17 July 2011

eMule 0.50a EggAche v1.3

Coded by :


Changelog :

v1.3 : +) custom anti info in client details/upload feedback in sharedwnd/emulate other few adjustment


LeechOptions: Pass: not detected; Block: do not upload; 0Score: Ratings (base) 0
coutries: to be the country with ip2c display the same name, such as Jane in Jane's fullname display the csv in China, to fill China; 3letters display CHN. fill CHN; 2letters shown as CN, fill in CN.

Closemule / ShutdownOS: When no download tasks (no download tasks or task is stopped), # 1 minute to adjust to the # 5 minutes.
# (Next to be opened as soon as possible to change the emule options to nothing) # adjust only the current valid, full and flexible use. ^ ^

# I am not bored Community hash range, but failed to disable all SUI invalid client 0, so ... basically ... almost ...^^# userhashcheck

The official version of the collapse of the shared interface bug is not fixed, nothing to Freeze point that a few tabs ^ ^

# In addition, config ipfilter personally feel under more suitable for the domestic situation, address: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ed2k-ipfilterx/files/ # has been changed to charges by!

FreeMemory: Manual Under Tools, automatically every 5 minutes (HardCode) Check conditions: CPU & MEM's usage, in line with the implementation.

# UserhashCheck: still did not solve the hit / add = = # fixed the problem

Localized: totranslate.txt

Welcome to try ^ ^



16 July 2011

eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.6 Engo3K Private Edition Build 14.04.11

Coded by:



Update to MorphXT v12.6


15 July 2011

Multi Commander 32 and 64 bit Free Download

Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer.
It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout.

Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking , Auto-sorting , Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.

Multi Commander can be installed and run from portable (USB) device. Will not write any settings/session info on host computer.

Multi Commander is very similar as TotalCommander but offers more options.

For a full feature List visit: http://multicommander.com/features/list

Multi Commander works on Windows XP / 2003 / Vista / 2008 / Windows 7 - 32 and 64 bit versions are available to download.

switch to fullscreen

There exists a Beta License but it is no longer needed.

The latest Beta Version as of today is Multi Commander v1.1.1 Build 789


Release v1.1.1 (Build 789)
ADDED - If double click or press return on a file inside an archive. That file will be unpack and executed.
FIXED - Crash problem when editing a file without file extension.
FIXED - When Installed on portable. Session information was not stored on portable device.
-- Build (787)
ADDED - Easier to add support for new languages. (See forum for information)
ADDED - Now possible to add/change and alias for a User Command from the User Command editor.
ADDED - The CustomCommander "MC.Explorer.Goto" can now change both the source/target or left/right view at the same time.
ADDED - Custom command now support external parameters with ${param:0}, ${param:1} and so on. (Parameters from the commandline)
FIXED - Install on Portable (USB) Device now work again.
FIXED - Minor sorting bug.
FIXED - Crash problem with the language editor.


Multi Commander does no longer limit to a 30 days trial. You may now use Multi Commander free of change.


Multi Commander 32bit installer: Mirror1 | Mirror2
Multi Commander 64bit installer: Mirror1 | Mirror2

Portable/Update Beta:

Multi Commander 32bit: Mirror1 | Mirror2
Multi Commander 64bit: Mirror1 | Mirror2

Snagit review and Licenses to GiveAway

Whenever we think of screen capture the first thing that comes to our mind is PrintScr button and windows paint. But there’s much more to a screen capture than just PrintScreen. What if you need to capture a scrolling window or what if you need to capture just the text portion? For these kinds of captures we need specialized screen capture tool. We can get many such tools if we search the internet but today I will talk about the best of them, Snagit by TechSmith. Many of you must be thinking that why I mentioned Snagit it as the best, for those people I will just say please continue reading you yourselves will find out why it is mentioned the No.1 screen capture tool.

