03 June 2010

Adobe Flash Player 10.1 RC7

Adobe Flash Player 10.1 RC7 (v10.1.53.64)

Release Notes:

Firefox, Netscape, Safari & Opera:

Internet Explorer & AOL:


Mac OSX:

RC5 Uninstaller:

Homepage: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html

eMule 0.50a MorphXT 12.2

eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.2
Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.2

HotFix Release
* Fixed: Crash bug in ip2country [Stulle]
* Fixed: Improper localization of Weekly IP2Country update checkbox [Stulle]

Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.1


* ADD: Weekly update option for ip-to-country.csv file [Stulle]
* ADD: Working Windows Firewall settings for Vista and above in installer [Stulle]
* ADD: Some more countries to country flags feature [tomchen1989]
* CHANGE: Increase size for displaying strings in Morph First Start Wiz [Stulle]
* CHANGE: Display log warnings on error auto updating ipfilter rar file [Stulle]
* CHANGE: Show cat name for scheduler cat actions in preferences window [Stulle]
* CHANGE: Label value for weekly update consistently [Stulle]
* CHANGE: Cat related scheduler items are added with -1 (All) value [Stulle]
* CHANGE: Update GUI when reloading share via scheduler [Stulle/WiZaRd]
* CHANGE: Make user data dir default config dir for installer on Vista and above [Stulle]
* CHANGE: Allow to show Default tab seperately on Multi User Web Interface [Stulle]
* CHANGE: Do not show file names if Web Interface user may not see according cat [Stulle]
+ Applies to all files in incoming dir of cat unless an allowed cat has same dir
* FIX: Download of large files was broken [Stulle]
* FIX: Compiling settings for VS03 in emule_site_config.h [Stulle]
* FIX: Some typos in ressource strings [Heiler]
* FIX: Fake check via fakes list was not working [WiZaRd]
+ thanks for the brainstorming, exchange of ideas and cleaner solution!
* FIX: Fakes list could not handle entries with huge file sizes (>uint32) properly [Stulle]
* FIX: Country flags did not work in DownloadClientsListCtrl [morph4u]
* FIX: Setting for PowerShare limit was not limited [jerryBG]
* FIX: webservice.dat entry for peerates file stats [Motor]
* FIX: Windows Firewall settings for XP/ Server 2003 in installer [Stulle]
* FIX: Lang files weren't installed properly if location of datafiles wasn't default [Stulle]
* REMOVED: Some unused code around the Slot Limiter (limit to number) [evcz]
* REMOVED: webservice.dat entries for now defunct donkeyfakes links [Motor]
* REMOVED: Redundant quotation marks in installer [Stulle/thx Heiler]

* Note: Following languages updated: German [Stulle]; French [jamjam]; Chinese (P.R.C.) [zz_fly];
Chinese (Taiwan) [AndCycle]; Italian [Myth88]; Turkish [omeringen];
Portuguese (Brazil) [Heiler]; Spanish [Rajil]

Homepage: http://emulemorph.sourceforge.net/index.php

Bin: http://sourceforge.net/projects/emulemorph/files/MorphXT/eMule 0.50a MorphXT 12.2/eMulev0.50a.-MorphXTv12.2-bin.zip/download
SRC: http://sourceforge.net/projects/emulemorph/files/MorphXT/eMule 0.50a MorphXT 12.2/eMulev0.50a.-MorphXTv12.2-src_and_libs.zip/download


02 June 2010

Riot 0.4.1 - Radical Image Optimization Tool

Riot 0.4.1 - Radical Image Optimization Tool
Riot v.0.4.1
- fixed some issues with the external PNG optimizer implementation

(replace {IMAGE_FILE} parameter is done only once. fixed;
a custom PNG is not remembered at program restart. fixed;
delete/configure buttons should not be disabled after adding an external optimizer. fixed;
modifying an external optimizer name creates orphan records. fixed. added checks for duplicate tool names;
scripts as external optimizersnot working out-of-the-box. fixed)

- bugfix: "Remove selected" button from batch mode disables when a multiple selection is made with the mouse. The keyboard selection worked. Fixed !
- fixed some issue related to automatic preview mode disabled.
- Preview button now disabled when "AUtomatic preview" is on
- improved performance of conversion functions from transparent indexed images
- changed shortcuts for "Fit in window" ( now / ) and "Actual size" (now * ). These simpler ones should increase productivity
- changed batch settings by adding an "Apply" button. to be more intuitive
- fixed an unwanted behavior with selecting and option without actualy putting a check next to it, which causes that option to apply.
- modified an error message to specify that both dimensions are required for batch resize

Homepage: http://luci.criosweb.ro/riot/2010/05/version-0-4-1-released-as-stable/

Changelog: http://luci.criosweb.ro/riot/changelog.txt

Download page: http://luci.criosweb.ro/riot/download/


01 June 2010

eMule 0.50a MorphCA v1.3

eMule 0.50a MorphCA 1.3

Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphCA v1.3


Add: Auto Server Disconnect [morph4u]
Add: Show IP Filter Hits [dolphinx]
Add: Remove All Banned Clients at Tools button [X-Mod]
Change/Fix: MorphXT Modversion to Easy Modversion [WiZaRd]
Add: Auto Drop System [Sivka/JvA/Stulle]
Change: Auto Drop System settings hardcoded [morph4u]
Add: Show # of dropped sources [Stulle]
Add: Limit PS by amount of data uploaded [Stulle]
Add: Default server.met and nodes.dat URL [pP]
Readd: Statistictree icons
Remove: Useless code in PPgSecurity because new IPFilter update
Remove: Show Permission
Add: Relax on startup [WiZaRd]
Add: Save Last Request [JvA]
Add: New HTTP Progressbar [JVA]
Remove: Copy Friendlink
Remove: Static Tray Icon
Remove: Static IP Filter
Remove: IP Filter White List
Remove: Dynamic IP-Filters
Remove: IP2Country auto-update
Change: Changed some code of requested files popup
Readd: InvisibleMode
Fix: Partfile color in shared files
Fix: Readd to much removed code in catselect
Fix: Bug I done in Drop Blocking Clients
Fix: Minor fixes in downloadlist and some others

BBS: http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=149778
DownloadeMulev0.50a.-MorphCAv1.3-bin.rar 4.09 MB | Mirrors



31 May 2010

ICQ 7.2 Build 3127 + Banner Remover

ICQ 7.2 Build 3127 Banner Remover

Download ICQ 7.2 Multilang:
Download Banner Remover:
ICQ 7.2 Build #3127 Banner Remover.exe 360.00 KB

28 May 2010

eMule 0.50a Apace 2.0

Apace v2.0 by morph4u

eMule Apace by morph4u is an extreme enhanced eMule Mod. Apace offers extended security options for a better filesharing experience on ed2k network.


based on ZZ-R

DownloadeMule.v0.50a.Apace.2.0.rar 2.70 MB

ed2k://|file|eMule.v0.50a.Apace.2.0.rar|2829940|1056F9B64670A5C1AAD0BE44ECB41861|h=KTJQFN3NKN5OKIKRJPOBUF7FCVHL2VV7|/ Stats
