14 November 2008

eMule 0.49b SharkX 1.4 Beta1

SharkX 1.4 Beta1 - 13/11/08

remove : fix connection collision
remove : ASF
remove : Global HL
chnage : mod version check "host name"
change : mod support forum links
change : default region for connection wizard to Israel
change : modstr SharkX
change : mod icons + options side banner
change : upload list layout
change : adjust Sivka file settings to AutoHL (taz)
fix : chunk selection mode logic for ICS (taz)
fix : no SUQWT for Mod/Nick thieves (taz)
fix : CA events log once (taz)
add : Advanced download throttling (Netfinity)
add : Optional funnynick display (SiRoB)
add : folder ICONS (Commander)
add : Resource Bar (WiZaRd)
add : AutoHL (WiZaRd)
change : adjust drop system & Sivka file setting to AutoHL (taz)
change : adjust Client Analyzer to funnynick (taz)
add : Show src totals (taz)
fix : mod config dir for multi user, i.e. appdata (taz)
update : community & corrupt userhash detection from DLP v35 (zz_fly/SquallATF)

based on AcKroNiC v5.0

Very fast upcoming mod with many features



11 November 2008

eMule 0.49b pP evl rX 1.0 PUBLIC EDITION

1.0a public
Removed: Some old debug logs - pP
Fixed: Remaining upload tabs initialization error - pP
Fixed: Uploadlimiter in Checkfortimeover() - pP
Fixed: Bad Checkbox-Icon in front of Initial up settings - pP
Fixed: Multipliers for UpMan get lost - pP
Added: Detection for uncounted upload, reverted to r10 style - pP - >> pP: SUIBanInfo
Changed: Merged to 0.49b - pP
Changed: Displaying the ModString inside the mod - pP
Added: SlotFocus - pP - >> pP: SlotFocus
Added: Detect old AJ Mods - pP - >> pP: Applejuice check [xman1]
Added: Create sessionstats on exit (slows down closing a bit) - evl - >> evl: CReport

Added: Links and string for the mods - pP - >> pP: Modrelated information
Added: Icons ans splashes for Al!as and rX mods - pP
Fixed: Cleaned up code for first release - pP
Fixed: Sending of correct modstring with version - pP

Added: German/English languagefile for prefs #1 - pP
Added: Implementation of localization stuff (WiP) - pP - >> pP: Localize.ini
Changed: Added phpbb [code] tags to uncolored file stats - evl - >> evl: FileStats [codetags]
Fixed: Powershare on Partfiles - pP
fixed: IP2C sorting bug in clientlistctrl.cpp - pP
Changed: mod perferences moved to addon directory - pP - >> pP: OwnPrefs
changed: Remember last ipfilter update to avoid unneded traffic - pP - >> pP: IPFilterUpdate [remember last update]
Updated: CReport, phpbb tag handling - pP - >> pP: CReport [phpbb tags]
Changed: File upload stats rewritten a reduced codelines - pP - >> pP: FileStats [IceCream]
Added: DropSources menue in DownloadListCtrl - pP - >> pP: SourceDrops
Added: File upload stats from MorphXT - pP - >> pP: FileStats [IceCream]

First of 49 :) 0.7a
Changed: Merged to eMule 49a base client - pP/evl
Fixed: Modversioncheck on startup was not performed - pP

closeToFinal Edition 0.6a (1st public beta)
Added: Set uploadpriority from TransferWnd, unfinished - evl - >> evl: UpPrios
removed : Sysinfo fix for Vista - evl - >> evl: SysInfo [VistaFixx]
Replaced: SysInfo from emf replaced by $icK$ version - evl - >> evl: SysInfo [$icK$]
Added: reasks after IPC - evl - >> evl: ReaskAfterChangedIP [Stulle]
Finished: pP's PowerShare, added missing check - evl - >> pP: PowerShare
Finished: pP's ModVersionCheck, retaged ;) - evl - >> evl: ModVersionCheck
Added: Creport, create a report on exit - evl - >> evl: CReport
Added: Sysinfo fix for Vista - evl - >> evl: SysInfo [VistaFixx]
Added: save and load sources on start/exit - evl - >> evl: SaveLoadSources [enkeyDEV]
Added: Support for Winsock v2 - evl - <<>> evl: ConChecker [eWombat]
Added: ClientAnalyzer - pP - >> pP: ClientAnalyzer [Wizard]
Changed: Updated CReport, cleaned up code (WiP) - evl - >> evl: CReport
Added: Creator for session statistics - pP - >> pP: CReport
Added: Renew UPnP portmapping after IP changed (off.code) - pP - >> pP: IPChange [Remap UPnP]
Added: second prefspage with missing off. stuff - pP - >> pP: PrefsPage2 [NeoMule]
Added: lowID to highID Automatic Callback - pP - >> pP: L2HAC [enkeyDEV]
Changed: Using DiffQR code from queue- in downloadlist - pP - >> pP: DiffQR [jva]
+ >> pP: DiffQR
+ >> evl: DiffQR [ShowDatarate]
Added: Show total up & down in queue- and uploadlist - pP - >> pP: UL/DL tab
Added: Detect and show a modicon for the R-Mod - pP - >> pP: R-Mod/Alias/rX check
Changed: Replaced the toolbar icons - pP - see res folder, icons by Darkside
Fixed: DiffQR icons for DL, Unknown and QF/NNS - pP - >> pP: DiffQR [new icons]
Changed: SliderBar colors changed to rX style - pP - >> pP: rX colors
Added: Check for bad clients (bad for the net) - pP - >> pP: BadClientFlag [Wizard]
Added: Check for newer GPL breakers - pP - >> pP: More GPLEvilDoers [Wizard]
Added: Chunkdots, incl. optimizations from CB Mod - pP - >> pP: Chunkdots [Slugfiller]
Added: Siedebanner for new Prefs dialog - pP
Added; New preference dialog - PreferencesDLG.cpp, taken from emF 0.6 completely
Added: Obfusacte HTTP transfer - pP - >> pP: Obfucsate Http Transfers [leuk_he]
Changed: Splash && Credits show ModName and version - pP - >> pP: ModString
Added: Intelligent Part Sharing - pP - >> pP: InteligentChunkSelection [enkeyDEV]
Added: Dynamic Block Requests - pP - >> pP: DynamicBlockRequests [Netfinity]
+ >> pP: Drop stalled downloads [netfinity]
+ >> pP: Delayed NNP [netfinity]
+ >> pP: Reask part status on NNP [netfinity]
Added: Show DL datarate in DiffQR column - evl - >> evl: DiffQR [ShowDatarate]
Added: IPFilter AutoUpdater (daily by deault) - evl - >> evl: IPFilterUpdate
Added: Larger filebuffer and dynamic flushing times - pP - >> pP: LargerFileBuffer
Misc: Tags cleaned up - pP
Added: Proper Reask times for other ClientSofts - pP - >> pP: CustomReaskTimes
Changed: Added missing icons in ModPrefs - pP
Added: Colored active Downloads - pP - >> pP: ColoredActiveDLs
Added: Bold active downloads - pP - >> pP: BoldActiveDLs
Added: Identify eMule Plus - pP - >> pP: EnhancedClientRecognization [spike2]
Added: Replacement for official ratio - pP - >> pP: ActiveRatio [netfinity]
Added: Display the RQR with tendency icons/coloring - pP - >> pP: DiffQR [jva]
Added: Calculation of the RQR difference - pP - >> pP: DiffQR
Added: Modversion - pP - >> pP: ModVersion
Added: Moved modrelated files to separate directory - evl - >> evl: AddonDirs [Wizard/shadow2004]
Changed: IP2Country, always show a dflt. flag - pP - >> pP: always show a flag
Changed: IP2Country, chapterize sources - pP - >> pP: ip2c.chapterize
Added: IP2Country, show src/file origin - evl - >> evl: IP2C [EastShare]
Added: Modicons in sourcelists - evl - >> evl: ModIconDLL [WiZaRd/Shadow2004]
Added: List icons for MLD, aMule etc - pP - >> pP: clientsoft icons
Added: Send static modstring - pP - >> pP: Modstring
Added: FunnyNicks - evl - >> evl: FunnyNicks [xrmb/SiRoB/Stulle]
Added: eMulate communities - evl - >> evl: EmulateComm [evcz]
Added: Detect CS by clientversion - evl - >> evl: Check if new or old CS is used
Added: Calc own score on peer - pP - >> pP: OwnScore [VQB]
Added: Calc scores only when needed - pP - >> pP: StoredRatio
Added: Basic localization - evl - >> pP: localize
Added: ModLog in ServerWnd - pP - >> pP: ModLog
Added: ModStats - pP - >> pP: TPT_ModStats
Added: Auto download priority - pP - >> pP: AutoDownPrio
Added: Own preferences page - pP - >> pP: PrefsPage
Added: Startup flood prevention - evl - >> evl: StartupFloodPrevention [Wizard]
Changed: Moved some outputs to ModLog - evl
Changed: corrected notation of used vars - evl

