03 October 2012

kMule Build 20120923


tuxman and tHeWiZaRdOfDoS are proud to present the first version of kMule.
Before anything else, we want to thank the developers of eMule for the base and all beta-testers for their commitment.

Our goal was to create a lighter client - in two senses.
On the one hand we removed quite a lot of ballast from the eMule base and on the other hand we tried to make the client as simple as possible to make it possible for every user to experience P2P.
We included a lot of features but nearly all of them are "invisibly" working for you - if you want to know more, you should check out the changelog.

20120724 (Beta):

based upon eMule v0.50a
> updated libpng to v1.5.10
> updated zlib to v1.2.7
> updated CryptoPP to v5.6.1
> updated miniupnplib support to v1.7 (24/05/2012)
- mobilemule [WiZaRd]
- kademlia wnd [WiZaRd]
- server support [WiZaRd]
- IRC [WiZaRd]
- Search Related Files [Tuxman]
~ kad always enabled [WiZaRd]
~ transfer full chunks always enabled [WiZaRd]
~ SUI always enabled [WiZaRd]
+ modder credits [WiZaRd]
~ protocol obfuscation always supported [WiZaRd]
! http downloads were aborting too early (http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=155048) [WiZaRd]
~ code formatting [Tuxman]
+ IntelliFlush [WiZaRd]
* automatic flushing on chunk completion
* filebuffer timelimit default: 15min.
* filebuffer size: 0.5-20MB
~ splashscreen and app icons [WiZaRd]
~ client version: "ed2k Loader" [WiZaRd]
+ modversion [WiZaRd]
~ spam filter always enabled [WiZaRd]
+ AntiFake [WiZaRd, parts from Netfinitys' FakeAlyzer]
+ Kad Term Cleanup [WiZaRd]
~ simplified DL progress [WiZaRd]
~ detect VLC automatically [WiZaRd]
- scheduler [WiZaRd]
~ credit system always enabled [Tuxman]
~ notifications and proxy settings are only visible when "extended controls" is enabled
- web interface [WiZaRd]
- sound/mail/speech notifications and built-in popups [Tuxman]
+ Snarl support [Tuxman]
* replaces built-in notifier system
* visit http://snarl.fullphat.net/ for download and information
~ connection wizard integrated into first start assistant [WiZaRd]
- connection wizard removed from prefs [WiZaRd]
~ search file colors changed [WiZaRd]
+ ICS by enkeyDev [WiZaRd]
* ICS replaces default chunk selection and cannot be deactivated
+ AntiHideOS by netfinity [WiZaRd]
- "tooltip delay" option [Tuxman]
+ ClientAnalyzer [WiZaRd]
+ Small File Slot [WiZaRd]
+ Queue Size Fix [WiZaRd]
- Peercache [WiZaRd]
- Connect Button [WiZaRd]
+ ModVersion Display in ListCtrls [WiZaRd]
+ searchCatch by SLUGFILLER [Tuxman]
~ message captchas always enabled [WiZaRd]
~ automatically select an alternative port if port is in use [WiZaRd]
+ PowerShare [WiZaRd]
+ Intelligent SoTN [WiZaRd]
+ Payback First [WiZaRd]
+ SharedView Ed2kType [WiZaRd, parts by Avi3k]
~ reserve at least max(10MB, 5% of HD) for ed2k Loader [WiZaRd]
- removed nonsense "OK" button from networkinfo dialog [WiZaRd]
- perflog [WiZaRd]
+ endgame improvement [WiZaRd]
~ use "optimal" tempdir for preview backup creation [WiZaRd]
~ minor cleanup in the Proxy settings [Tuxman]
! fixed 2 memleaks in official KAD code [WiZaRd]
+ autoupdate system [WiZaRd]
+ ipfilter autoupdate [WiZaRd]
~ ipfilters now filter Kad contacts on-the-fly [WiZaRd]
* i.e. we check all known contacts on ipfilter update and delete filtered ones
- removed support for 4 and 8 bit desktop colors [WiZaRd]
* get real - get an update!
~ enhanced ed2k links and collections with folder attributes [WiZaRd]
* downloaded files will retain their directory structure on completion
* have fun with highly improved filesharing via collections
+ NoNeededRequeue by SlugFiller [WiZaRd]
- statically enabled Win7 goodies [WiZaRd]
- statically enabled advanced spam filter [WiZaRd]
- statically enabled message smilies [WiZaRd]

20120817 (Beta):