Snagit Description & Analysis

Sangit is the most complete and powerful screen capture you would ever come across. Its sheer capacity to capture anything you see on your screen makes it No. 1. Not only can it capture images but it can also capture texts and video clips also. Easy to use and vast number of features makes it more popular. The best thing about Snagit is not only it is a screen capture tool but it is also an image editor. Yes, you heard me right, it does have a separate image editor of its own. So now you can capture and edit on the same tool and don’t have to open 2 or 3 programs for it. The image editor itself is feature rich and thus makes it a perfect combination.

Now let’s look at how it works:

The above screenshot shows the Snagit screen capture tool. It has basically 3 important sections Profiles, Profile settings and Capture button. The profiles section has many predefined profiles for easy capture. Out of all the profiles the All-in-one is the most used. By selecting this profile you can just capture anything. Its inbuilt settings make our job easier. But what if we need to change some settings or create a new profile for our day to day use. Snagit gives us a provision for that also through the profile settings sections. From here we can change various things or create a completely new profile. We can add a new input area, output location and even add effects also. There is also a profile creation wizard with which making profiles are much easier. The third and the most important is the Capture button, clicking which the snagit window minimizes to the taskbar and you can start capturing.

The above screenshot shows what happens when we click on the capture button. For the test purpose I tried capturing the logo of our site.

As soon as you leave the left click that portion gets captured and the image opens in the image editor.

The above screenshot shows the Snagit image editor. The image editor is filled with features to enhance your capture. It has the basic drawing tools and along with it has basic editing tools like crop, resize and rotate. Various effects like grayscale, blur and other color effects are also present. It also has various kinds of stamps and tags. You can even add hotspots, to focus on particular areas, in this editor.

But the 2 most interesting features of the editor are transparent canvas and the options of directly sending the capture to Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, email etc...

After trying out different things I finally able to tear the leechermods logo and here it is.

The above screenshot helps you to understand why transparent canvas helps a lot.

I hope I was able to successfully guide you through the description and features of Snagit. Though it has much more things inside but this is the basic work flow. It is not possible to completely tell about Snagit in a single article so I would request you all to go through their learning center, where there are loads of article and videos for your guidance.

Conclusion & Verdict

In this article I just gave the basic work flow of Snagit. There are much more powerful things inside this 32 MB tool. Not only it can capture images it can also capture text, video and web pages. It can basically capture anything you can see on your screen. It is very easy to use and with few clicks you can get a professional look for your capture.
I started the writing by saying Snagit as no.1 screen capture tool and I will also end by saying Snagit as no.1…………………hope by now you all will agree.
Reviewed by: Alpha

We GiveAway 2 Licenses of Snagit for Windows, worth each $49.95.

To join the Contest post a comment include a screenshot from our Website and share the Screenshot on Twitter, Facebook, Blog or any other social media site. If you don't have a Twitter, Facebook account you can alternative just upload the screenshot to any image hoster, tag it and post the link in the comment.

We draw from all comments 2 winners and send them a license.
Your comment must be posted before Friday 22. July 2011

13 July 2011

Google Page Speed Bookmarklet


Drag to Browser bar:
Page Speed

Homepage: http://pagespeed.googlelabs.com

Notepad2 Mod

Great news today. I found Kai Liu's Notepad2 Mod where the development in 2009 stopped abrupt on his page:

Notepad2 with Kai's patches for Code folding and more continue on this page:

A modified version (fork) of Notepad2 based on Kai Liu's and other people's patches.

Changes compared to the official Notepad2:

  • Code folding
  • Support for bookmarks
  • Option to mark all occurrences of a word
  • Syntax highlighting support for AutoHotkey, AutoIt3, Bash, CMake, Inno Setup, LaTeX, Lua, NSIS, Ruby and Tcl scripts
  • Improved support for NFO ANSI art
  • Support for replacing Windows Notepad using a clean, unintrusive registry-based method
  • Other various minor changes and tweaks

32 and 64 bit versions can be downloaded here:
