20 June 2010

eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.3 Private Edition by Engo3K - Build 20.06.10

eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.3 Private Edition by Engo3K - Build 20.06.10

eMule v0.50a - [MorphXT v12.3] Private Edition [Engo3k]
Based on MorphXT v12.3 [Stulle] 14-06-2010
----> 20.06.10
Add: Push Part Files
Add: Average Queue Ranking
Add: Show Session Download
CHANGE: Made sorting for client status (QR,...) back to MorphXT v12.2
---- 10.06.10
ADDED: Release Boost
ADDED: color red for PowerShare Files queuelist
CHANGE:FileReaskTime for NNS & Unknown Src. to 29 mins (Full 58 mins)
---- 03.06.10
ADDED: see onuploadqueue/feedback
ADDED: max client upload time (5-360 mins)
ADDED: max chunks to transfer
ADDED: remove block ratio (BR:) clients
ADDED: Total UpDown column with pos./neg. colors - green/red
ADDED: Aktive Share Permission - Hide/Community/Friend=remove clients from Upload & Waiting queue after Permission change
ADDED: Unlimited Slot
ADDED: Clear Banlist
ADDED: Don't Ban Friends
ADDED: 0 Score for QR-Full Clients
ADDED: Client-BAN All List
ADDED: Color for LowID/Friend/PowerShare/PBF/Community/Unlimited Slot
ADDED: Reask single Clients in Transfer Windows
ADDED: Push to Upload from downloadClientList & queuelist
ADDED: Drop Client in Transfer Windows (to another File)
ADDED: Whois-Client Provider Info all Lists
ADDED: GeoIP-IP Location Finder-Karte all Lists
CHANGE: PBF for partfiles
CHANGE: PowerShare restrictions for partfile or finished files to 800 src.
CHANGE: Slot Limiter ->(1-255)
REMOVE: Friends restrictions (zzRatio 3KB/s to ->0KB/s = Unlimited)
ADDED: Show IP (ClientDetailDialog)
ADDED: Kick All Upload Slots
ADDED: Kick single Upload Slot
ADDED: Clients Share Visiblity (Pink)
ADDED: Friend Boost*200
ADDED: Community Boost*200
ADDED: Antileech v41 Bad USERNAME Ban
REMOVED: My Mod's Ban
ADDED: Don't remove spare trickle slot in UploadList
to disable Slotfocus Use Client datarate (KB/s) & d'rst-slot off


Danke fürs update!

19 June 2010

eMule 0.50a -XdP- v5.2 RC1

eMule 0.50a -XdP- 5.2 RC1

eMule v0.50a -XdP- v5.2 RC1


MERGE : to eMule v0.50a (umeK)
UPDATE : ClientAnalyzer to latest version (WiZaRd)
UPDATE : Additional Security Check (WiZaRd)
UPDATE : all Libs to newest (morph4u/umeK)
ADD : File Permissions (umeK/idea xMule)
ADD : Active Up/Queue cleaning & block for Permissions (umeK)
ADD : Selectable Community (Mighty Knife)
ADD : setable Community-Boost (umeK)
ADD : setable MultiChunks for Community (umeK)
ADD : new SlotLimiter + SlotFocus (pP/WiZ/umeK)
ADD : more Infos to -XdP- Stats [Detections,SlotLimiter,File Permissions...] (umeK)
ADD : remove all friendslots [all lists] (?)
ADD : Colored Lists [Color depending on Queueranks/States] (umeK/idea Aireoreion)
ADD : Push client to upload (KTS)
ADD : Push Files [Rare,Small and Ratio Push] (sivka/NeoMule)
ADD : AICH Hashing Progress (WiZaRd)
ADD : PowerShare (taken from Tombstone Xtended/ZZUL)
ADD : LeecherHashLists (pP/umeK)
ADD : ReqBlocksClipping (Slugfiller)
ADD : overlay Icons for Community & friends (Mighty Knife/SiRoB)
ADD : more GPL Evildoers (umeK)
CHANGE : some List sortings (umeK)
CHANGE : new Splash & Sidebanner (RapidDarkVenom)
CHANGE : new Toolbar Icons (Hooligan)
CHANGE : Tabs in new style color (umeK)
CHANGE : some defaults (umeK)
CHANGE : Publish Files [now seperate switches for Kad & Server] (umeK)
CHANGE : resort some Options (umeK)
CHANGE : Boost/Punish factors to float for more precission (umeK)
CHANGE : disable Leeching and Anti-Leeching for community user (umeK)
IMPROVE : better handling of BadGuy Detection if custom lists are empty (umeK)
IMPROVE : Don't block HTTP sources via DeadSourceList (Avi-3k)
IMPROVE : transfer complete filesize switchable for Community & files on PowerShare [Multi ChunkTransfer] (umeK)
IMPROVE : complete rework of Anti-Leecher System [better Leecher handling,clearing of Leecher Status for all Detections,
Detection Stats ,better GPLEvildoer detection ,disable PowerShare/Push systems for Leecher now switchable and many other optimizations] (umeK)
FIX : minor bug around Preview - if nothing selected PreviewMenu was not grayed out (JVA)
FIX : added forgotton code for tabbed Prefs to Show correct Prefs pages by double clicks [ShowPreferences] (umeK/thx to morph4u)
FIX : remake of eMule icon to fix the display bug on Win7 OS (umeK)
REMOVE : old SlotControl (Xman/JVA/umeK)
REMOVE : PowerRelease (umeK,some code from Xtreme/Xman)
REMOVE : old Upload Colors (umeK)
ADD/CHANGE/IMPROVE/FIX/REMOVE many many other things around the mod...

