23 February 2011

5x AIDA64 Extreme Edition licenses to GiveAway


AIDA wurde Ende letztes Jahr wieder zu den urspruenglichen Namen, jedoch mit der Erweiterung 64 umgetauft. Zwischenzeitlich wurde es auch bekannt als Everest.

AIDA64 ist ein System Tool das genauen Aufschluss auf die Hardware gibt. Es kann darueber hinaus noch jede Menge mehr z.B. System Benchmark aber auch eine detailierte Auskunft ueber die auf dem Computer Installierten Treiber und vorhandene Antivirus/Sicherheitssoftware erteilen.

Oftmals findet man auf einem System das ein Treiber fuer eine zunaechst unbekannte Hardware fehlt. AIDA64 kann da Abhilfe schaffen indem es jede Hardwarekomponente identifiziert. Somit ist es leicht den entsprechenden Treiber zu finden. Es ist hilfreich bei Firmware und Bios updates aber auch um bei den installierten Treibern nach Updates Ausschau zu halten bzw. auf einen Blick zu sehen welche Treiber Versionen installiert sind.

Natuerlich steht im Vordergrund die Hardware Eigenschaften zu erkunden als auch die Sensoren des Computers im Auge zu behalten.
Will man etwas mehr aus seinen Computer herausholen durch uebertackten, ist AIDA64 ein unverzichtbares Tool um das System zu ueberwachen.

Anders als im Windows eigenen Hardware Manager bietet AIDA64 zu jeder vorhandenen Komponente eine vollstaendige Auskunft sei es CPU oder ueber ein angeschlossenes Laufwerk. Es zeigt von Hardware Hersteller, Revision bis hin zur Firmware auch die technischen Spezifikationen mit an. Laufende Prozesse auf dem PC und DLL Dateien die in Anwendung sind, werden zudem mit Versionsnummern dargestellt. Weiterhin verschaft AIDA64 eine Uebersicht auf das Netzwerk und die Computer Konfiguration. Ein umfangreicher Report mit allen angezeigten Daten kann ebenso erstellt werden. Es werden neben Englisch 37 weitere Sprachen unterstuetzt.

Lediglich der Menue Punkt "Security" welcher die installierte Antivirus, Anti-Trojan, Anti-Spyware und Firewall Software auflisten sollte zeigt nicht immer das an was installiert ist. So wurde BitDefender Antivirus auf unserem System nicht erkannt.

Benutzer von AIDA64 geniessen ein ausgesprochen guten Produkt Support dazu zaehlt ein hervorragendes Support Forum welches von den Programmierern der Software betreut wird. Das Program wird in Betaversionen staendig auf dem neuesten Stand der sich auf dem Markt befindlichen Hardware angepasst und aktualisiert.

AIDA64 ist ein Program das jeder haben muss der genau Wissen will was in seinem System steckt. Es schluesselt die Hardware detailiert auf und liesst Sensoren aus.

Weitere Informationen findet ihr auf der Hersteller Homepage: http://www.aida64.com

Wer die 30 Tage Test Version ausprobieren moechte kann das hier tun:

Der Hersteller FinalWire Ltd. hat uns freundlicherweise 5 AIDA64 Extreme Edition Lizensen inklusive zwei Jahre kostenlose Produktupdates fuer unsere Leser zur Verfuegung gestellt.

Verpasst es nicht die Chance wahrzunehmen um eine der 5 Lizensen zu ergattern.

Erzaehlt auch euren Freunden davon. Tweet, Digg oder sendet den Artikel mit Facebook an eure Bekannten.

Hinterlaesst einen aussagekraeftigen Kommentar und Ihr seid dabei.

Unter allen Teilnehmern verlost LeecherMods am 7. Maerz 2011 die Lizensen.

To get one from 5 licenses:
It will be great if you Tweet, Digg or share this article with your friends on Facebook.

Write a comment and you are in.

Under all comments we chose 5 winners random on 7. March 2011.

LeecherMods.com bedankt sich bei Tamas Miklos von FinalWire Ltd. der uns die Lizensen zu unserem 5 jaehrigen Jubilaeum gesponsert hat.

22 February 2011

Get a Darkspore Beta Key

...Your Beta Key is Here...

Click the contact us form and we send the first 10 User a Unique Beta Key.

5x Licenses for Sandboxie to Giveaway

Ronen, the Developer from Sandboxie gave me 5x one year licenses for readers of my blog to the 5th year Anniversary of LeecherMods.

Sandboxie improve the system security drastically by running "unknown" setups and files in a Sandbox. New viruses will not infect your system. I used it for example by discover this virus maleware installers which are all over the emule network spread. Many from us may known in Limewire Network, all this small files mostly as audio files masked. Most of them are viruses.

Sandboxie runs your programs in an isolated space which prevents them from making permanent changes to other programs and data in your computer.

