07 February 2011

3x TuneUp Utilities 2011 Licenses to GiveAway for readers of our Blog

We give away 3 genuine licenses for TuneUp Utilities™ 2011!
Each License is good for 3 of the user's PCs

Today I am going to announce a fabulous giveaway of one my most beloved software which I am sure everyone want it. I'm using it since windows xp came out at that time and highly recommend it.

TuneUp Utilities 2011

Get your PC in top shape! A world innovation for top speed!

TuneUp Utilities is a perfect all in one system maintenance solution including defrag, registry clean up, system clean up, styling the look and feel and many more to customize and tweak up Windows. TuneUp can boost your Windows installation drastically. The TuneUp Utilities contains 30 Tools in one easy to operate user interface. The Program is available in more then 10 Languages and supports Windows 2000, XP, XP 64bit, Vista 32 and 64bit, Windows 7 32bit and x64.

New TuneUp Programs-on-Demand Technology deactivates programs to give you that "Windows like it was on the very first day" feeling. So you drastically reduce program load on your PC and prevent performance loss - even after numerous program installations. If a program that was turned off is started by the user anyway, it's immediately available again as needed.

The main impression is the feature called "Deactivator Program". The advantage of "Deactivation" is that resources and space consuming programs are eliminated as disabled if the program had been uninstalled. This reduce boot time and improve performance gain.

TuneUp 2011 also features a new Tuning Status indicator that gives you a quick overview of the optimisations that have been performed, and the amount of optimisation that is still possible.

What's new in TuneUp Utilities 2011:

TuneUp Program Deactivator with TuneUp Programs-on-Demand Technology:
· Now, for the first time, you can completely disable programs and reduce their load on your PC: the services, startup programs, background processes or planned tasks of a disabled program are inactive until you need them again. This prevents a loss of performance following numerous program installations.

Improved TuneUp Turbo Mode:
· The TuneUp Turbo Mode now gives you an even greater performance boost whenever you need it. It now shuts off nearly 80 hindering factors in the background to provide greater performance for your work, more fluid gameplay and full control over the hindering background activities.

The New TuneUp Tuning Status:
· Thanks to the clear graphs, the TuneUp Tuning Status shows you at a glance how well you are using TuneUp Utilities to optimize your PC. You are shown any remaining potential here by the relevant notifications.

The New Rating Function for Programs:
· TuneUp Utilities now gives you the option of rating the usefulness of programs and seeing the ratings of other TuneUp Utilities users. This may help you to decide which programs you really need. So that you can apply this new-found knowledge immediately, the Rating function for programs is directly integrated in the TuneUp Program Deactivator, TuneUp StartUp Manager and TuneUp Uninstall Manager modules.

The New-Look Start Center:
· TuneUp Utilities gives you full control of and access to the most important tuning steps, as well as a clear overview. The new Start Center is now even more intuitive to operate. Thanks to the arrangement into categories, you will find the function you are looking for more easily and can check on the current status of your PC at any time.

The New Overview of all Functions:
· TuneUp Utilities now has an Overview of all functions on the Start Center which gives you an overview sorted by application area and quick access to all functions and settings.

How to Win a license:

1. Share this article on Twitter, Facebook, Digg or any other Social Site and post the link of that in the comment.
2. Subscribe to my Email Newsletter and sign up to this site with Friend Connect.

Thats it, after that you will enter into the contest and three lucky winners will be announced.

The contest will close on 14th February 2011 and 3 random selected winners from all comments will be published here.

I would like to thank Danielle from Tune-Up.com for sponsoring this giveaway.

Win a VPN Account to protect your identity - Free GiveAway


We give away for free the following VPN Accounts:

Super VPN Services 14 Account (7x US Gateways, 7x Europe - DE Gateways) P2P eMule/Torrent is supported.

Super VPN Services offers VPN accounts for all kind of needs include IPhone VPN, VoIP VPN and P2P Torrent VPN.

We have not fully tested the service in detail yet because the selection of available Gateways is amazing. At times we reach up to 1,4 MB/s on BT and nearly 4 MB on Speedtest. The servers can be sometimes slower as 0.5 - 1 MB/s, the rate varies. We received for us a live time account with all servers - many thanks! The provider has, however, a package which P2P eMule and BitTorrent direct supports on Gateways in Germany and the United States. We assume that this work perfect with P2P as well.

VPN Traffic 1x 6 Months, 1x 3 Months and 6x 1 Month Accounts.

VPN Traffic offers a wide range of VPN Gateways: USA, AU, UK, Spain, Russia, Italy, India, Japan, Korea and Hong Kong.

From our location in a former soviet country we reached download speeds of 1.5 MB on our 4 mb/s cable Internet access using the long distance gateway in Korea on P2P. Opening web pages, unfortunately, had a short Time Delay but this may be due to our location.