Many THX to all Betatester



Older Beta 3: eMule_0.50a_-XdP-_v5.2_beta3.rar 2.93 MB

18 June 2010

uTorrent Serenity mod pack v2 (DHT-Patch, noReport, etc) uTorrent 2.0.2 Build 20165

uTorrent Serenity Mod by Owyn

uTorrent -Serenity- mod pack v2 (DHT-Patch, noReport, etc) uTorrent 2.0.2 Build 20165

Changelog / Features:

The leecher pack contains the following mods:

-uTorrent Serenity.exe – The mod, has all feautures below except multi
-uTorrent Serenity x2.exe – Has only multi x2 (and DHT-patch)
-uTorrent Serenity x4.exe – Has only multi x4 (and DHT-patch)
-uTorrent Serenity x8.exe – Has only multi x8 (and DHT-patch)


Ignores the private flag, so DHT and Peer Exchange is enabled for ANY new torrent.
(DHT FTW! *_*)


Your upload and download aren’t reported to the tracker. (allways reported as zero) *So you don’t have to worry about your ratings and fake stats.


The completed event isn’t sent to the tracker. (No entry in the snatchlist) *And yes it is really not reported, not like in other mods, here it just doesn’t send anything to tracker when you complete a torrent.


Your “left to download” stat is allways reported to tracker as 100%. *So that says you didn’t download anything.


Your “downloaded corrupt file-parts” stat isn’t reported to tracker (always zero). *If you didn’t download anything, how come you downloaded something corrupt?!


-Removed adware installation of nasty toolbars etc for uTorrent setup.

-Changed default uTorrent icons with some bright nice ones

-Changed about page and added this website there as a button ^_^

Compared to other mods:

-ZeroLeacher feauture (from other mods only Extreme mod has it)

-noComplete works way better (not sending any data at all)

-announce is fully correct and doesn’t differ from normal uTorrent reports to tracker (no corupt session_id’s or decreasing “left to download” stat, so tracker won’t instant-ban you)

-no ads in title (that’s little annoying in my opinion, click “web site” in about page instead)

-not removed updating *if you want to see when new version comes out, and if it does, come here and get a new one :> *it can be ready in less than a day if I know about new version

Download: mediafire
Password: serenity20

There aren’t any viruses or trojans in any versions! Some antivirus programs pick them up because I use a packer that’s also often used to conceal malware. All mods are 100% virus and trojan-free, if you doubt ask your antivirus support with subject “false detection” to analyse file manually and see yourself.