Benefits of the Isolated Sandbox:
  • Secure Web Browsing: Running your Web browser under the protection of Sandboxie means that all malicious software downloaded by the browser is trapped in the sandbox and can be discarded trivially.
  • Enhanced Privacy: Browsing history, cookies, and cached temporary files collected while Web browsing stay in the sandbox and don't leak into Windows.
  • Secure E-mail: Viruses and other malicious software that might be hiding in your email can't break out of the sandbox and can't infect your real system.
  • Windows Stays Lean: Prevent wear-and-tear in Windows by installing software into an isolated sandbox.
You can reduce the risk of getting infected by running new or unknown processes with Sandboxie.

I highly recommend this software.

Sandboxie comes in the following Languages: English, Albanian, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brasil), Russian and Turkish.

The latest Sandboxie Final Version is 3.52

Changes in Version 3.52, Released on 12 January 2011:

* Enhancements and Revisions:
* Improvements support for installations involving Windows Side-by-Side assemblies.
* Added support for a question mark character in Sandboxie settings that is considered a single-character wildcard.
* For third-party APIs: On 64-bit systems, the 32-bit DLL (SbieDllX) has been renamed to SbieDll.
* New translations: Greek, Portuguese (Portugal), and Arabic.
* Problems Fixed:
* Fixed a problem with Forced Folders on 64-bit Windows.
* Fixed a problem with the Sandboxie UAC confirmation window overlapping the Windows task bar.
* Fixed a conflict with the Immunize feature of Spybot-S&D which caused some slowdowns.
* Improved compatibility with:
o Adobe Reader X in Protected Mode
o Internal Flash player in recent versions of Google Chrome
o Web Browser: Comodo Dragon
o Proxies and Filters: NetNanny 6.5, ProxyCap, Super Socks5Cap
o Utilities: Active Captions, Actual Window Manager, Arum Switcher, Copernic Desktop Search, IntelliType Pro, ManyCam, RadeonPro
o Security Software: Microsoft EMET tool, Norton 360, Norton Safe Web Lite
o Virtual Machines: Running Sandboxie in a Windows system virtualized by Xen

A Beta version of Sandboxie 3.53 is available here:

Download Sandboxie 3.53 Beta x86: http://www.sandboxie.com/SandboxieInstall32-353-03.exe
Download Sandboxie 3.53 Beta x64: http://www.sandboxie.com/SandboxieInstall64-353-03.exe

Download Sandboxie Final Version

How to get a one-year license:
The first 5 meaningful comments will get via email a license and I will announce the winners.

The one-year countdown begins when each product key is first activated!

21 February 2011

Here comes the winner list of 1 Months uploadet.to Premium Accounts

We want to congratulate our winners for 1 month Premium uploaded.to account:

  1. Jay
  2. vj.onix
  3. hooligan
  4. snnake2005
  5. ahmad alkhalaf
  6. RSSU Blogger
  8. akasa.blog

We forwarded all email addresses to uploaded.to so you will shortly get an email from them with your account credentials.

The article was published here

20 February 2011

Net Transport 2.96b Build 615

Net Transport (also called NetTransport or NetXfer) is a faster, exciting and the most powerful downloading tool that you ever saw, now support the most prevalent Internet protocols, including: HTTP / HTTPS, FTP / through SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) / SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol), MMS (Microsoft Media Services), RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol), PNM (rename PNM to RTSP), BitTorrent, eMule.

With independently developed Enhanced Multi-Threading (EMT) technology, can download MMS and RTSP streaming by multiple threads with perfect video & audio quality. There are some other great features, like "Site Manager" which allows you to keep the active connection with the remote servers. In addition, the support for both SSL and SSH is hardly found in other upload/download tools.

Main Features:
1. You can use the simple but powerful "File Manager" to categorize and manage downloaded files more efficiently.
2. Simple multi-user management. You can maintain several databases by logging on Windows with different username.
3. You can use the inbuilt "Site Explorer" to list the directory structure of the remote server, and easily select the desired files. FTP is the most powerful item in NetXfer.
4. FTP reuse mechanism allows you to use one connection to get different files from the same site. If you like, you can use accessory FTP client tool called "FTP Transport (FtpXfer)".
5. The "Multiple Proxies mode" allows you to assign every working thread a different proxy to break certain site restrictions, like only one connection per IP.
6. Proxies with NTLM authentication can penetrate local firewall, like Microsoft ISA 2000.
7. You can adjust the bandwidth usage of Net Transport to ensure surf at the same time.
8. Monitor browser click. And you can add links through Internet Explorer extended context menu, or drag links to the "drop zone" window, etc.
9. Net Transport can automatically shutdown the system or hang up the modem once all downloads are completed.
10. Multilingual support for the user interface. I will be glad if you help me localize NetXfer.
11. NTLM authentication is supported for both MMS and RTSP. In addition, RN5 authentication works for RTSP.
12. You can use multi-threads for both MMS and RTSP to significantly reduce the time of downloads.
13. Automatically parse streaming script such as .asx, .smi to acquire real URLs.
14. Support SSL encryption for both HTTP and FTP, which is called https and ftps. Also support one-time password to protect your authentication information. Normally password is in the form of clear text, which is easily stolen by IP packet monitor tools. Presently NetXfer is the only one can download https streaming via SOCKS5.
15. Support SSH encryption, which is hardly found in other upload/download tools for Windows.
16. The flexible "Scheduler Manager" is also most powerful item in NetXfer. Even you can record the dynamic URL according to time and save it as your desire filename.
17. In version 2, you can record the clip with range.
18. On BitTorrent protocol, you can use proxy to download, upload by UPnP. NetXfer supports HTTP/HTTPS/UDP Tracker.