eMule 0.49b pP.evl rX.1.0ap.7z 2.61 MB
eMule 0.49b pP.evl rX 1.0ap.7z

10 November 2008

eMule 0.49b DaZZle Mod

An eMule Mod based on "eMule ~ DaZZle Mod 'by xpMule'"

Ver 0.49b another quick merge to 0.49b by Nick75

Ver 0.49a Really quick und dumb merge to eMule 0.49a by Nick75.

Changelog for eMule ~ DaZZle Mod 'by xpMule':

Ver 0.48a Updated by NoXZ

Ver 0.47a (By xpMule) v1.03
- compiled with Netfinity's (Pre XP/SP2) DLL Fix for VS-2003.
- Changed dazzle options tab dialog to mention warning about high cpu / memory usage.
- moved some dazzle code into emule files and removed the now un-needed source files.
- increased "knownClientsMap HashTable" to larger prime number.
- added data type code on many functions to prevent compiler warnings.
- MorphXT 8.5 eMule Visual Studio project files were used as a template for builds. (athlon/p4, beta etc)
- Visual Studio project files have been cleaned of any invalid information.
- 3 Builds have been compiled and tested with out any errors or warnings, Beta, Debug and Release.

Ver 0.47a (By xpMule) v1.02
- added new inverse creditsystem tweak posted by Dazzle.
- compiled with Netfinity's (Pre XP/SP2) DLL Fix for VS-2003.

Ver 0.47a (By xpMule) v1.01
- "Large Files" support fix on one function.
- Added version/name Strings in few dialogs
- minor code changes/improvements

Ver 0.47a (By xpMule) [Test Client]
- Updated core to 0.47a (ported dazzle code to stock 0.47a base files)
- Integrated "Large Files" support into DaZZLE functions/code.
- Minor visual improvement to DaZZle Dialog in options tab ?
- Re-Added speech engine.

Ver 0.47a Official Released
- Dazzle decides to take a break on the mod for a while.

ver 0.46c
- Updated core to 0.46c
- Updated zlib to 1.2.3
- Implemented netfinity's fix. Dazzle mod should now work on pre SP2 systems again However, I'm not able to test it
- The title bar now shows 'DaZZle Emule' instead of Emule
- USS now defaults to off, but if you do not give your connection info, new official code will automatically turn it on
- The installer will now always overwrite any existing binary. Useful when installing dazzle mod on top of a newer version of emule.
- Disabled version checker

ver 0.46a
- Updated core to 0.46a
- Updated zlib to 1.2.2
- Removed speech engine
- Incorporated Wizardofdos's fix of faster endgame code
- Full sharing is now the default sharing mode.

ver 0.45b.r4
- Bugfix in inverse credit system
- Added leecher protection. At least 1MB needs to be uploaded before they'll get a bonus from the inverse CS
- The upload kick @ 1.1mb is now random between 1.0 and 1.1 mb to make future detection more difficult
- A bug in official code caused all blocks to be reserved for download by one source when lowering the number of requests from 3 to 1. This happened when 9.3mb was left to download
- Global server search is now done up to 400 sources
- Chunk download selection algorithm is adapted so that it tries to complete the first chunk asap. This will allow the mod to start sharing faster and improve overall download speed.
- By default, USS is automatically disabled when the internet connection is gone. Removed this unwanted functionality
- There was an issue with the code that kicks clients that do not report QR: When a download finishes, the source has no QR for a while, it was then removed by this code. I changed this so that clients that have transferred data will never be auto-kicked from the download queue

