last section
- Add false signs for All programs [See the tested files]
- .Net not supported
- Add false signs in packed programs [See the tested files]

Version [10/2007]
- First public release (Test release)
- Add false signs only for Delphi programs
- Use All PEiD Data base

Arab Team 4 Reverse Engineering - www.at4re.com
Delphi4Arab - www.delphi4arab.com

Homepage: http://qunpack.ahteam.org/
DownloadEXEForger_(SignsImitator)_1.0.40.10.rar 298.34 KB