Changes in Net Transport 2.96b (Feb 20, 2011):
1. Added support for Wowza Media Server.
2. Added support for Helix Mobile Server version 14.
3. Enhanced the combination of partial data files for MP4, which made it possible not to lose a large section of audio and video content.
4. Fixed a bug that audio and video of MP4 might be out of sync after downloading.
5. Fixed a bug that the downloaded MP4 file might have no sound.
6. Fixed a bug for RTMP that sending incorrect protocol control message led the task be in waiting state.
7. Modified that RTMP task would continue even if error happened.
8. Modified code to get more stream info from session description protocol to help the combination of partial data files for MP4.
9. Added an option "use getStreamLength function" to get the length of stream for RTMP.
10. Added an option to regard HTTP as LIVE show.
11. Added an option to generate new tasks automatically on parsing Playlist/Script file.
12. Restored the option "The number of max concurrent tasks".
13. Enhanced "URL-Sniffer" to capture more information about RTMP link to ensure the task can go on.
14. Enhanced "URL-Sniffer" to capture HTTP link with its Cookie.
15. Enhanced "URL-Sniffer" to capture RTSP link with its Cookie.
16. Modified to handle "Content-Disposition" field case insensitive.
17. Fixed that program could not backup task database file on Win7.
18. Fixed that in some cases program could not well download one by one FTP task.
19. Improved performance, you could not do anything if there were too many tasks in the "Queue" pane.

Homepage: http://www.xi-soft.com


You can win one from 10 Licenses for Net Transport incl. 1 Years updates here.

Giveaway Comodo Internet Security Pro 2011 and Comodo Internet Security Plus 2011 Genuine Licenses

I am pleased to announce 3 licenses for Comodo Internet Security Pro 2011 and 5 licenses for Comodo Internet Security Plus 2011 Giveaway for my readers.

Are you looking for a top antivirus with firewall solution incl. a superb 24/7 support? Comodo Internet Security is a software package that includes a firewall and an antivirus program. The firewall protects your computer from unauthorized access over the Internet. With the Antivirus software, you are well protected from all kinds of Viruses, Trojans, Malware, Worms and other vermin. Comodo's Internet Security is in tests on the first places.

A integrated Spyware-Scanner, a new Game-Mode and Cloud-Mode protect you from unknown attackers.

Comodo Internet Security Pro 2011 (value $49.99) offers extreme protection backed by Comodo’s Virus-Free Guarantee. Combined with additional features such as Wi-Fi Data Encryption and 24/7 365 day remote support, Comodo Internet Security Pro 2011 offers a better solution to your Internet security needs.

Comodo Internet Security Plus 2011 (value $39.99) offers enhanced protection by adding 24/7 365 day remote security support. In this way, Comodo Internet Security Plus 2011 offers an even better solution to your Internet security needs.

In addition to the Free Comodo Internet Security, Comodo Internet Security Plus 2011 offer the following product features:

Protects All Data When You're On-The-Go
TrustConnect Wi-Fi Data Encryption for defense against wireless information theft.

Immediate, Live Expert Virus Removal
Our Experts will clean your PC, uninstall old antivirus, and ensure your PC remains clean.

Comodo Internet Security Pro 2011 offers this features more to the Plus Version:

One-Click, Remote Help For All PC Issues, 24x7
Help with PC tune-up, software installation, parental control, printer settings etc.

Virus Free Guarantee
Covers your PC with up to $500 for repair costs, should your PC become infected with a virus or malware and we can't restore you to working condition.

Visit for a Product Comparison: http://www.comodo.com/home/internet-security/compare.php

Changelogs and Release notes can be viewed here.

Rules for participating in this giveaway:

1. Subscribe to LeecherMods.com and leave your comment here.
2. Share it on Twitter, Facebook or your personal blog.

Under all comments the Winners will be selected on 31 March 2011 random.

Thanks to Brenda Barzola, Marketing Administrator from Comodo to sponsor us this GiveAway.