ver 0.45b.r3
- Added custom splash screen and preferences icon (credits to JB)
- fixed: Queue-full sources were incorrectly dropped when not necessary and readded as an 'unknown' status source
- Files with <=50 will no longer drop NNP sources - Only 1 queuefull source is now dropped per second at maximum - Faster endgame: When download is finishing, slower sources will be dropped first instead of the faster ones (official emule behaviour) - Faster endgame: If a file has <> maxglobalsourcecount * 0.9
- NNP and QueueFull sources now only get a bonus of 2x (previously 5x) in the upload queue
- Sources are now kicked from upload if another client has a score 2x higher (previously 3x). This is not for clients who will be kicked at 1.1mb (they will always get their 1.1mb and be kicked once their upload starts).
- Dazzle settings were incorrectly written to the 'peercache' section in the ini file. This has been fixed, but you'll have to reconfigure your dazzle settings (they will be back on default on upgrade).
- When the upload queue is nearly full, clients with a low score will be dropped automatically.
- queuefull and NNP sources are starting to be dropped when sources gathering speed becomes slower.
- Due to the low resolution of the system timer, maxglobalsources got an inaccurate estimation, causing a value that was too high. I changed this so that it'll get a more realistic value
- Fixed a crash caused by adding sources to partfiles that are completing
- Fixed a crash that happened when we are send an invalid peercache packet (official code bug)
- Fixed a semi-freeze-crash that happend when an invalid peercache packet is send to us (again, official code bug)
- Fixed up the dazzle property page. Apply button now finally working correctly
- The auto-adjust setting now increases your settings right away when hitting 'apply', to adjust for the maxsources global count you configured.
- With the new queue cleanup, it's safe to use a 2000 limit queue. This saves a lot of cpu time for calculating the maxclientscore. New default for this setting is 2000

ver 0.44b.r2
- Compiled with unicode support
- Due to an integer division in the expression that calculates the remaining waiting time for sources, the estimate got rounded down and got very unprecise, or even gives an 'unknown' status after a while. This has been fixed. It caused the waiting time optimisation to stop functioning after a few hours.
- Unlimited search results (though you should cancel your search once you found what you have to save server resources)
- Noneeded parts and queue-full sources now get a 50% penalty when calculating score if they are in the upload queue
- Sources with a low expected waiting time are now preferred when uploading to them.
- Default nickname changed to 'Dazzle Mod' (Using a non-default nick will make you undetectable)
- Sources that are being uploaded to are no longer being reasked for a queue score every 10 minutes, but instead immediately after the upload is finished
- A bug in emule caused downloading files that failed to be shared (because sharing is disabled) to be shown in the shared files list anyway. This was only a visual bug. The files were not actually shared.
- The biggest bottleneck with many sources, source addition, is now done async in a delayed fashion. This allows for fast source gathering at the start and slower when it takes more time. Emule will no longer give as many freezes when you increase the number of sources per file.
- Optimized the addition of new sources. Adding sources should take less time and the mod is able to sustain way more global sources then before.
- Added a new 'global' maximum sources count. It works just like maxsourcesperfile, only globally. Since the maximum sources is a global limit you can now increase the max sources per file to 10.000 and let the global limit do the optimisation work instead (all optimisation for removing slow sources also work for the global limit).
- You can set the global max sources count in the dazzle dialog, or let it be adjusted automatically (currently a 'safe' source cap of 2000 is default)
- Estimated waiting time is now updated in real time (however, this makes it seem more accurate then it is. It's really just a rough estimate)
- Moved the 'client removed from download queue due to slow queue progression' to the debug log
- Clients are now kicked from upload if the clients in the upload queue have a score that is at least 3* higher. This should prevent clients how want 9.3mb of data to clog up the upload line for a long time if there are more needy clients waiting.
- Previously, some legacy code of mine prevented clients from getting into upload if the queue was empty. This could cause some unnecessary drops from the uploads. They are now immediately added again (as in the official client).
- Added an 'auto adjust' button to the max sources. It'll automatically adjust max sources to your processor, but also update the following settings: maxsourcesperfile = maxsourcesglobal; maxconnectionsper5secs = maxsourcesglobal / 100; maxconnections = maxconsper5secs * 15.
If your connection can't handle many connections per second, disable auto and use these guidelines:
maxconnections >= 15* maxnewconnections
maxsourcesglobal <= maxconnectionsper5secs * 100 maxsourcesperfile => maxsources global (let the global limit be a cap instead of the file limit)
- default queue size back to original 5000 sources to save cpu usage
- clients from whom we can gain a 10x ratio with 1.1mb will get 10% bonus (to differentiate them from the clients who have uploaded so much that they're back at 1x ratio again). As a side effect, this will give them yellow 'credits' icons. This is an easy way to recognize 'kick at 1.1mb' clients. This also causes your ratio on these clients to show up as '0.9'. This is not correct, it really is 1.0. (but yet another way to recognize them).
- Fixed a crash bug in the official emule source which could cause dropped sources who were readded to be deleted without removing them from the partfile.
- Fixed a bug by me that caused partfiles not to be added to the knownfilelist on completion in downloadonlysharing or nosharing mode and consequently they were not cleaned up on program exit
- global source searches are now only done for files with a sourcecount <> 0.8*filelimit, source that are queue-full or noneeded parts are dropped after two minutes. (this was changed in 0.43b.r2, but I forgot to mention it)
- Fixed a bug when uploading to clients when there's not credits to gain: Clients with 1.1mb upload with be allowed into the upload queue, but immediately got kicked when allowed to download
- New source info in downloadlist under 'remaining' column: Estimation until client will start its upload
- New download optimization: the 20% of sources with a long estimated waiting time until upload will get dropped if the number of sources > 0.9 * filelimit. This will give a speed increase when the number of sources is limited by the hard file limit.
- Sources that do not give queue ranking are dropped when the number of sources > 0.9 * filelimit. This is done because it's not possible to give this source a value and we would prefer a source where it is possible to estimate the waiting time.