FBVPN 1x 6 Months, 1x 3 Months and 6x 1 Month Accounts.

FBVPN offers excellent fast VPN Gateways in UK and USA supporting PPTP + L2TP/IPsec.

Video clips from sites like Hulu.com over the U.S. Gateway run nearly perfect. Clips from the BBC Youtube channel we received without interruptions using the UK Gateway. The speed tests we made were outstanding. P2P seems to be not supported. Web browsing works with our Internet access without any speed loss on both gateways in the UK and USA. IPv6 is supported as well as it looks.

Invisible Browsing VPN Provides us with 5 free premium accounts with access to all servers valid for 3 months.

ibVPN operates reliable Gateways in US, CA, UK, NL, DE, IE and FR. All of them servers are very fast. No delay while watching Movie Clips and fluent web browsing. Speedtest results are excellent. Up and Downloading from the net works same fast as without a VPN between. We do reach line speed with this VPN.
ibVPN celebrates the first year birthday and discount all packages 50% using the coupon code 1YEAR50

VPNReactor give:
- 1 six month VPNReactor MAX account
- 1 three month VPNreactor MAX account
- 6 one month VPNReactor MAX account

The Accounts including StealthVPN (VPN concealed within basic web/email traffic) and Europe VPN Gateways in addition Turbo Downloads - low user/server ratio, 24/7 Unlimited connections & bandwidth, Premium Support, Turbo Downloads - low user/server ratio, 1 Gig VPNreactor.com email address - your_login@vpnreactor.com and U.S.A. Based VPN Servers.

Video clips from Hulu.com and CBS.com over the U.S. Gateway in Florida we received without any interruptions. Pandora Radio Streams run fluent. The service includes a PRO Email Webmail with 1 GB storrage. Ed2K find quick sources. By Downloading and uploading from the net we reach constantly nearly line speed from our isp in east Europe, BT ports are reachable. FTP also works. IPv6 seems to work.

Hide My Ass Pro VPN Service VPN Pro Accounts for 3x 1 month, 2x 6 months and 1x 12 months.

HideMyAss offers a huge selection of gateways in East and West European Countries as well many Gateways in the US. Furthermore Australia, Russia and Servers in some Asian Countries. 75+ servers, 7000+ IP's.

With our ISP we have a Low ID on eMule but by using this VPN we got a High ID. This is excellent! Speed tests on the gateways we tested were outstanding. Browsing and downloading from the net is quite fast. We don't feel any lose in speed by switching this VPN between or connect direct. FTP works as well. By installing the optional software, the Gateway country can be switched after a time period automatically.

TUVPN.COM provide 2 x 3 months and 5 x 1 months on shared accounts, access to all servers.

TUVPN Services offer 13 VPN servers in 10 countries.

TUVPN has an excellent FAQ database where the VPN functionality is explained in detail. Furthermore, also the difference between shared and dedicated VPN service.

We testing this VPN and we can say this one works as well on eMule on High Id with a very fast up and download speed as well all other Internet applications run. The servers are extreme fast.
Downloads are fantastic fast. We don't feel any loose of speed or performance at all using TUVPN between the connection.

You can win one of these Premium VPN Accounts if you

Follow LeecherMods.com with Google Friend Connect and login with your Google Account by writing a comment here so that we can contact you via email.

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● Sign up by Sharing Devils

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Digg a Story from our Site,

● write a review on Alexa

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● Write about us in Forums or if you have an own website you can backlink to our Page www.LeecherMods.com

● If you have a webpage/blog add this banner to your site or post as your signature in forums

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This Giveaway Contest is expired on 07. February 2011 and the winners are known

The Winners have been chosen randomly and results was published on 07. February 2011

- VPN Accounts Contest Winner List -

05 February 2011

Fiddler Web Debugging Proxy


Fiddler is a Web Debugging Proxy which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet. Fiddler allows you to inspect all HTTP(S) traffic, set breakpoints, and "fiddle" with incoming or outgoing data. Fiddler includes a powerful event-based scripting subsystem, and can be extended using any .NET language.

Fiddler is freeware and can debug traffic from virtually any application, including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and thousands more.

Changelog: [2/5/2011]
Improved AutoResponder
Improved Performance
Various bugfixes [11/17/2010]
Improved support for Windows Phone emulator
Editing preferences enabled in about:config [10/1/2010]
Latency support in AutoResponder

Changelog Beta Version: http://www.fiddler2.com/Fiddler2/newbeta.txt

Changelog Final Version: http://www.fiddler2.com/Fiddler2/new.txt

BBS: http://groups.google.com/group/httpfiddler

Homepage: http://www.fiddler2.com/fiddler2/ | http://www.fiddler2.com/fiddler2/version.asp


VPN - use the internet anonymous


Internet Freedom

When Internet first appeared, a few could assume that it would develop with this speed, both in terms of number of users and speed of internet connection.