~ statically enabled crash dumps [Tuxman]
! fixed possible crash in connections dialog - thx SS1900 [WiZaRd]
~ change the connection globe icons [WiZaRd]
~ fixed wrong tab order in prefs [WiZaRd]
~ changed slotspeed estimation [WiZaRd]
<+> added slotfocus - STATIC! [WiZaRd]
~ changed popup order on startup [WiZaRd]
+ added version check to tools [WiZaRd]
~ improved passive source finding [WiZaRd]
+ added trickle slot orientation slot opening [WiZaRd]
! fixed possible crash in first start assistent - thx Nuberu [WiZaRd]
+ added FDC by BlueSonicBoy [WiZaRd]
~ removed icons from options dialog [WiZaRd]
! don't send empty directories [WiZaRd]
+ you can now adjust the sharing mode for each directory individually [WiZaRd]
+ added column for fake info to searchlistctrl [WiZaRd]
! fixed stats bug - thx to jerrybg [WiZaRd]
+ ratio indicator smilies in sharedfiles list [WiZaRd]
+ ratio indicator smiliey added to preferences [WiZaRd]
* help them looking friendly by sharing your stuff
+ mediainfo.dll autoupdate [WiZaRd]
~ splash is now shown way earlier to compensate for ipfilter loading times [WiZaRd]
+ added restart confirmation popup [WiZaRd]
! (mis)placement/size of the lower panes in the transfers window by jerrybg [WiZaRd]
+ ColorPreviewReadyFiles [WiZaRd, idea by jerrybg]
+ chat logging [WiZaRd, idea by CiccioBastardo]
+ advanced transfer window layout by Stulle [WiZaRd]
+ re-added option to enable default progress bar style via pref.ini [WiZaRd]
* UseSimpleProgress=0/1
+ diskspace checks now require min(1GB, max(10MB, 5% of HDD)) [WiZaRd]
~ reduced CPU usage for Kad parts [WiZaRd, original by netfinity]


> updated libpng to v1.5.12
> updated miniupnplib support to v1.7 (30/08/2012)
> update resizeablelib to v1.4 alpha
~ removed more (now obsolete) server stat code
+ USS Status Pane [WiZaRd, by Eulero]
* http://forum.emule-p...howtopic=150006
~ improved compatibility of kMule when run under WINE [WiZaRd]
~ new connection state icons [WiZaRd]
+ the hidden pref entry "SpamFilterMode" can now be used to configure the spam filter feature [WiZaRd]
* 0 = disabled, 1 = colored, 2 = autosort, 3 = filtered (not implemented, yet)
+ Startup Flood Prevention [WiZaRd]
+ autoHL [WiZaRd]
! fixed loss of some pref settings between restarts [WiZaRd]
! clear chat message field when closing the particular tab [Tuxman]
~ main dialog is hidden after shutdown is initiated to avoid confusion [WiZaRd]
! fixed problem with ratio smilies not showing up in some cases [WiZaRd]
+ prevent sharing of known partial files [WiZaRd]
* right now this filters "ForbiddenFileFilters" in our .ini file if "RemoveForbiddenFiles" is enabled
+ session ratio (1:3) [WiZaRd]
* please upload as much as you can to help the network!
+ ratio info & indicator added to MiniMule [WiZaRd]







or from SourceForge


16 September 2012

eMule v0.50a - [UltiMatix v5.0] 15.09.2012


eMule v0.50a [UltiMatix v5.0]
Based on [SaintAngel]
Engo3K changes for eMule v0.50a [UltiMatix v5.0]
Build: Jun 17 2012 (Released 15.09.12)
+ATWL - Advanced Transfer Window Layout
+Fine Credit System



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03 August 2012

inaccessible error messages on our domain


Dear readers

We had recently some 'Downtimes' and I want to appoligize for it.
It is unclear if its any new plugin in the DNS System or caused by any changes from Google Hosting.

The error Messages looks like that:

Google mentioned that the traffic is unually in leechermods.com
IP : xxxxxx
Time: 2012-08-02T03:12:44Z
website: http://www.leechermods.com/

Please post a message here if you had the same errors by visiting the website.

We are sorry for the delay especially for our running contest.
The winners will be announced asap.

31 July 2012

NeoLaoder 0.10 Public Beta Release



NeoLoader das Herunterladen von mehreren Quellen wie Torrent, Hoster und eMule. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Multi-Netzwerk Clients kann kann NeoLoader diese Quellen kombinieren und zusammengehörige Files zu einem einzigen Download vereinen. Konkret kann beispielsweise der Download von Datei X, für die Ihr Hoster Links besitzt, beschleunigt werden, indem parallel zum Hoster Download Teile dieser Datei via Torrent oder eMule heruntergeladen werden.

