24 July 2009

Iron 3.0.189 Beta SRWare Iron - Web Browser based on Google Chrome


SRWare Iron: The browser of the future - based on the free Sourcecode "Chromium" - without any problems at privacy and security

Google's Web browser Chrome thrilled with an extremely fast site rendering, a sleek design and innovative features. But it also gets critic from data protection specialists , for reasons such as creating a unique user ID or the submission of entries to Google to generate suggestions. SRWare Iron is a real alternative. The browser is based on the Chromium-source and offers the same features as Chrome - but without the critical points that the privacy concern.


Comparism of Iron vs. Chrome at privacy:
- Client-ID
Chrome creates a unique ID through which a user can be theoretically identified.
- Timestamp
Chrome remembers up to the second exactly when the software was installed.
- Suggest
Depending on the configuration, each time you put something in the address line,this information is to Google to provide suggestions.
- Alternate Error Pages
Depending on the configuration, if you have typed a false address in the adress bar, this is sent to Google and you get an error message from Google's servers.
- Error Reporting (to http://web-bug.appspot.com/bugreport; http://fix.me.please/?url=$1)
Depending on the configuration, details about crashes or failures are sent Google's servers.
- RLZ-Tracking
This Chrome-function transmits information in encoded form to Google, for example, when and where Chrome has been downloaded.
- Google Updater
Chrome installs a updater, which loads at every Windows in background.
- URL-Tracker
Calls depending on the configuration five seconds after launch the Google homepage in background

( - does not exist in Iron )

News Source: http://www.srware.net/en/software_srware_iron.php
BBS: http://www.srware.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=431


Download Installer:
http://www.srware.net/downloads/srware_iron_beta.exe | Mirror 9.32 MB

Download Portable:
http://www.srware.net/downloads/IronPortable_beta.zip | Mirror 13.54 MB

For Linux: http://www.srware.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=442
For Mac: http://www.srware.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=418
src: http://www.srware.net/software_srware_iron_download.php

xtras: http://srware.net/downloads/adblock.ini

Change Google Chrome’s User Agent String:

No patching is necessary. Just open up your Chrome shortcut and append the switch
-user-agent=”Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)”

For example I am using Internet Explorer 8 in Windows XP. I am using latest stable version of Google Chrome, v2.0.172.x My IE user agent is

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0)

My shortcut to Google Chrome shows the following:

"C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\\chrome.exe"

I add the option switch and user agent, and it becomes

"C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\\chrome.exe" --user-agent="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0)"


Iron works great with Ad Muncher never ending Trial.

eMule 0.49c - Lite private edition 24.07.09 Hotfix

eMule 0.49c - Lite privat edition 24.07.09

Important update about ModID.



+ Fixed Nick Addon Faker/ModID (was detect by "suspect hello")
+ Manual Reask Client

older changes:


+ Up-Management
+ Send FakeRank
+ Friend Boost
+ Nick Addon Faker
+ Emulate Others
+ Only Up to eMule
+ Readded Xtreme ModID
+ Shutdown after Download
- Removed 64BitTime


+ Knownfiles in Incoming unshareable
+ Faster KAD source finding
+ Downloads in red
+ Kick
+ Ban
+ PowerRelease for Partfiles
+ Partfiles in blue
+ Some Codecleanings
- Removed Scheduler
- Removed some restrictions

+ Changed/removed others i forgot... ;-)

based on eMule0.49c-Lite: http://emulex.sourceforge.net/?en-us

Filesharehost | DDL1 | DDL2 | DDL3


Thanks a lot! It's gone be one of the best releaser Mods out there!

Note from Blog Admin: Discussions/Comments about manual kick and ban features in Mods are not permitted. There ain't no reason to discuss it again! The questions have been filled already 6 years ago.
To enable manual 'remove client from Upload' menu (=kick) by all VeryCD EasyMule Mods add to the preference.ini the following line to debug upqueue
DebugUpQueue=1 (see Preferences.cpp - CPreferences::m_iDebugUpQueue by each build src)

New userscripts for Google Chrome

AdBlock+ for Chrome.
Version: 1.1.1 by Lex1
+ Alt+U for "visual" unblocking.
+ Blocking objects and embeds.
+ Alt+E for editing styles
* Shorter css-rules.


FlashBlock for Chrome. Press Alt+F for permanent unblocking.
Version: 1.2.10
+ Ctrl+Click for saving flash/flash-video.
+ Blocking Silverlight
+ Alt+F work as «enable/disable»



Hide js-popups
Hide javascript popups.
Version: 1.0.6

This scripts is intended for the universal blocking javascript-popups.
Some sites where it was tested: http://here-best.ru/ http://2baksa.net/ http://www.gerz.ru/ http://binmovie.ru/

Script is worked in Google Chrome and Opera.
The extension for Chrome.


google Enhanced BLACK v2.8.0
This Google Black script enhances all Google service pages with an inverted color-scheme for reduced eye fatigue; it also removes ads & clutter and improves page layout and readability by widening search results
Version: 2.8.0

This Google BLACK Theme script enhances:

* Google Homepage Link to Google Homepage
* iGoogle Homeapge Link to iGoogle Homeapge
* Google Search Results Link to Google Search Results
* Google Images Link to Google Images
* Google Video Link to Google Video
* Google News Link to Google News
* Google Maps Link to Google Maps
* Google Translate Link to Google Translate
* Google Shopping/Products/Froogle Link to Google Shopping/Products/Froogle
* Google Reader Link to Google Reader
* Google FinanceLink to Google Finance New enhancement
* Google CalendarLink to Google Calendar New enhancement
* Google Dictionary Link to Google Dictionary
* Google ProfilesLink to Google Profiles
* Google Voice Link to Google Voice
* Google Groups Link to Google Groups
* Google Books Link to Google Books New enhancement
* Google Trends Link to Google Trends
* Google PatentsLink to Google Patents
* Google LabsLink to Google Labs
* Google Experimental Link to Google Experimental
* Google Code Link to Google Code
* Google Support Link to Google Support
* Google Notebook Link to Google Notebook
* Add to Google (RSS) Link to example Add to Google (RSS) page
* Google Toolbar site Link to Firefox start-page
* Firefox start-page Link to Firefox start-page

Compatible with both Google Chrome and Opera browser (update-check & rounded-corners not supported)




GMail Professional skin
Give a professional apparence to your GMail with this skin!
Version: 5.0

Works with the last CSS code of GMail

* Footer, logo, logo on print, chat and invites boves, icons, spam count, and ads have been removed
* Hover-effect on messages in blue color
* New mail incoming is highlighted in yellow color
* Selected message in light yellow
* Works with small attachment icons, and blank canvas signature scripts
* Font size has been fixed to 11px but can be easily changed in the code







ntegrates your Google Calendar in to your Personal Gmail/Google Apps account. Now works with Google Chrome too.
Version: 2.0.2

* Adds your selected Google Calendars to your Gmail account as an agenda view that is put on the right side
* Remembers the calendars that you choose to not show
* Collapsible
* Detects your computers Timezone to show your events relative
* Works for Google Apps accounts as well



for twitter




Search Other Engine in *

This is a style to enhance the appearance of my "Search Other Engine in Baidu/Google/Youdao" GreaseMonkey Scripts:
* for Baidu: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/46658
* for Google: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/46659
* for Youdao: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/46660
*[My scripts are mostly for Simplified Chinese users.]
Enlarged fonts;pop-out outline and background color; optional settings to fix the position of the "Jump Bar".


more searcher
Adds links to other search engines when searching for something on google.


Check out Google's latest ideas


23 July 2009

Hellotxt, Plurk, Twitter, FriendFeed for SeaMonkey Sidebar


Since there not many Social Bookmarking Extensions out for Mozilla Seamonkey here a quick solution to add Twitter ( mobile twitter ) to xSidebar for Seamonkey

Add Twitter to SeaMonkey Sidebar Panel - Twitter Panel

Add Leecher Mods to SeaMonkey Sidebar Panel - Wap Green

Add Plurk to SeaMonkey Sidebar Panel - Plurk

Add Hellotxt to SeaMonkey Sidebar Panel - Hellotxt

Add FriendFeed to SeaMonkey Sidebar Panel - FriendFeed

There's another possible way but run over a 3th service via http://www.fftogo.com/login/

xSidebar for Seamonkey: http://xsidebar.mozdev.org/

Idea taken from this page: http://www.dmoz.org/Netscape/Sidebar/

Latest SeaMonkey Builds:
browsing this folder: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/seamonkey/

Tested with:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en; rv:1.9.2a1pre) Gecko/20090720 SeaMonkey/2.1a1pre - Build ID: 20090720012539

Mouse over password

SeaMonkey and Opera works great with Ad Muncher never ending Trial edition. Don't install browser plugin or it will do phone calls with user id to http://www.admuncher.com/request_will_be_intercepted_by/Ad_Muncher/browserextensions.pl?

eMule 0.49c - Lite privat edition 22.07.09

eMule0.49c-Lite1.5.1.2 privat edition (22.07.09)


eMule0.49c Xtreme 7.2 (Lite1.5.1.2) privat edition

+ Up-Management
+ Send FakeRank
+ Friend Boost
+ Nick Addon Faker
+ Emulate Others
+ Only Up to eMule
+ Readded Xtreme ModID
+ Shutdown after Download
- Removed 64BitTime

eMule0.49c-Lite1.5.1.2 privat edition (beta)

+ Knownfiles in Incoming unshareable
+ Faster KAD source finding
+ Downloads in red
+ Kick
+ Ban
+ PowerRelease for Partfiles
+ Partfiles in blue
+ Some Codecleanings
- Removed Scheduler
- Removed some restrictions

+ Changed/removed others i forgot... ;-)

based on eMule0.49c-Lite: http://emulex.sourceforge.net/?en-us


Filesharehost | DDL

Thanks a lot!

22 July 2009

Mozilla Multi-process Firefox Electrolysis First Test Builds Download

Firefox Electrolysis Beta test build started

Mozilla has started a new project to make Firefox split into several processes at a time, one running the the browser UI (chrome), and several others running the web content, and plugins.
The working name for this project is Electrolysis.

Initial goals:

* Provide better application UI responsiveness
* Improve stability from slow rendering or crashes caused by content
* Improve performance, especially on multi-core machines

Potential future goals:

* Provide security enhancements by running the content process in protected or isolated modes.

Note: This video is currently only supported in Firefox 3.5

Video: http://people.mozilla.org/~cjones/ff-mp-demo.ogg

Info: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Content_Processes

Changelog: http://hg.mozilla.org/projects/electrolysis

Main Folder: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/tinderbox-builds/
Daily Windows Builds: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/tinderbox-builds/electrolysis-win32/ (Today's windows builds did not start by our tests)
Linux Builds: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/tinderbox-builds/electrolysis-linux/
Mobile: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/tinderbox-builds/mobile-electrolysis/

News source: http://www.google.com/search?q=firefox+electrolysis

64 bit Firefox builds:
