18 October 2011

eMule 0.50a SNAKE v3.0b6


Changelog SNAKE v3.0b6

based on eMule 0.50a

- Updated: Lang.dll
- Added: Community List
- Added: Leecher List
- Added: Show Client Percentage
- Added: Show Release Files in Bold
- Added: UL/DL and Ration in Download List
- Added: Preferences Slide Bar
- Added: Transfer Wnd Buttons
- Added: Show Hard Limit per File
- Added: Show CPU/Mem Resource
- Changed: Super Sources Finder Timer
- Changed: SNAKE Preferences
- Changed: My Info in Server Wnd
- Fixed: Super Sources Finder Button


emule DarkSky Reloaded v4.0

EMULE DARKSKY RELOADED v4.0 //codet by Tribu

Ich hoffe Ihr habt viel Spass damit. Für Fragen oder
Anregungen bitte ne Mail oder PN in den Boards.
Fetures oder Wünsche gern an mich.


[-] IRC
[-] Wizard

[+] Community (invisible)
[+] Friendboost

[+] Up4Up
- with Differenzblock

[+] no Upload 4 Non EMules withaout Up4Up

[+] Creditsysteme (2)
- Ultimate Leeching
- PayBack
- Upload without Rank (Fairness ed2k)
[+] Share Only the Need
[+] share only Partfiles
[+] No Upload PartFiles max 50 % of all

[+] Countryblock
- for Upload
- for Download
- IPFilter (no Connect)
- Schweiz,Östereich, Deutschland, Frankreich
2 x custom, unbekannt

[+] AutoServer Disconnect (15min)
[+] variabler UploadKick
[+] Upload for ReleaseFiles without Rqr
[+] Speedbar
[+] new Splash
[+] Toolbar (JVA/Shadow/Silversurfer)
[+] Resourcebar (Wizard)
[+] StartSound
[+] IP2Country
[+] FunnyNick
[+] Download in Blue
[+] Diff RQR in Color
[+] Color Lowid
[+] Members in Color + FriendIcon

[+] Kick/IpFilter Down + Upload
[+] ReaskHack (Torni)
[+] fake Leecher (Hash+Version)
[+] fake Non Emules
[+] intell. FakeRank
[+] no FileList an den Server
[+] custom ModString
[+] upkick4 releasefiles
[+] show Lowid color
[+] show Rq Diff color
[+] FileBuffersize up2 7.5mb

[+] autoUpdate Ip-Filter
[+] autoUpdate Country-IPs
[+] autoLoad Countryflag DLL (Wizard/EMF)

[+] AntileecherSystem
- AntiVersionsFaker
- AntiModFaker
- AntiNickthief

[+] Easy Slotfocus
[+] Custom Slotfocus
[+] Custom UpDatarate
[+] sls
[+] better Timings

noch einiges mehr :-D

BetaTester: Sneko vom EBS-Board (http://ebs-reloaded.net)

Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung , die tagelangen Tests, für
die Kritik und das Lob :-D

->>>>Danke Danke Danke<<<<-


dont forget to visit >>sharing-devils<<

16 October 2011


Coded by: morph4u

to make the time shorter a small eMule from me based on -LPE- mod but much lighter


06 October 2011

eMule 0.50a Som-Tam 0.1a


* *************************************** *
* *************eMule Som-Tam************* *
* * Dev : SNK * *
* * Help : Matrik * *
* * TesT : ReNo * *
* * uDonMan * *
* Changelog V0.1a *

[Add]Open SearchBox in MiniMule "Big Thx Spe64"[Spe64]

[Add]Set Server.met URL "http://peerates.net/servers.php" [SNK]
[Add]Download files in Bold now is swichtable [SNK]

[Add]show current server in status bar [beba Mod]

[Add]Automatic Shared Files Upload [beba Mod]

[Add]Outlined Percentage [ZZUL-TRA Mod]

[Add]Overlay friendslot visualization [Xman]

[Add]Auto Unban when Friend to add is a banned client [SNK]

[Add]IP Filter v153 [Meuh6879]

[Changed]Chunk Detail in downloadlistclient from MorphMod [SiRoB]

[Moved]Slot Focus now in Som-Tam Options I[Matrik]

[Fix]Some Bug Sorry Posted Image [SNK]

[Fix]Crash on shutdown [SNK]


03 October 2011

eMule SNAKE v3.0b5


Changelog SNAKE v3.0b5

based on eMule 0.50a

- Updated: Lang.dll
- Added: Save/Load Sources
- Added: Spooky Mode
- Added: Connection Checker
- Changed: Tab in SNAKE Prefs
- Changed: SNAKE Preferences
- Fixed: Queue Process Bar
- Fixed: Variable Nick Name
- Fixed: Boost Release Files
- Fixed: Super Sources Finder
- Fixed: Drop Sources Timer
- Fixed: Hide Parts
- Fixed: RQR Difference
- Fixed: Quick Start
- Fixed: Community Upload Slots
- Fixed: Show uploading files in color
- Fixed: Total Upload/Download in Upload list


29 September 2011

eMule 0.50a Xtreme II v8.2


Coded by :


Changelog :

Xtreme II 8.2

Main Features:

- first public release
- fixed: Over 20 bug.
- merged: ScarAngel v4.2
- merged: Xtreme v8.1
- merged: Mephisto Source Control
- removed: Startup sound of ScarAngel

supported languages:
german, english, spanish, french, italian, chinese, turkish, czech

based on emule 0.50a
compiled with:
libpng 1.4.3
zlib 1.2.5
crypto 5.6.0
CxImage version 6.00
Windows Media SDK
DirectX SDK
MiniUPnP Lib (as of official)

