12 February 2011

eMule 0.50a Magic Angel v4.0


based on eMule MorphXT, many Anti-Leecher Features, Client Emulations, Quickstart, Reask Tweaks, and much more...

In year 2006 started MagicAngel, referred as "MA", nicknamed "magic angel", as a eMule Mod which is based on MorphXT. The original author is sfrqlxert. A later test version was released 2009 in version 3.8 alpha2 by ZZUL Plus Modder, Gomez82. Finally on February 12, 2011 brought us YumeYao from RyanVM.net another stable release. MA 4.0 has been uploaded to the Magic Angel's Sourceforge project.

eMule v.50a [Magic Angel v4.0 - Quick Patch 1]

February 13th, 2011 - Quick Patch 1

* Fixed some issues including the final fix of "black background" issue in MA 3.8 alpha.

The files are updated with original file name. If you have downloaded 4.0 before you can download QuickPatch.7z(which only contains exe and zh-cn.dll) listed above.

eMule v.50a [Magic Angel v4.0]

February 12th, 2011

compiled with VS2005 (with SP1 & updates) & Windows SDK 7.0

zlib 1.2.5
libpng 1.4.3
Cryptopp 5.6.1
CxImage 6.0.0


MERGED: Merged to emule 0.50a (MorphXT 12.6). [YumeYao]

ADDED: Auto-complete list for Nodes.dat from URL. [YumeYao]
(when the text box is focused, press "Down Arrow" Key to get the list)

ADDED: H.264 and 3vid FourCC Codes to the MediaInfo Detection [X-Ray]

IMPROVED: Make Source Reask Log able to be translated. [YumeYao]

IMPROVED: Changed Preview option on file context menu display logic. [YumeYao]
If Preview Available -- Always show "Preview" on root menu if only one player specified
-- Otherwise "preview" and "preview with" depends on "Display Preview With menu in root context menu" option, they will be in root menu or preview sub-menu together
If Not Available -- If "Show more controls" on -- Same as before except that "Downloading needed parts for previewing" always show
If "Show more controls" off -- display "Downloading needed parts for previewing" on root menu with "preview" removed (was grayed before).

CHANGED: "Download parts needed for preview first" Display in Context Menu. [YumeYao]
It will show as checked and disabled(grayed) if the global option is checked.

CHANGED: Changed Network Info (right-bottom on Servers page) Layout. [YumeYao]
Always Show Client info (Nickname, TCP & UDP Port), User hash string still needs "show full" option.
WebServer and WapServer won't show if they are not enabled.

CHANGED: AntiLeech.dll update check link to SDC. [YumeYao]
(https://specialdlp.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/specialdlp/tags/x86/all-verycd/antiLeech.dll.new) [YumeYao]

ADDED: Simplified Chinese Language updated. [YumeYao]

REMOVED: Removed Option Dialog Banner (I don't like it =v=) [YumeYao]

FIXED: Fix the issue that background color between "Obtained Parts" and "Chunk Detail" in uploading list window is non-transparent (Filled with the background of the progress bars). [YumeYao]
(Quick and dirty way, better to find the cause and fix against it.)






All files

eMule 0.50a MorphJC v2.0


Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphJC v2.0


Change: Spread Credits Slot [1-20]
Change: Improved Anti-leech list
Update: mediainfo.dll [0.7.41]
Update: unrar.dll []

MorphJC developed by miggy and sonoro

HTTP: http://www.duckload.com/dl/2fmW2 | DirectDownload


HTTP: http://www.duckload.com/dl/ZbmW2 | DirectDownload



11 February 2011

Contest - Get one from 5 licenses for ConvertXtoDVD



Create DVDs from various video formats to watch them on TV with any DVD player. ConvertXtoDVD has been designed so you do not need to think about anything. Add 1 or more video files, insert a blank DVD and your videos will be converted and burnt automatically on to DVD with chapters and an elegant DVD menu. No external codecs needed.

ConvertXToDVD transforms DivX, XviD, FLV, MPEG4, Xvid, MOV, AVI, WMV, WMV-HD and DV files to a DVD-compatible format. You can also force for a given aspect ratio, or a different refresh rate.

How to win a License:
1. Write a comment and tell us your Top 5 Software applications (Programs).
2. In case you win, we need to forward for the license to VSO Software the following information from you: full name and email address.
3. We would appreciate if you

The winners will be announced on 1st March 2011, but can be extended depending on the response. So spread the news!

Thanks to Annelise Vo Thanh from VSO Software to sponsor us this GiveAway.

10 February 2011

RoboForm 7.2.5 Download + 5x RoboForm 7 Pro Desktop licenses to GiveAway


Win one of 5 RoboForm Pro 7 Desktop Licenses.

Roboform is for me one of the programs I can not miss to have installed on the PC.
It is the best password manager to store all logins and passwords. Who could remember all the passwords and login data that you get together within the time.
A good password manager like Roboform is a must have tool on every PC.
Roboform supports all popular web browsers such as IE, Firefox and Chrome. Furthermore, unsupported Browsers can be extend with a bookmarklet for easy integration.

RoboFormRoboForm is the top rated, easy to use, secure password manager and form filler. It automatically remembers your passwords, logs you into websites, and fills long web forms, all with one-click.

Changes in Roboform Version 7.2.2:
* Chrome: speed up on pages with huge forms such as usairways.com.
* Chrome: fix Auto-Submit on pages such as jetblue.com.
* Firefox: if JS toolbar is shown, always show full toolbar on top of it.
* Firefox: remove obsolete icons from browser context menu.
* Fix integrity check of RoboForm, so that corrupted RoboForm DLL is detected.
* RF Everywhere: increase max allowed interval between syncs from 7 days to 30 days.
* IE: show lower toolbar on popup windows, such as login at anz.com.
* ALT+click now forces non-modal AutoSave toolbar, not modal Auto-Save dialog.
* Win32: fix crashes when integrating with SAP application.
* Installer: fix does not automatically close processes when doing silent install.
* Enterprise: make EXE and MSI installers more silent.
* Enterpirse: fix bugs in MSI installer, when installed from group policy.
* Import: add import of passcards from Norton Identity Safe CSV file.
* Editor: allow pulling selection onto Identity summarry fields.
* Editor: fix squares at the end of the lines.
* Editor: fix clicking fingerprint icon shown Cannot load DLL message.

If you want to test RoboForm for 30 Days, you can download the trial version:

We got 5 Licenses from SiberSystems for our readers to give away for free if you write a comment on this post and Follow our Blog with FriendConnect. We will appreciate if you write a review about our site on Alexa.

The GiveAway ends in 30 Days, but can be extended depending on the response. So spread the news! The winners will be randomly chosen.
Activate the contact feature in your FriendConnect Profile so that we can contact you in case you win.

We would like to thank SiberSystems to sponsor us this GiveAway.

We are proudly announce that 4shared sponsor LeecherMods

LeecherMods hat einen weiteren Sponsor, 4shared.com

Heute geben wir mit Freude bekannt, dass 4shared uns mit 100 GB Speicherplatz fuer eMule und Torrent Mods Hosting ausgestattet hat.

Das bemerkenswerke ist daran das wir nun den Lesern unserer Seite auch Direktlinks anbieten koennen.

Es entfaellt die Wartezeit bis zum Download und das Herunterladen startet sofort nachdem man auf einen Direkt Link klickt.

4shared hat eine einzigartige Benutzeroberflaeche um die Dateien online zu verwalten. Es kann sogar pro Datei eine eigene Subdomain erstellt werden. Weiterhin bietet es umfangreiche Stats und ein tolles Verzeichniss Managment.
Wir werden zu einem spaeteren Zeitpunkt noch in die Details eingehen die 4shared seinen Premium Benutzern bietet. Dazu gibt es dann auch ein kleines Giveaway mit kostenlosen Premium Accounts.

Wir moechten uns bei 4shared recht herzlich fuer die freundliche Unterstuetzung bedanken und hoffen auf eine lang andauernde gemeinsamme Zukunft.

Get 4Shared Premium!

4shared is sponsor of Leecher Mods

LeecherMods has another sponsor, 4shared.com

Today we are pleased to announce that 4shared equipped us with 100 GB of storage space for eMule and Torrent Mods hosting.
We are on uploading... The files will be soon available in 4shared search index. We placed a search feature on the right top of our page.

Remarkable is that we now can offer to our readers true direct download links.
There is no waiting time to download. The download starts immediately after you click on a direct link. Furthermore you can write a comment next to every file and share it on Facebook and other social sites.
4shared has a unique user interface to manage the files online. Per file can be even created an own subdomain.
At a later date we will report more in details what 4shared have to offer to Premium Account users. There will be a small give-away with free premium accounts.

We would like to thank 4shared for their kind support and looking forward to a long-term partnership.


Bitsum Process Lasso Licenses Giveaway for Free to our readers

Process Lasso macht den PC schneller.
Alle Prozesse die im Hintergrund laufen zeigt das Programm mit ausfuehrlichen Details an. Es verwaltet die Prioritaeten einzelner Prozesse die in Anwendung sind. Damit wird die Reaktionsfähigkeit von Windows spuerbar erhoeht. Process Lasso arbeitet Ressourcen schonend im Hintergrund. Bemerkenswert ist das Process Lasso auch die Ausfuehrung von bestimmten Programmen verhindern kann. Es kann auf vielfacher weise konfiguriert werden.

Process Lasso makes your PC faster.
Process Lasso shows all processes running in the background with comprehensive details. It manages the priority of individual processes which are currently in use. Thus, the responsiveness of Windows is noticeably increased. Process Lasso is working in the background without using much resources for it self.

Of note is that Process Lasso also can prevent the execution of certain programs. It can be configured in many ways.

Jeremy Collake from Bitsum Technologies give us 5 standard home licenses of Process Lasso for readers of our site LeecherMods.com. The licenses will have one year of free updates included.

We give away for free these licenses if you follow Leechermods.com with FriendConnect and tell others about LeecherMods.com by tweeting or share on Facebook with your friends. Leave a comment and you can be one of 5 lucky winners.

This GiveAway open 30 days, but can be extended depending on the response. Feel free to comment. Winners of this contest we will choose random.

Please ensure in your Friend Connect Profile is the option to contact you enabled. We need your email address to forward it to Bitsum Technologies after that they will send you the license.
