18 March 2013

eMule 0.50a - StulleMule Private 7.0 by Engo3k

StulleMule Private by Engo3k
Build: Jan 16 2011
+Show all infos on title
+Show Session Download
+Aktive permission
+Don't Ban community/Friends
+UpPrios Whith-PS in DL-List
+PBF 1MB-start for part/finished Files
+Bold for Friend & Unlimitedslot
+Ask Server/Clients for new sources
+Commboost/Frindboost setable [2-500 1=Off]
+Anticom/Mod/Qr-Full - Reduce Score setable
+Commboost/AntiMod/Anticomm/Qr-Vol - Color to designer settings
+Save Last Request
+Push Part Files
+Many standard icons
+Cusomable Priority
+Release Boost for part finished files [2-40 1=Off]
+FileReaskTime [21-55]
+See onuploadqueue/feedback
+Max client upload time [5-360 mins]
+Max chunks to transfer [1-10]
+Remove block ratio [BR] clients
+Total UpDown column with pos./neg. colors - green/red
+drop client (to another file)
+Reask single
+Unlimited Slot
+Clear Banlist
+Client-BAN-Time [1-24H]
+Kick Single/All Upload Slots
+Clientsdetails editable for Copy/Paste to AntiCom/Mod
+Clients Share Visiblity + Color to designer settings
+Show IP [ClientDetailDialog]
+Don't remove spare trickle slot in UploadList for Client datarate
+Reducefactor for Leecher to 0 or 10-100% 100%=Off
-zZ-Ratio Restrictions
-PowerShare restrictions for partfile
-Friend restrictions [zzRatio 3KB/s to ->0KB/s = Unlimited]
-Slot Limiter restrictions ->[2-255]
-Server ads
fix: SharedFilesCtrl. Permissionmenu(menu-title) has shown priority and not permission
ED2K Download Link:

eMule v0.50a UltiMatix v5.0 by Engo3k

eMule v0.50a [UltiMatix v5.0]
Based on [SaintAngel]
Engo3K changes for eMule v0.50a [UltiMatix v5.0]
Build: Dec 04 2012
Update to MorphXT v12.7
Build: Jun 17 2012
+ATWL - Advanced Transfer Window Layout
+Fine Credit System
Build: May  6 2012
+High Speed Upload Timer[Start 500 KB/s]
+Manual Client Management
+RequestedFilesDialog with Client Mangement
+BlockRatio change to UpSpeed
Build: Jan 11 2010
+Check already downloaded files
+Active Permission
-Saintangel removed all fixes from old magic angel
Build: Dec 18 2010
+Drop sources + dropIcons + auto drop immunity
+Sivka File Settings>(adjustable per file)
+UNBAN detected leecher - DownloadList/ClientList/QueueList
+Ask Clients For New XS Sources
+Ask Server For New Sources
+add don't drop complete sources [taz] : simplified version due to the change of show # of dropped sources
+change show # of dropped sources : shift m_ShowDroppedSrc to CDownloadQueue::RemoveSourceAndDontAsk
+fix show # of dropped sources : count only dropped
+fix CUPnP_IGDControlPoint : don't rely in module pointer which is "0"ed on constructor [taz]
+fix ICS preview priority [taz] : piority values were reversed
Build: Dec  4 2010
+Updated to MorphXT v12.5
+PowerShare for WebInterface
+High resulution speedmeter on toolbar
+Limit PS by amount of data uploaded (% of file size)
+server.met url (ServerWind.)
-server ads
+Automatic shared files updater
+Don't Ban community/Friends
+UpPrios Whith-PS in DL-List
+PBF 1MB-Start<(adjustable) for Part&Finished Files
+Bold for Friend & Unlimitedslot
+CommColor orange
+Newest MediaInfo.dll from [MorphCA]
+eMule Skin from "Cloudas" (Skin profile eMule) to bin package from [MorphCA]
+HDD Protect - Increased max File Buffer Size to 40 MB with steps of 500 KB
+HDD Protect - Slidebar on "extended settings" to select Buffer Time Limit (1-30 mins)
+Save Last Request - SharedFilesWindow
+Share Permission -Hide/Comm/Friend/All
+Many icons
+Push Part Files [2-20] (0=Block!)
+Push Finished Files [2-20] (0=Block!)
+Average Queue Ranking
+Show Session Download
+Fixed Release Boost + for partfiles (not Release Bonus [X-Ray])
+Color red for PowerShare Files up/queuelist
+FileReaskTime for NNS & Unknown Src. to [20-58] mins
+See onuploadqueue/feedback
+Max client upload time [5-360] mins
+Multi chunk transfer
+remove block ratio (BR:) clients
+Total UpDown column with pos./neg. colors - green/red
+Unlimited Slot
+Clear Banlist
+AntiQRFull [1=off-0.01 Max] + 0 Score + No PS + UpKick 
+AntiCommunity [1=off-0.01 Max] + 0 Score + No PS + UpKick
+AntiMod [1=off-0.01 Max] + 0 Score + No PS + UpKick
+Punish for Non SUI Clients [0 Score/*0.1/*0.2/off] - Argos
+Friend Boost [2-500]
+Community Boost [2-500]
+Custom Prioritys
+Client-BAN All List
+Client Ban-Time [0-24h]
+Color for LowID/Friend/PowerShare/PBF/Community/Unlimited Slot
+Reask single Clients in Transfer Windows
+Push to Upload from downloadClientList & queuelist
+Drop Client in Transfer Windows (to another File)
+Whois-Client Provider Info all Lists
+GeoIP-IP Location Finder-Karte all Lists
+MSS Settings [=MTU-40]
+Slot Limiter [2-255]
+Kick All Upload Slots
+Kick single Upload Slot
+Clients Share Visiblity (Pink)
+Upload nur an eMule Clients
+Adjustable Modname
+Client Details copyable for better add to anticomm/mod
+UBT for client Datarate
+Don't remove spare trickle slot in UploadList
to disable Slotfocus Use Client datarate (KB/s) & d'rst-slot off
-PowerShare restrictions for partfile
-Friends restrictions (zzRatio 3KB/s to ->0KB/s = Unlimited)
-Remove some Release Nick/Mods (AntiLeech+MagicAntileech.dll)
Changelog for eMule v0.50a [SaintAngel v1.2.1/1.1]
Based on MorphXT
Add: Show KAD flags&IP [X-Ray]
Added: Shared file extension filter(don't share them)[dolphinx/changed by angvil]
Added: Show runtime&nick on title [MorphCA]
Added: Some mod icons
Changed:  change user-agent to 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1) Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8'
Removed:Some codes
Added: Release Bonus [X-Ray]
Added: Show CPU&RAM useage [StulleMule/Katana]
Added: Show User IP
Changed:  Some small changed