That growth however wasn’t in same time followed by countries law regulations. Because of it, with time, huge differences began to appear in terms of using internet, which were different from country to country.

Many of those countries introduced laws which limited their citizens access to specific Internet resources (networks, sites, user services, etc.). Considering that the basic idea of creating Internet was free exchange of information and access to same, laws like this were conflicted with purpose of Internet existence. This caused the appearance of users who wanted complete internet freedom without restrictions on one side, and laws which imposed different prohibitions on specific internet resources on the other.

Aside from that, there is one more important fact which imposes: considering that internet providers have a possibility of keeping track of complete behavior of their users, we come to a conclusion that there is an increased amount of people who want protection of their privacy and anonymous surfing.

Also many organizations looking to expand their networking capabilities and reduce their costs which is today very important.

It is clear that the solution that is imposed as the best is Virtual Private Network.

What is VPN?

A VPN or Virtual Private Network is a private, secure, communication tunnel between two or more devices across a public network such Internet. One benefit derived from using a VPN is that the "tunnel" protects your data from being "overheard" as it passes over the public Internet. Another is that, when using a VPN connection, your computer "appears" on the campus network as if it were on campus.

These VPN devices can be either a computer running VPN software or a special device like a VPN enabled router and allows your home computer to be connected to your office network or can allow two home computers in different locations to connect to each over the Internet.

For security it uses features like encryption, encapsulation, authorization and tunnels. VPN have great secure level because encryption is very strong from 128bit – 2048bit and that is the main reason why they becoming increasingly popular with their many benefits.

A VPN server is a piece of hardware or software that can acts as a gateway into a whole network or a single computer. It is generally always available and listening for VPN clients to connect to it. This enables any user to access a Private Network securely from anywhere in the world as long as an internet connection is available and the private network provides the user the access to its resources. VPN also allow employees to access information from remote locations, making collaboration possible even when employees are scattered around the globe which can significantly reduce costs of any company.

Types Of VPN

Several computer network protocols have been implemented specifically for use with VPN tunnels. The most popular VPN tunneling protocols are PPTP, L2TP and IPsec.

Point to point tunneling protocol (PPTP) is an extension of the pre-existing PPP or point to point protocol. It is the technology that allows the private transmission of data via a public network such as the internet. PPTP is best suited for the remote access applications of VPNs, but it also supports LAN internet-working.

The Layer 2 Tunnel Protocol (L2TP) is an emerging Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard that combines the best features of two existing tunneling protocols: Cisco's Layer 2 Forwarding (L2F) and Microsoft's Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP).

IPsec (Internet Protocol Security) is a security protocol that provides encryption and authentication over the Internet. It can be used as a complete VPN protocol solution or simply as the encryption scheme within L2TP or PPTP.

Speculation About VPN Future

Experts predict that the VPN will continue to grown in popularity as businesses to save money on remote network access for employees. There is many reasons that predict great future for VPNs:

● Works for PC on Windows /Linux/Mac OS
● Works for mobile on Android/Windows/Mobile/iPhone/Blackberry/Symbian
● High level of SSL encryption
● Work over any type of Internet connections (Cable, DSL, dial up, Satellite, Wi-Fi, etc)
● Eliminating the need for expensive long-distance leased lines
● Reducing long-distance telephone charges
● Offloading support costs
● Minimum hardware requirements
● Can provide you with dedicated IP address with which people protect their privacy and surf anonymous without provider logs


Every day more and more people want to protect their privacy on Internet. Governments around the world put different kind of restrictions on Internet connections of their citizens. VPN is solution for all that with which you can bypass all restrictions and protect your privacy. Many expert predict that VPN is future of Internet freedom.

03 February 2011

uTorrent Serenity 2.2.0 Build 24402

uTorrent -Serenity- 2.2.0 Build 24402
by Owyn
URL: http://wp.me/pVDYT-2p

uSerenity 2.2.0 Build 24402

see Feautures page

- fixed upload multiplier for high real speeds

Download: mediafire
Password: uSerenity22


DDL: uTorrent_Serenity_2.2.0_24402.7z 1 mb

01 February 2011

Here the list of winners of our free give away for 10x ZEVERA Premium Accounts for almost all File Hosters such as Hotfile, Megaupload, DepositFiles...

Zevera was give us 10 Premium Accounts (worth each 16 Euro) for our contest.

The winners are:

Roronoa Joenoez

We have forwarded all email addresses to Zevera and they will give you directly the account.
