09 November 2010

Cabos 0.8.2

Cabos is Gnutella file sharing program based on LimeWire and Acquisition. It is free software. No spyware. No adware. Guaranteed.

Cabos provides simple sidebar interface, Mojito DHT support, firewall to firewall transfers, UPnP support, IP2Country support, iTunes integration, "What's New?" searches and more.
System Requirements

Windows 2000 or later. Mac OS X 10.2.8 or later. Mac OS 8.6 or later.

ChangeLog (cabos - 0.8.2)

Romanian localization was added (thx! > Chip Ryan).
Italian localization was updated (thx! > Giacomo Margarito)
Fixed core crash of Java 6 Update 18 (32bit) for Windows.
Fixed a bug of GUI drawing under Windows Vista/7.
Fixed a bug of iTunes Integration under Windows.
Fixed unresponsible connections under Java 1.6 Mac OS X Snow Leopard.
Fixed a bug of iTunes integration under Mac OS X Leopard.
Updated HostCache and IP2Country database.
DHT query will be actively used.
Added 3 options to enable DHT query, TLS encryption and OOB search.
TLS encryption should be disabled by default.
A blocklist from BlueTack Internet Security Solutions was added by default.
Cabos asks whether you have authorized your shared files.
Download folder will not be added in shared folders by default.
Added a new menu "Ignore Host".
Changed the bandwidth limit minimum rate to 10%.
Confirm an action of "Remove All Queries".
Added a new splash screen at the default pane.
Fixed minor bugs.

Homepage: http://cabos.sourceforge.jp/index.html.en

DownloadCabos for Windows | DDL

Version For MAC

LimeWire Pirate Edition Download - Windows, Linux, MAC - LimeWire Pro

LimeWire Pirate Edition is free, open source software based on the final beta version of the popular LimeWire Pro filesharing application.
After Lime Wire LLC stopped distributing its software in October 2010, an individual compiled from the latest Limewire beta PRO source code a modded LimeWire Version named Limewire Pirate Edition and released it FREE to the community to help keep the Gnutella network alive.

LimeWire Pirate Edition is available for Windows, MAC and Linux. It is based on the LimeWire 5.6 beta which was released online but then withdrawn when the RIAA won its case against the service at the end of October.

LimeWire Pirate Edition is pure P2P software; it does not depend on any servers operated by Lime Wire LLC or other companies. It does not include any adware or spyware, and it cannot be remotely monitored or shut down.

Changelog Limewire Pirate Edition:

- all dependencies on LimeWire LLC's servers have been removed,
- all remote settings have been disabled,
- the Ask toolbar has been unbundled,
- all features of LimeWire PRO have been activated for free

LimeWire Pirate Edition should work better than the last functioning version of LimeWire (5.5.10), and it should keep working for longer. There's no adware or spyware: the piratical monkeys are doing this for the benefit of the community.

LimeWire Pirate Edition

* Based on LimeWire 5.6 beta

* All the features of LimeWire PRO:

o Turbo-charged downloads
o Optimized search results
o AVG Anti-Virus

* Built-in torrent search

* No toolbars, adware or spyware

* No connection problems

MD5 of the Windows installer: 7a96f2da87a7cfc6f10ab6a325ec0e48
Required Java 6.x


DownloadLimeWirePirateEdition.exe for Windows

Linux version (Ubuntu/Debian):
DownloadLimeWirePirateEdition.deb for Linux

Mac OS X version:
DownloadLimeWirePirateEdition.dmg for MAC

Source code
Github page

Required: Download Windows Connection Fix Januar 2012

Get daily updates: Subscribe to our NewsFeed.

07 November 2010

eMule 0.50a MaGiX 1.6

eMule 0.50a MaGiX v1.6 by Tribu

Build 06.11.10

based on eMule 0.50a Xtreme 8.0


[+] Friendboost
[+] Upload für Friends

[+] Countryblock (Du kannst Länder blocken (global)
[+] nicht identifizierte IPs werden geblockt
[+] im Upload oder im Up und Download auch einzelne im Transfer erlauben
[+] 50% der Files (Tranferwindow) kannst du auf nicht sharen stellen. Diese Files werden an niemanden geuppt.

[+] non Emule werden gebannt
[+] Fakerank undectable
[+] SuperQueue - automatisches auswählen der User und Beschränkung des RQR :-)
[+] Up4Up gibt Upload solang der andere auch gibt max Differenz 10 mb
[+] Keine Fileliste an den Server
[+] Kein Upload an non Emule ausser Up4Up
[+] Kein LowID oder nicht Sui
[+] verändertes Creditsystem ist der beste Leecherschutz (payback)
[+] Upload nur Partfile
[+] Uploadkick nach Mb + Zufall Kb
[+] sofortiger Download nachfragen bei Ende bzw. Abbruch
[+] Differenzblock 15 MB
[+] viele viele kleine Sachen noch

Clean Install !!!

Homepage: http://www.darkmule.de/


ZTE MF110 - 1&1 Surf-Stick Update - Join Air Desktop Software Update Windows/Linux/MAC


Update from Software Version:

DRIVER VER 04.01.2009, 1.2050.0.11
DRIVER VER 18.09.2009, 1.2059.0.7

To keep local Language other than English copy and backup/overwrite after updating the folder:
C:\Program Files\Join Air\language\

Do ISO on a Micros SD Memory and connect into device or extract the iso and run setup on desktop. The ISO contains Windows, MAC and Linux Versions

DownloadZTEMODEM MF110.iso 23.28 MB

other files:

MOBILedit! Forensic

Latest Driver only:
ZTEDriver.zip 1.09 MB

Tool to backup the image from stick include all (hidden) settings from webstick drive: QC_Mobile_Analysis_Tool_V5.07_Beta6.rar 2.96 MB

Tool to read/write/unlock image to webstick

older PCW_1&1DEUV1.0.0B02 Desktop image: ZTEMODEM-org.ISO 15.92 MB


7-Zip 9.18 beta

HISTORY of the 7-Zip

9.18 beta 2010-11-02
- 7-Zip now can unpack SquashFS and CramFS filesystem images.
- 7-Zip now can unpack some TAR and ISO archives with incorrect headers.
- New small SFX module for installers (in Extra package).

Full ChangeLog


other Files and x64 builds

Fix 100% CPU Load svchost.exe (Windows XP SP3)

Fixing the memory leak in WinXP SP3 SVCHOST.EXE 100% CPU Usage by system start.

SVCHOST.EXE (see in Process Explorer) Freeze 3 to 7 Minutes - no system response by:

- Internet Connect Dial in
- Connection Software Medion Verbindungsassistent (Huawei Webstick Connection Manager) / Join Air 1&1 (ZTE Internet Surf Stick)
- ADSL DLink Router/Modem,...
- and others...

Generic Host Process for Win32 Services C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe (5.1.2600.5512) Since service Pack 3 may freeze for several minutes by system or internet application start.

How I fixed it:

Remove from SVCHOST Network Service DnsCache

Start, Run, type in Regedit:
Go to:
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SvcHost
Deleting the Value "NetworkService = DnsCache"



If you have several times reconnect on different USB Ports Websticks, you may disconnect the usb devices and clean/delete all redundant USB Entries of the same devices with USBDeview from Nirsoft.net

Uninstall the software for Surfstick/Webstick


Install the latest Drivers/Software after connecting the actual Surfstick.

Result: computer start within seconds again and internet is immediately ready to connect, which took more than 5 minutes before.

REL: medion-aldi-huawei-e160-surf-stick.html

This method describe to disable DNSCatche responsible for large hosts files with many entries.