ed2k Link:ed2k://|file|eMule_v0.50a_UltiMatiX_v5.0_11.12.2012.engo3k.rar|4938550|56BC3D2037B007665B8348FD8B50F6B8|h=VHB6YLIMSCPOY5POWFLVKK36FORQ4GCR|/

Ip-Filter By Hooligan (18.03.2013)


based on "eMule-Security IP-FILTER V1620"

Bogon list - 17.03.13
Fake servers list - 17.03.13
Level 1 list - 17.03.13

208908 filters loaded



eMule MorphXT v12.7 Private Edition [Engo3k]


Changelog 21-11-2012 MorphXT v12.7 by Engo3k

ADD: Some more MediaInfo settings and USC log color to Advanced Preferences [Stulle]
ADD: New flags to countryflag.dll in order to meet ISO 3166-1 standard [Stulle]
 + Note that you absolutely need to update the countryflag.dlls!
ADD: Show ZZ ratio activation in Web Interface [Stulle]
ADD: Respect and display USC in WebInterface queue sorting [Stulle]
CHANGE: Updated Bad Mod List and Bad Hashs List (DLP v43) [zz_fly]
*-CHANGE: Max FileBufferTimeLimit changed from 100 to 10 minutes [Stulle]
CHANGE: Displayed ed2k link list in category selection can be scrolled through [Stulle]
CHANGE: Use bold font for drawing client progress percentage in DownloadListCtrl [Stulle]
CHANGE: Improved category rights handling for Multi User Web Interface [Stulle]
CHANGE: Improved download right handling for Multi User Web Interface [Stulle]
CHANGE: Show friend menu in friend list of Web Interface transfer panel [Stulle]
CHANGE: Show all clients that are not banned in On Queue list of Web Interface [Stulle]
CHANGE: Display if a client has credits in On Queue list of Web Interface [Stulle]
CHANGE: Tweasked NTService optimizations [Stulle]
CHANGE: Retrieve ID3LIB setting from memory during runtime [Stulle]
CHANGE: Rearranged Advanced (official) Preferences for better overview [Stulle]
CHANGE: Integrate MaxMind GeoLite Country into IP2Country feature (download and processing) [Stulle]
 + You might need to reset the update URL to use this new source and format!
 + For maximum comfort old format and source may still be used (only for ip-to-country.csv).
 + Notice: MorphXT includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com
FIX: Don't assign downloads via watch clipboard feature using view filters CHANGE [Stulle]
FIX: Weird result calculation for Fakealyzer [Stulle]
FIX: Pasting eD2k links from DownloadListCtrl was not handled as pasting [Stulle]
FIX: Setting for "Don't update Queue list in real time" was inverted in Tweaks [Stulle]
 + Note: It now works as expected so you might have to set it anew.
FIX: Aborting HTTP downloads [WiZaRd]
FIX: Wrong input focus for Multi User Web Interface login if user remembered [Stulle]
FIX: File Percentage in title of progress images in WebServer did not show 100% [Stulle]
FIX: Potential crash in USC logging due to format code in user name [Jesse Hager]
FIX: Log color settings were not stored in preferences.ini [Stulle]
FIX: Ambersands were not removed in PreferencesDlg [Stulle]
REMOVED: Obsolete Vista and above fix in ExportPartMetFilesOverview [leuk_he]
REMOVED: Obsolete GetRemainingReservedDataToDownload function [Stulle]

