05 December 2010

Top 5 Antivirus for P2P Users


BitDefender is the safest and the fastest by signature updates to detect new Viruses. Follow by F-Secure and Avast while the false positive detection is in Avast higher. Most worse case Nod Eset after submitting a virus sample 5 Days are gone without a response.

Kaspersky is good in false positive but only rarely include Adbundler Malware such as the new Buzy (50% detection of different variations) spreading in eMule Network.

Test with the most spread Virus Maleware Variant.Buzy (rar/zip various filenames containing a setup.exe silence maleware installer) read more...

1. BitDefender Antivirus (free or fullversion)
2. F-Secure (Homepage with online scanner)
3. Avast (free or fullversion)

4. nProtect
5. GData

Latest sample (remark this virus exist since September 2010 in ed2k network) and use logical filenames zip/rar with changed content a single setup.exe. Here mostly used real emule mods as faked filenames:

04 December 2010

Tip for GPRS, ISDN, EDGE Slow and slowest internet connection Downloads

My self is in on a GPRS like (44kb/s) average and 240 kb/s peak slow band internet online in Germany Region North East Oberpfalz, Bavaria where the infrastructure is very low and time is since a decade standing still.

Here some tips to reduce Download timeouts from http direct downloads which are sometimes happen by larger files (15 to 160 MB - the largest file I ever downloaded (a half night long). On this internet here back in Germany, in other words from 12 mb/s ADSL 2+ in the jungle in South East Asia to less than half a mb in the woods in northern Bavaria (South Germany)- isdn doesn't help if i just want the phone landline for internet. I mean ADSL2+ on analog lines as used in Australia and Northern Countries in ranges up to over 25 km will be much better as crappy DSL with ISDN where 15 or even 18 km is a big problem to bridge with low power Fritz endrouters/modem:

Use Mirrors.

Add free CDN Mirrors to one file:

For example your download url is:




as file mirrors if no others to found with the same filename/size.

Good luck to get in the next years faster internet! Here is still no faster DSL as maximum 1,36 MB in planing for prices as high as for the smallest possible 6 mb/s packages in this times. In other words I should pay the price for 6 MB and get 1,36 Maximum.

03 December 2010

MorphXT 12.5 Private Edition by Engo3K (01.12.2010)

MorphXT 12.5 Private Edition by Engo3K

Build: Dec 1 2010

+ PowerShare for WebInterface

kompletes changelog in Package


Ed2K Download:


die letzte - als nächstes kommt ultimatix 5.0


Danke sehr!!!

eMule 0.50a SharkX 2.0 Beta 1

eMule 0.50a SharkX v2.0 Beta 1

Coded by: taz


Based on eMuleFuture v1.0 [0.50a]

SharkX 2.0 Beta 1

remove IRC
remove scheduler
remove webserver
remove peer cache & URL client [netfinity/taz]
remove EMF Toolbar
add official toolbar (no skins only bitmaps)
remove WebBrowser
change sorting upload slots logic [taz] - ReSortUploadSlots is called only upon file priority (and or PS) change
add Mod home - open forum based on selected mod language
add check user hash [DLP]
add 80% score for non SI clients [Xman]
remove score punish for Nick/Mod thieves & Mod fakers [taz]
add zero wait time each new identification for Mod thief/faker [taz] - "new" session
add no PowerShare for leechers [taz]
change PowerShare selection on SharedFilesCtrl - back to previous style
change CA not clearing bad DL counter on count below12k download sessions as failed (Xman's idea) - too easy for leechers to go clean [taz]
add FakeAnalyzer [netfinity]
add One-queue-per-file [Maella (idea bloodymad)]
change from client datarate selection to number of slots [taz]
add Variable corrupted blocks ban threshold [Spike2]
add Version Check [Stulle/taz] + splahed version [taz]
replace country name to Remote Queue Status [Yun.SF3/IceCream] on upload list
change 1'st time wizard: most values are now loaded from preferences [taz]
add Don't remove dead servers on 0 retries [???]
add protect static servers [Mighty Knife]
add Nice Hash [Xman]




eMule 0.50a SharkX v2.0 Beta 1 - SRC:

02 December 2010

eMule0.50a ZZ-R 3.6

ZZ-R 3.6 Based on ZZUL-TRA 1.8

+ Now with ClientAnalyzer antileech because ZZUL-TRA base
+ Anti Mod (antimod.ini must be in your config folder)
+ Releaser Credit System
+ Lovelace Credit System
+ Credit System settable per file
+ Deactivate SOTN for Friends and Releaser
+ Downloads Sharing

all other see ZZUL-TRA changelog

you need a cleaninstall. old ZZ-R files don't work !

First link was with a broken "default share permission"
now fixed !

new link:


Download eMule0.50a.ZZ-R_3.6_Bin(1).rar 3.59 MB

Direkt Download


01 December 2010

eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 1.8


eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 1.8


Add: Friendlinks [emulEspaa]
Add: Session Download [Xanatos]
Add: Manual Client Management [???/neomule]
Add: UL Prio in downloadlist Slugfiller]
Add: Import Parts [SR-13]
Add: Relax on startup [WiZaRd]
Add: ShowIP in client details [kts]
Add: Some fixes for SOTN [WiZaRd]
Change: Some minor fixes
Remove: CPU calm down
Remove: Sourcecache column in downloadlist