Weiterhin bietet NeoLoader eine dezentrale Torrent Keyword Suche (Kademlia basiert).

Ein genauerer Überblick über die Features:
Algemeine Features
Automatisches Update
Core/GUI Trennung, Core ausführbar als Service/Daemon
Multi Plattform Win32/Linux/MacOS (Linux/MacOS kommen diese oder nächste Woche)
Web Basierte Benutzer Oberfläche unter http://localhost:1600/WebUI/
Kombinieren von Quellen mehrerer Netzwerke an einem Download

ed2kMule Unterstützung
Source Exchange
Protocol Obfuscation

BitTorrent Downloads
DHT, ALT Tracker, UDP Tracker
Peer Exchange
Torrent Magnet Links
Protocol Encryption
Torrent Keyword Search (Kademlia-based)

Hoster Download Engine
Eigene Script-Sprache für hoster Unterstützung
JavaScript fähige Browser Engine
Hoster Magnet Links

Weitere Features wie anonymes Filesharing (mittels unidirektionalem verschlüsseltem Multiplath-Routing im XOR-Raum von Kademlia) sind bereits in Arbeit.

Der Client kann ein und das selbe File aus allen drei Netzwerken zugleich laden,
momentan geht das zwar nur wen man die files manuell als ein und das selbe zuordnet,
aber ein eigenes DHT/kad wo dann die Zuordnungen ed2k hash zu BT hash zu hosterlinks ist in Arbeit und bald fertig.

Der Client bietet die erste globale skalierbare torrent keyword suche, also so eine Suchfunktion wie in emule nur das man damit torrent Files finden kann.

In späteren versionen kommt noch ein anonymes p2p filesharing system rein, ist auch schon in Arbeit.

Linux und MacOSx versionen werden auch bald verfügbahr

Wir freuen uns sehr auf euer Feedback.
Hoster Downloads funktionieren dank eigener Script Engine & zugehörigen Hoster Scripten schon sehr gut. Jedoch fehlen für sehr viele Hoster noch die passenden Scripte. Wenn euer Lieblingshoster also noch nicht unterstützt wird, dann könnt ihr uns gerne kontaktieren um ein Hoster Script für den jeweiligen Hoster zu schreiben.
Viel Spaß beim Testen!


24 July 2012

Giveaway - Get Free Cloud System Booster Pro for 180 Days


Cloud System Booster is system optimization software, developed by Anvisoft, engaging in providing Internet security solutions. It mainly contains four functions: cleaner, repair, optimizer and application. They can respectively deal with various junk files in disk or registry, repair PC errors, optimize system performance and remove unneeded programs to free up much space, so as to speed up our computer.

Key Features:
Support Windows XP, Vista & 7
Clean up the system in various aspects with one click
Include a Mini Mode for light use
Scheduled scan, system restore, network proxy management are available for convenient use.
Chameleon feature to enable attractive personalized look
Expert mode for custom use
Automatically update and automatically boost are available

We can implement optimizing our computer with one click on the main interface or in the Mini Mode. The Mini mode is a special feature in Cloud System Booster. With it, we do not need to open the main interface. It is cute and easy to use.

We can also free set the time of cleaning our computer. System can be also restored. The chameleon can make us personalize the background of Cloud System Booster with the picture we like. Cloud System Booster embraces two modes: One-click mode and expert mode. The former can clean our computer with one click. It is apt for common users. The latter we can customize the items we need to clean.

The Mini Mode, Automatically update and Automatically boost can be used in Cloud System Booster Pro. They are not provided in Cloud System Booster Free. 

Giveaway on Cloud System Booster Pro

In this Giveaway, Anvisoft did not limit the number of license keys to activate Cloud System Booster Pro which for $19.98.

It is simple to leave a comment below to participate in the Giveaway. The valid email can help us to send you the license code.  The Giveaway will end on 31th July 2012, 12:00 PM GMT and winners will be announced on 1th August 2012 here at leechermods.com. The winners will be selected randomly.

Note: The winners selected are mainly based on the review on System Booster Free. Hope every participant can get a free license key.

Many thanks to Michelle

19 July 2012

eMule 0.50a Chimera 1.9


Change log Chimera 1.9

add Recognize MlDonkey XS Answer
fixed trayicon problem
Improve Better Passive Source Finding
Improve Sorces Management
some Optimization
Updated Ip2Country code

Clean Install is better

Spread This Mod Everywhere you are all authorized !

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