Download via ED2K


Latest Ozzy IP Filter always: http://ipfilter.tobby.eu/ozzy/ipfilter.zip /.dat /.rar or from Schnurlos Mirror: http://www.should.keepfree.de/
outdated Ozzy IP Filter (Stulle's Mirror): http://downloads.sourceforge.net/scarangel/ipfilter.rar

Exil IPFilter Updater 2.1 - Best IPFilter Update Program


Exil IPFilter Updater

Version: 2.1
Release Date: 16/03/2013
Author: Exedil
URL: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ipfilter-update/
100% Free Award


  • uTorrent & BitTorrent ipfilter.dat fully automatic update
  • Possible to add & modify links easily using the simple integrated editor
  • Fully documented (see the wiki or use the Help button in the updater)
  • Ease of use!
  • Lightweight (< 2 Mb)
  • Listed in "Add/Remove Programs" or "Programs and Features" in Control Panel
  • Show last update on startup
  • Support GZip & Zip archives and Dat file format!
  • Support choosing default link to use when program starts
  • Support switching between uTorrent or BitTorrent clients
  • Support downloading to "My Documents" folder for advanced configurations


Exil IPFilter Updater v2.1
- Renamed the application according to the new changes that have been introduced.
- Added support for BitTorrent client in addition to µTorrent (see Configuration Mode).
- Added support for possiblity to download the IPFilter to the "My Documents" folder (see Configuration Mode), if your bittorrent client needs import before allowing IPFilter to work.
- Added support for possibility to choose which link you prefer to have selected by default when launching the Updater (see Configuration Mode), just select the link you want in the appropriate dropdown list.
- Added support for more links to be added (100 max).
- Created a "no installation" version of the updater for those who prefer.
- Application design changed to adapt to the new functions in Configuration Mode.
- Fixed minor bug that occured when the links.xml was corrupted.
- Minor bug correction in links.xml IDs.
- README file updated.

All Files: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ipfilter-update/files/

16 March 2013

Exil uTorrent IPFilter Updater 2.0

Exil uTorrent IPFilter Updater for uTorrent is the best IPFilter Updater and comes with many features to keep you up to date with your favorite ipfilter.dat file.
This little tool will automatically download, extract and copy the ipfilter.dat for uTorrent in the right place (AppData\Roaming\uTorrent). The program cleanup what has been downloaded and is no longer needed automatically. It supports Gzip, Zip, and Dat format. It is also easily configurable. You can add and modify any link you want! 


  • uTorrent ipfilter.dat fully automatic update
  • Possible to add & modify links easily using the simple integrated editor
  • Fully documented (see the wiki or use the Help button in the updater)
  • Ease of use!
  • Lightweight (< 2 Mb)
  • Listed in "Add/Remove Programs" or "Programs and Features" in Control Panel
  • Show last update on startup
  • Support GZip & Zip archives and Dat file format!
Full Changelog:
--- v13
+++ v14
@@ -2,13 +2,27 @@

 ![alternate text](https://a.fsdn.com/allura/p/ipfilter-update/icon)
-Version: 1.2
-Release Date: 11/03/2013
+Version: 2.0
+Release Date: 15/03/2013
 Author: Exedil

 ### Updates: ###
+Added Configuration Mode (need administrator privileges): You can edit links from within the application with a simplified interface, easier than plaintext XML (See below for more details).
+Added Configuration Mode support regarding the editing functions.
+Added automatic repair for links.xml (for when the application encounter something that shouldn't be in the file or if the file is corrupted or missing).
+Added DAT format support. You can now provide links with .dat as file extension in URL.
+Added a third link with .dat format in links.xml ( /!\ last update 29/08/2012 on this one).
+Added a Help button and support for the F1 key, if pressed they will show the README file in your default web browser.
+Added a Website button to bring you to Exil uTorrent IPFilter Updater website using your default web browser.
+Application design changed to adapt to the new functions.
+Messages showing when errors occur have been updated.
+Minor bug correction that occured when application was closed.
+README file updated.

