02 August 2010

Cool GreaseMonkey Scripts to Skip waiting times, Page Ads and more...



RedirectionHelper (Linkbee and others...)

Download/Install: skip_redirect_fixed_TeL.user.js

01 August 2010

uTorrent 2.0.3 Build 20664 Serenity mod by Owyn

uTorrent -Serenity- mod: codename uSerenity

Coded by: BitTorrent Inc.

Modded by: Owyn

Changelog / Features:


-uSerenity.exe - edited uTorrent, standalone
-uSerenity.dll - goes with uSerenity.exe
-uSerenity Settings.exe - setting manager for uSerenity


Ignores the private flag, so DHT and Peer Exchange is enabled for ANY new torrent.
(DHT FTW! *_*)

Your upload and download aren't reported to the tracker. (allways reported as zero) *So you don't have to worry about your ratings and fake stats.


The completed event isn't sent to the tracker. (No entry in the snatchlist) *And yes it is really not reported, not like in other mods, here it just doesn't send anything to tracker when you complete a torrent.


Your "left to download" stat is allways reported to tracker as 100%. *So that says you didn't download anything.


Your "downloaded corrupt file-parts" stat isn't reported to tracker (allways zero). *If you didn't download anything, how come you downloaded something corrupt?!


You connect to tracker just once on .torrent start to grab peers, on timeout you will be removed from snatchlist

-Upload Multiplier:

Multiplies your uploaded stats being sent to tracker by a random number in the range you choose


Every second after .torrent start random number in the range you choose is added to uploaded stat which will be sent to tracker dependless upload you or not, you can specify minumal amounth of peers to be connected to in order to add add fake upload

-Per Torrent settings:

You can choose settings for each .torrent you has (noupload, nocomplete, fakeupload etc)


-Unzip contents to your Utorrent folder (or anywhere else)

-Make shortcuts of uSerenity to your desktop (or don't)

-Add setting-prfiles in uSerenity -settings manager-

-Use them as labels in uSerenity

-Check about page in uTorrent Serenity to see if it is loaded ^_^


-Case insensitive

-Works if found inside label string (eg. profile "stealth" in label "(Stealthy) Porn"


-announces are fully correct and don’t differ from normal uTorrent announcesto tracker (rare thing nowadays)

-Should be faster than original Utorrent (nocompression)

-Nice bright icons and changed about window

-not removed updating *if you want to see when new version comes out, and if it does, come here and get a new one :> *it can be ready in less than a day if I know about new version


Download: mediafire
Password: uSerenity11

28 July 2010

eMule 0.50a No.Name

eMule 0.50a No.Name

Changelog eMule v0.50a No.Name:

add 80% score for non SI clients [Xman]
add Additional Security Check [Wizard]
add Anti Corruption [WiZaRd]
add Anti Leech System [B4n$h33]
add Anti-nickthieftag [B4n$h33]
add Anti Shape [Netfinity]
add Auto-Kick Data [B4n$h33]
add Auto-Kick Timer [B4n$h33]
add Automatic Firewalled Retries [Wizard]
add Automatic shared files updater [ghc]
add Average Queue Ranking [Xman/Changed B4n$h33]
add Ban Client with Bad UserHash [B4n$h33]
add Better Passive Source Finding [X-Ray]
add Client percentage [B4n$h33]
add Client Times and Qrs in downlist [B4n$h33]
add Catch oversized public key in credit.met file [SiRoB]
add Choose Your ModString [Spee64/Chenged B4n$h33]
add ConChecker [X-Ray]
add Copy statistics [dlarge/Changed B4n$h33]
add Detection for uncounted upload [pP]
add Dynamic Block Requests [Netfinity/B4n$h33]
add dynamic IP-Filters [Xman]
add Dynamic Reask [B4n$h33]
add Don't drop trickle slots [pP]
add Drop Blocking Clients [XRay]
add Drop System [pP]
add Emulate other [Spike2]
add Enhanced Client Recognition v2 [Spike2]
add Fake eChanblard [Umek]
add Fake Rank [B4n$h33]
add Fakealyzer [Netfinity/Changed B4n$h33]
add filter clients with failed downloads [Xman]
add Filter FullQueue [B4N$h33]
add Filter LowID [B4N$h33]
add Filter NoEmuleClient [B4N$h33]
add Filter NoNeedPart [B4N$h33]
add Filter out unreachable LowID-sources [Xman]
add Filter some Suspect Bad Uploader [B4n$h33]
add Find best sources [Xman]
add Font in bold [$ick$]
add Friends in color and in bold [RoadRunner]
add Funny Nicks [xrmb/Canged B4n$h33]
add Generate New Personal Security Hash [LSD]
add Horde op-codes [Netfinity]
add Increases the Score to the Good Clients [B4n$h33]
add Inform Clients after IP Change [Stulle/Changed B4n$h33]
add IntelliFlush [WiZaRd]
add IP2C Auto Update [ev!l1/Changed B4n$h33]
add IP Client at clientdetail [B4n$h33]
add IP Filter Auto Update [Alias/Changed B4n$h33]
add IP to Country [TK4/Changed B4n$h33]
add L2HAC [Neo Mule]
add manual reask for new sources [KTS]
add manual Reask Nnp/FullQ/All [Lsd/Changed B4n$h33]
add manual swap A4AF [X-Ray/Changed B4n$h33]
add Mass Rename [AcKroNiC]
add Mod ID [B4n$h33]
add Mod Log & add Leecher Log [pP/Changed B4n$h33]
add Multi Server Connect [Sarutobi]
add never ban friend [KTS]
add no share single file in Upload Priority [B4n$h33]
add Node.dat Auto Update [pP/Changed B4n$h33]
add Out lined Percentage in Bold [B4n$h33]
add Own Preferences.ini = No.NamePrefs.ini [B4n$h33]
add Powershare [B4n$h33]
add Publish files on the Server [Dazzle/Changed B4n$h33]
add Publish files on the Kad [B4n$h33]
add Publish small incomplete files fix [Wizard]
add Queuerank at clientdetail [Xman]
add Quickstart [DavidXanatos]
add QRdiff [pP/Changed B4n$h33]
add Random Modstring [B4n$h33]
add Relax on startup [WiZaRd]
add Reset Kad-IP on IP-Change [Spike2]
add Rqr only color Swithcable [B4n$h33]
add Save load Sources [Xman]
add Server Rotation [B4n$h33]
add Set Server.met URL [pP]
add Share Level [Dazzle]
add Side Banner [TPT/Changed B4n$h33]
add slot controll [pP/Changed B4n$h33]
add Slot Focus [pP]
add Some Time count in client detail [B4n$h33]
add Show Chunkdots [Slugfiller]
add Show clients with shared files visible in brown marked [B4n$h33]
add Show Complete up/down [B4n$h33]
add Show CPU/MEM usage in Transferwindow [$ick$/Changed B4n$h33]
add Show Donwload in bold [B4n$h33]
add Show Download in Color [pP/Changed B4n$h33]
add Show Downloading Time in Downloadlist [SLAHAM]
add Show Fake Queue Position Sent at client detail [B4n$h33]
add show filename immediately [Xman]
add Show Free Space on Title [B4n$h33]
add Show flag Ip to Country [X-Ray]
add Show LowIDs in color [Xman/Changed B4n$h33]
add Show MQR in DownloadlistCtrl [Spike2/Changed B4n$h33]
add Show paused files in grey [MorphXT Mod]
add Show progress of hashing files [O2/Changed B4n$h33]
add Show RQR/Speed [iOniX Mod/Changed B4n$h33]
add Show Server in Transferwindow [Mondgott/Changed B4n$h33]
add Show Speed Meter [?]
add Show version see clientversion in every window [Xman]
add Stop Single Client [Xman]
add Swithc ModString [B4n$h33]
add UDP Reask security check [Netfinity]
add Upload Priority in DownloadlistCtrl [evl/Changed B4n$h33]
add Upload Protection [B4n$h33]
add Upload to Uploader [B4n$h33]
add Visualize Ip near User Name [B4n$h33]
add Visualize Mod Icons [B4n$h33]
add WinSockV2 [eWombat]
Change Don't accept to short message-filters [Wizard]
Change Slot Controll Code [B4n$h33]
Change some setting of default [B4n$h33]
fix Memory Leak on Low ID Smart Check [Dolphin]
fix QueueSize [Wizard]
fix Statusbar [Eulero]
fix sorting [WiZaRd]
fix Wrong Hover [Wizard]
fix Wrong null userhash [ilmira]
IrcFix [B4n$h33]
remove limit search result [B4n$h33]
remove information advertising of the server [B4n$h33]
remove ratio [B4n$h33]
some bug fix [B4n$h33]
some change in opcodes.h [B4n$h33]
some crash fix [B4n$h33]
Some Kad Fix [Wizard]
Some Update for old code