ver 0.43b.r2:
- Faster sources finding through source exchange. Will find ALL sources available in shorter time. This will increase initial download speed and overal download speed.
- Disabled SoftMaxSources cap. This means the number of sources you can find is only capped by the HardMaxSources (configurable in the options) and the real number of sources available throughout the network. However, the amount of CPU time emule needs to handle sources increases quadratic with the amount of sources it has. A 10000 hard source limit is my recommended max. More sources will speed up your downloads, but will also slow down your computer. If your computer can't handle the load, downloads will be slower. You will notice this by 100% cpu load and freezes in the emule interface. Lower the max. number of sources to solve this. The default values shouldn't give any problems. This tweak will increase downloadspeed considerably, but only if you don't push it. The slowdowns will result in freezes and hiccups, but after a while, source searching will slow down and should have less of an impact
- Increased speed at which emule removes QueueFull sources when the number of sources is >0.8 * hard sources limit. This will increase the download speed slightly, by removing useless sources quickly so they can be replaced by useful sources.
- A new 'dazzle' settings page
- Share level setting on the settings page: you can now disable sharing, or reenable it (or use partfile sharing only, the old setting)
- You can now specify if you want to share to nonmule clients (because they don't have credit system). This was disabled in previous versions and now enabled by default
- You can now specify if you want to upload to clients with whom you've no credits to gain. This was disabled in previous version, but now enabled by default.
- You can now select if you want to publish files to networks. Publishing helps you spread faster as a source and is required if you want to share files you're not downloading. The chance if being caught sharing is highter though. Your client will still spread on a source for the files you are currently downloading through passive source addition and source exchange on other clients. (this is a process that happens on the network, only thing to prevent this is to completely disable sharing).
- The default settings for fresh installation now have better default settings and USS enabled by default. No tweaking should be necessary after installation (the maximum sources setting has not been tweaked yet, you should do that manually).

ver 0.43b: Merged with official 0.43b
ver 0.43a: Merged with official 0.43a

ver 0.42g:

- Credit system calculates the score you have on another client instead of the score the other client has with you (reverse credit)
- Upload priority is based on client credit score, not on waiting time. Clients we have the least credits with get the highest priority.
- Shows the credits you have on a client under the 'transferred' column
- Will only upload to clients we do not have maximum score with: 1MB for clients that have not uploaded, otherwise uploaded data squared, or 5 times the uploaded data, whichever is more.
- Allows as many friendslots as you want (they are not transient however)
- Only shares files you are currently downloading. Gives better protection against MPAA
- Disables all 10kb upload limits

op het laatst stopt hij


from search catch:
http://rapidshare.com/files/138520967/BIN___SRC_dazzle_based_eMule_0.49b.7z.html Mirror: http://filebase.to/files/70204/BIN__SRC_dazzle_based_eMule_0.49b.7z ...

older Versions with src:
bbs: http://www.dazzle-emule.com/forum/phpBB3/index.php

BIN___SRC_dazzle_based_eMule_0.49b.7z 17.97 MB

DaZZle.Mod.v0.48a.SRC%20by%20xpMule%20up 3.97 MB
DaZZle.Mod.v0.48a.BIN%20by%20xpMule%20up 1.53 MB

eMule-v0.47c-DaZZle.Mod-v1.05-by.flo-BIN 1.45 MB
eMule-v0.47c-DaZZle.Mod-v1.05-by.flo-SRC 1.95 MB

eMule-v0.47a-DaZZle.Mod-v1.03-by.xpMule-bin 1.80 MB
dazzle.emule.0.46c.installer.exe 2.05 MB

Serial Sniffer Creator 2.0


[ Description ]
Serial Sniffer Creator is a Cracking Tool to help you make a serial sniffer for any program and you can use it also as a Loader Creator.
[What new in this version 2.0 ]
1 - New wonderfull skin => thanks to RobenHoodArab <=.
2 - Browse button to choose your target.
3 - Scroller Text.
4 - Color button to choose the scroller text color.
5 - Patch memory that allow you to patch target addresses in memory.
6 - Save Dialog to save the sniffer file to the specified location.
7 - Only receiving HEX values from user.
8 - Default button to write a default How To Use text.
9 - Generating the Sniffer.exe file when starting the program and delete it when closing it.
10 - Update the Sniffer.exe file (New Skin - EditBox for Software Name - EditBox for How to use - Scroller Text).
11 - Support xm music files.
12 - you can now modify the default skin by modifying the skin.ss file with any ResEditor.
13 - Many Bugs Fixed.

08 November 2008

eMule 0.49b XdP 4.0b1


eMule v0.49b | -XdP- v4.0b1
-- developed by umeK --


ed2k: ed2k://|file|eMule%20v0.49b%20-XdP-%20v4.0%20beta1.rar|2863512|BE1B9F24B0D7F27FDE073189FD37D60E|/
http: eMule v0.49b -XdP- v4.0 beta1.rar 2.73 MB
Thank you!!!

eMule v0.49b MagicAngel v3.5

Changelog for eMule v.49b [Magic Angel v3.5]

MERGED: to eMule 0.49b MorphXT 11.1 [gomez82]
UPDATED: DLP(XMan/Stulle/zzfly00) [gomez82]
UPDATED: German Language File(Tiboke) thx ;)

this is beta not tested very well,
some things maybe don't work as expected ...



Hope u have no Problem with that sfrqlxert and evcz i always liked MA so i did that merge

Changelog for eMule v.48a [Magic Angel v3.1]
- 05 july 2007
MERGED: to MorphXT v10.1 [evcz]
ADDED: *LOGGING-ONLY* - Secure Source Exchange (beta) - Detects clients sending source response with invalid ips [sFrQlXeRt]
FIXED: Crash with Secure Source Exchange in 3.1beta1 when adding an ed2k link with IP [evcz]
ADDED: [EMULATE]Emulate Community Nick Addon (*only clients not punished are emulated*) [evcz]
FIXED: Load from preferences MA and MA+ creditsystem correctly [evcz]
FIXED: Link in server window pointing to Magic Angel homepage [evcz]
FIXED: Leecher Icon overlay [evcz]
ADDED: AJ-community-detection by userhash, code from xtreme 6.1 (GPL breaker punishmet used) [evcz]

bin: eMule-v0.49b-MagicAngel-v3.5-bin-updated-AddOns.rar
older: eMule-v0.49b-MagicAngel-v3.5-bin.rar

src: eMule-v0.49b-MagicAngel-v3.5-src.rar

homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/magicangel/