 Added ZIP format support. You can now provide links with .zip archives.
@@ -17,7 +31,7 @@

 Added a message giving the last update of the IPFilter when lauching the application.
-Minor bug correction when download cancelled.
+Minor bug correction that occured when download was cancelled.
 README file updated, and uploaded in SourceForge files for easy access.

@@ -26,16 +40,17 @@
 ### Description: ###

 This little tool will automatically download, extract and copy the ipfilter.dat for uTorrent in the right place (AppData\Roaming\uTorrent). 
-The program cleanup what has been downloaded and is no longer needed automatically. 
-The project is design so that no admin rights should be asked for. 
-If you downloaded this program and are asked for admin rights to run it, DON'T execute it, and download it again from the legit URL. (The program ask for admin rights only during the installation process!)
-Hope you like it. Also check for update every once in a while, use the URL provided above.
+The program cleanup what has been downloaded and is no longer needed automatically.
+The project is design so that no admin rights should be asked for UPDATING function.
+If you downloaded this program and are asked for admin rights to UPDATE, DON'T allow it, and download it again from the legit URL. (The program ask for admin rights ONLY during the installation process and to enter configuration mode!)
+Hope you like it. Also check for update every once in a while, use the URL provided above, or the "Website" button from the Updater.

 ### Requirements: ###

+You need an Internet connection for the program to work.
 Please download .NET Framework 4.5 from Microsoft website to run this application.
 Here is the URL to download it: 

@@ -45,73 +60,25 @@

 ### Configuration: ###

-You can also add links if you have any particular one you like to use, other than the default one (some sites offers premium, often updated ones).
-You can do that in the file links.xml located in the program folder of the Updater. 
-It's a simple XML file, meaning it's really easy to add links in it (see example below).
+As from the 2.0 version, the Configuration Mode has been implemented.
+It allows the user to easily modify the links provided to the updater.
+The links, stored in the "links.xml" file, are added or edited by filling out only two text fields representing the base URL and the file name which together make the complete URL.

-Link template in the links.xml: 
+Here is an example:
+Let's say the URL you want to add is : 
+    - http://www.google.com/ipfilter.zip 
+You separate the base URL from the file name and enter it in the two fields.
+    - Base URL: Standard URL format, without the actual file to download. The URL MUST end with a forward slash "/" (without quotes).
+    - File name: The actual file name you want to download (the end of the complete URL, after the last "/"). The file MUST be in GZip, Zip or Dat format (".gz", ".zip" or ".dat") for the program work properly.

-    ~~~~~~
-        http://yourlink.aaa/
-        filename.ext
-    ~~~~~~
+For our example, it would be like that: 
+    - Link: http://www.google.com/ 
+    - File: ipfilter.zip
+Now you just have to click "Add Link" or "Modify Link" button!

-Here is what you need to do: 
-  [...]
-You increment x every time you add a link. 
-If you already have 3 links in the file, and want to add one more, x will then be 4. 
-Standard URL, without the actual file to download. 
-The URL MUST end with a forward slash "/" (without quotes).
-The actual file name you want to download (the end of the complete URL, after the "/"). 
-The file MUST be in GZip or Zip format (".gz" or ".zip") for the program work properly. 
-If not, it will download but fail at the extraction.
-Your initial URL is :
-You divide the URL like explain above.
-The result links.xml is: 
-    ~~~~~~
-            http://tbg.iblocklist.com/Lists/
-            ipfilter.dat.gz
-            http://www.google.com/
-            ipfilter.gz
-    ~~~~~~
-When you add a link, take care to NOT REMOVE the rest of the file: 
-    ~~~~~~
-    [...]
-    ~~~~~~
+It isn't hard, isn't it!
+Now you can add as many links as you want! You can also modify them as you want, if some ipfilter websites were to change their URL, you can update them!
+The configuration windows will check if the URL provided is valid, and reachable before adding or modifying any link.

..... Download

Exil uTorrent IPFilter Updater Web Site

IpFilter samples:
http://upd.emule-security.org/ipfilter.zip > http://emule-security.org/
http://ipfilter.tobby.eu/ozzy/ipfilter.zip  or .dat
http://www.iblocklist.com/list.php?list=nxs23_ipfilterx&fileformat=p2p&archiveformat=gz (someone can share Nexus latest ipfilterX (http://p2pblocklist.wordpress.com/welcome-to-p2pblocklist-website/)????