Homepage: http://utorrentleechermodserenity.wordpress.com/

17 June 2010

eMule 0.50a MorphXT+ v12.3

.....:::: MorphXT+ ::::.....
- Versione NON bannata - risolve il problema dei nick -

La MorphXT+ è basata sulla MorphXT originale ma usa un session ratio di 1:7 (invece di 1:3)
per non avere problemi con le attuali aDSL italiane troppo sbilanciate sulla banda di download.



eMule 0.50a MorphXT+ 12.3

CHANGED: Original session zzRatio of 1:3 (UL:DL) increased to 1:7 to works fine
with Italian standard aDSL connections - 1280:256 and 2048:256 [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Minimal upload limit to avoid the zzRatio limitation from 10KB/s to 20KB/s
and average upload limit from 10KB/s to 15KB/s (now you need to give more
than before :p ) [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Minimal upload limit to avoid download limitation from 10KB/s to 20KB/s
(you need to give more than all other eMule clients) [FrankyFive]

CHANGED: Many standard icons [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Some default options [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Modstring to avoid the ban of official MorphXT v6.3 - v7.2 - v.7.7 - v.8.0 or later [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: HDD Protect - Increased max File Buffer Size to 20Mb with steps of 256KB [FrankyFive]
ADDED: HDD Protect - Slidebar on "extended settings" to select Buffer Time Limit (1-30 mins) [FrankyFive]
ADDED: Auto configuration for Italian standard aDSL connections (on Wizard panel) [FrankyFive]

Bin: emulev0.50a-MorphXT+v12.3-bin.zip
SRC: emulev0.50a-MorphXT+v12.3-src.zip

Novosoft veröffentlicht Handy Backup 6.7

Novosoft einer der weltweit führenden Anbieter von Backup-Lösungen, veröffentlichte heute ein Update für die Backup-Software Handy Backup 6.7.

Alliance, Ohio, 18. Juni 2010 - Novosoft, ein internationales IT-Consulting und Softwareentwicklungs-Unternehmen gab heute die Freigabe seiner neuen Version 6.7 von Handy Backup heraus mit einer verbesserten Windows Integration.

Handy Backup 6.7 erweitert das Kontextmenü des Windows Explorer mit einer neuen „Backup with Handy Backup“ Option, welche die ausgewählten Daten in ein neues Backup-Task zusammenfügt. Diese Art der Integration arbeitet nur mit Dateien und Ordnern, aber in den nächsten Versionen plant Novosoft das gleiche für Datenbanken und Festplatten-Images zu implementieren.

Alle bestehenden Kunden von Handy Backup 6 können kostenlos auf die neueste Version 6.7 updaten.

Homepage: http://www.handybackup.net/
Download: http://www.handybackup.net/downloads/handybackup-setup.msi
Deutsche Sprache Datei: http://www.handybackup.net/languages/German.zip

- sponsored article -

RatioMaster.NET 0.42

RatioMaster.NET v0.42

Ratiomaster.NET is a small standalone application which fakes upload and download stats of a torrent to almost all bittorrent trackers.
This means that it does NOT rely on your bittorrent client (uTorrent, Azureus, BitComet, ABC and etc.) and it will NOT download/upload the files on a torrent - it only can fake download/upload.
RatioMaster.NET has hardcoded emulations for the most commonly used BitTorrent clients: uTorrent, BitComet, Azureus, ABC, BitLord, BTuga, BitTornado, Burst, BitTyrant, BitSpirit.

RatioMaster.NET 0.42

Program changelog:

RatioMaster.NET 0.42 (19-04-2010)

- Program renamed from "NRPG RatioMaster" to "RatioMaster.NET"
- Program and author sites changed to "http://ratiomaster.net" and "http://nikolay.it"
- Added new client emulation: "uTorrent 2.0.1 (build 19078)"
- Added new client emulation: "uTorrent 1.8.5 (build 17414)"
- Added new client emulation: "BitComet 1.20"
- Added new type of clients: "Vuze"
- Added new client emulation: "Vuze"
- Added new client emulation: "BitSpirit"
- Added new client emulation: "Deluge 1.2.0"
- Default client is now "uTorrent 1.8.5 (build 17414)"

Homepage: http://ratiomaster.net
Forum: http://nrpg.16.forumer.com
DownloadRatioMaster.NET.rar 89.44 KB

Windows version:
Mirror download
For the program to work correctly you need .NET Framework 2.0

Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X and Unix version:
Mirror download
For the program to work correctly you need Mono 2.6.3