Download eMule 0.50a No.Name

Special Thanks to: King-Zeus, Dozer, fabius, feeling, ghc and Mr.Ado

Spread This Mod Everywhere you are all authorized!


eMule 0.50a MorphXT+ v12.4

.....:::: MorphXT+ ::::.....
- Versione NON bannata - risolve il problema dei nick -

La MorphXT+ รจ basata sulla MorphXT originale ma usa un session ratio di 1:7 (invece di 1:3)
per non avere problemi con le attuali aDSL italiane troppo sbilanciate sulla banda di download.



eMule 0.50a MorphXT+ 12.4

CHANGED: Original session zzRatio of 1:3 (UL:DL) increased to 1:7 to works fine
with Italian standard aDSL connections - 1280:256 and 2048:256 [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Minimal upload limit to avoid the zzRatio limitation from 10KB/s to 20KB/s
and average upload limit from 10KB/s to 15KB/s (now you need to give more
than before :p ) [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Minimal upload limit to avoid download limitation from 10KB/s to 20KB/s
(you need to give more than all other eMule clients) [FrankyFive]

CHANGED: Many standard icons [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Some default options [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Modstring to avoid the ban of official MorphXT v6.3 - v7.2 - v.7.7 - v.8.0 or later [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: HDD Protect - Increased max File Buffer Size to 20Mb with steps of 256KB [FrankyFive]
ADDED: HDD Protect - Slidebar on "extended settings" to select Buffer Time Limit (1-30 mins) [FrankyFive]
ADDED: Auto configuration for Italian standard aDSL connections (on Wizard panel) [FrankyFive]

Bin: emulev0.50a-MorphXT+v12.4-bin.zip
SRC: emulev0.50a-MorphXT+v12.4-src.zip

27 July 2010


PROTECTiON iD v6.4.0


- detection of every major PC ISO Game / Application protection
- currently covers 499 detections, including win32/64 exe protectors & packers, .net protectors, dongles, licenses & installers
- sector scanning CDs / DVDs for Copy Protections
- files / folders can simply be drag & droped into pid
- strong scanning routines allowing it to detect multiple protections
- easy scanning via shell context menu
- usefully misc tools included
- coded 100% in Win32 assembly language
- fully 32bit & 64bit compliant
- working from Win9x to Windows 7

Homepage: http://pid.gamecopyworld.com/

Trial Reset 4 Final


Trial-Reset is an registry cleaning tool. The main function of Trial-Reset is remove the keys generated by commercial and freeware protector.

Trial-Reset doesn't crack the program but only extends the Trial period.

What's new v4.0 Final (Public):
-Fixed auto-backup
-Fixed some minor bugs

What's new v4.0 RC1 (Public):
-Added IntelliLock scanner
-Added Net Reactor scanner
-Added Protexis Licensing scanner
-Added ZXProtector scanner
-Fixed plugins crash on x64 os
-Fixed command line regression

What's new v4.0 beta 3 (Public):
-Added FlexNet scanner (probably works also on SafeCast 2.x)
-Added Nalpeiron scanner
-Added Manco Licensing scanner
-Added support for x64 version of protectors (see WoW64 in options menu)
-Rewrite plugin's interface to be more fast and flexible
-Various user interface improvements and changes

What's new v4.0 beta 2 (Public):
-Fixed memory leak that cause random crash
-Rename NoobyProtect to Safengine Licensor
-Reactivated the scanner progress
-Fixed various regressions

What's new v4.0 beta 1
-Fixed ASProtect scanner for reduce false positive
-Fixed Obsidium scanner and update to new version
-Update WinLicense scanner to support new versions
-Added NoobyProtect scanner
-Fixed Win64 compatibility problems
-Fixed various graphic problem in Windows AERO
-Speed optimization in the file scanner

Downloadtrial-reset40final.7z 496.84 KB | Mirror
